Thursday, May 22, 2014

Melanie Metheny

Melanie Metheny has been missing from West Virginia since July 19, 2006. Since then, her name has come up in testimony once, during a trial in West Virginia, but she still has not been found. 

We start with the four of wands, a happy, celebratory card, crossed by the five of swords, a violent, vengeful card. It appears that Melanie was simply going about her own business on July 19, when she was targeted by a very violent man. This is founded by the ace of wands, which represents the window of opportunity this man was able to open, here. The ace of wands can describe  new family, birth, or business opportunity, and sometimes, an inheritance; but it is always an asset that acts as an opportunity, not something to be hoarded. Whoever the man is, he knew enough about Melanie to know that she had something he wanted, and thought he could take, as illustrated in the six of pentacles, which follows. The six of pentacles tells us that Melanie might have been willing to lend or give this man money, but he, for some reason, wasn't satisfied. As the card has fallen upside right, it does not quite fit the scenario of a robbery, but the violence of the five of swords describes the situation as very similar to a robbery. 

The next card is the Knight of Cups, reversed. This man is a liar, who is often involved in theft and fraud. Sometimes, drugs, alcohol, and addiction are part of the picture. This is the person who can lead us to Melanie. The four of swords follows, reversed. I believe the message in this card, as it has come up, is paranoia. The unrest, and sometimes, fear, that are associated with the four of swords falling reversed have a lot to do with why Melanie disappeared. The perpetrator was unwilling to take a chance that she would testify about him. 

For self, indicating Melanie, we get the three of cups. As a situation, this is another happy card, but it falls in a place we often find fears. She was aware, at some point, that she had been snatched from a family she cherished.......the ultimate robbery. As a location, it would indicate springs and small streams. For environment, the Tarot gives us the five of cups, which is another water card. The five of cups tells us that clues have been overlooked, and valuable information has somehow been rejected. As a location, it would also indicate streams. In the place of hopes, we find the Emperor, who represents control. He is also a man who would like to see Melanie found. While law enforcement is usually represented by court cards in the suit of swords, I think the Emperor may be an investigator. He would love to use force on the suspect to gain information, as illustrated by the ace of swords appearing as the final outcome, but hopefully, he will remember to be a bit more subtle and mindful of emotions when he gathers information, which is another message of the three and five of cups. 

Another suggestion of the four of swords is man-made tunnels and shafts. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Kelli Bordeaux Has Been Found


Kelli Bordeaux, who disappeared in North Carolina on April 14, 2012, has been found, deceased. A young man named Nicholas Holbert has been charged with murder in this case.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Update On Relisha Rudd

A question was posed to me concerning the time frame of finding Relisha Rudd. The Tarot is notoriously difficult to understand in establishing time frames, but I will attempt to answer this question based, not only on linear time, but other considerations. Sometimes, a clue linked to an event can help with a guess about how much time is needed, or the Tarot can give us a suggestion.

The first three cards, which represent the past, are the five of wands, the seven of pentacles, and the five of pentacles. The five of wands tells us about games and trickery. Precious time was lost in reporting Relisha missing, because the perpetrator was playing games with everyone from Relisha's family to her school, and later on, to law enforcement. The seven of pentacles is a situation of carefully waiting for fruit to ripen on a cultivated tree, with tells me that initially, a sincere effort to find Relisha was actually made. It came up empty, as we can see with the five of pentacles. Note that we have two fives here, which can mean five of anything, or the fifth of something........we may have the fifth month, which would be May; or we may have five weeks. The suggestion in the seven of pentacles is that this investigation will take some digging and some legwork before it comes to fruition.

The three cards which represent the the present are Death, reversed; the two of pentacles, reversed; and the Hierophant. When Death appears reversed, we are being told that there is stagnant energy about, as in movement is stalled. The two of cups is a water card; once again, we are reminded that water is part of this entire picture. But as this card falls reversed, there is not only instability in the physical environment, such as rain and varying water levels, but disagreement between the community and investigators about finding Relisha. In the future, the Hierophant foretells some agreement, however. He represents codified conformity and community. Individuals in Relisha's community still feel that authorities have dropped the ball on this situation, though. The reader should note that the numeric value of the Hierophant is also five.

The future of this effort brings us the ten of wands, reversed; the Emperor, and the ace of swords. The ten of wands reversed speaks to the recognition of failed efforts. I say "recognition" because it is followed by the Emperor, who is a decisive male figure with a certain amount of authority. Combined with the Hierophant in the last three cards, he can give searchers a lot of help and direction. The last card is the ace of swords, which augers success, but also tells us that new methods must be employed here. New tools, and possibly an aerial view, either connected to this search; or in some other process, yet yielding clues, nonetheless; will be helpful. But it will happen, and in the meantime, no clue, phone call, message, tip, or sighting should be overlooked or discounted. 

Time constraints and time frames are very hard to deduce from Tarot, but it looks like five is a symbolic number, this time. It could be five weeks or five months, or the first week after the fifth month, or the five could mean something else, entirely. This reading gave us something else, though; it showed a few of the challenges in finding this little girl. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

New Picture Of Relisha Rudd

This is a recent picture of Relisha Rudd that was shared with me on Facebook. It has been over two months since she was last seen alive, and more searches are planned tomorrow. Awareness is very important in missing persons cases; please feel free to share Relisha's picture.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Brittanee Drexel

The fifth anniversary of Brittanee Drexel's disapearance just passed on April 25, and her case piqued my interest, because she's been missing for so long. No one just vanishes into this air.

We start with the Page of Cups crossed by The High Priestess. Brittanee, the Page, was quite emotional about going on this trip to Myrtle Beach. Her mother, represented by the High Priestess, had not given her permission to go. In this instance, The High Priestess, rather than the Empress, better illustrates the mother's input, because it involved authority and instruction, rather than care taking. These two were at odds, but the ultimate decision to leave home without permission was undertaken by Brittanee.

The four of wands appears in the place of foundation for this situation, only it is reversed. Generally, reversal does not alter the meaning of this card too much, but in this case, I think the card is telling us that the usual party or vacation after hard work described by this card was somehow less than perfect, here. There was still a celebration of sorts, but Brittanee was somehow out of place. The next card is the three of wands, also reversed. This is betrayal, often disguised as friendship or assistance. But why? We find the ten of swords, reversed as a possibility: there was a power play going on, followed by physical violence. I never like to see the ten of swords appear in a reading about a missing person. This is followed up by the ten of wands, which, in this case, is a problem solved by unwise use of power. Ten seems to be a telling number here; it is a number describing completions or endings, but the Tarot could also be trying to give us a clue to location. The ten of wands also suggests that Brittanee was taken somewhere, and did not walk or drive, herself.

Temperance comes up in the place of self, and my attention was drawn to the hills in the background on this card, in the Ryder-Waite deck. This forces me to wonder if this is connected to physical location......Temperance Drive or Road? Temperance Hill? Esoterically and otherwise, this card refers to efficient combinations that work well together, and to melting away impurities. Once is awhile, resisting recreational drugs and alcohol is also suggested by this card, but I really think it calls our attention to the name of a place. The nine of cups came up reversed in surroundings, and card tells of health, good food, and stability when upright, but reversed, it means the opposite. Somehow, too much drinking, or consumption of something toxic or just unhealthy, was part of this picture. The star shows up reversed in the place of hopes; this is pessimism. It can also describe a place where water reflects the light of stars and the moon, but it's position is reversed in this reading, and I would expect to find the subject currently unable to benefit from the hope offered by this card when it falls upside right. The last card is the six of cups. This card is a card of memories of the past, and I would be inclined to look for clues to Brittanee's whereabouts in a place that was familiar to at least one of her companions. It might even be a place one of them frequented as a child. This reading tells of betrayal, so I think someone familiar to Brittanee was involved in her disappearance, rather than a stranger. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How Did Teleka Patrick Get Into Lake Charles?

Teleka Patrick, who went missing on December 5 of 2013, was recently found deceased in Lake Charles, in Indiana. It is thought that she drowned, but there are still many unanswered questions about this case. A reader asked me if I would do a reading to see what the cards would say about how it happened, and I will attempt that.

The first three cards I drew, telling me about the immediate past....before she fell into the water.....are the High Priestess, the Page of Swords, and the seven of cups. The High Priestess represents hidden purpose, and it appears that Teleka had decided upon a direction and destination, but had not shared this information with anyone. The Page of Swords is often a young person, but in this case, I think the card represents a phone call, text message, or an email that Teleka probably received on her phone. The seven of cups reversed is determination and progress. Despite the fact that she did not share her plans with anyone, she still used her phone and social media.

The next three cards, discussing the time she actually disappeared, were the five of pentacles, reversed; the nine of wands, reversed; and the Page of Cups. The five of pentacles reversed redefines her trip as an attempt to re-establish a connection with a friend. The nine of wands reversed tells us that she met with an obstacle of some kind, and this may very well have been the flat tire her car incurred. I am inclined to believe that the Page of Cups is someone who tried to help, as this card often speaks of assistance and help, but who was unsuccessful because Teleka didn't know him. He appears upside right, so I will assume he meant her no harm.

The next three cards, which give us the outcome, are Temperance, the eight of swords, and the three of cups, reversed. Temperance is balence via appropriate combinations. I think Teleka had intended to seek help with her flat tire in a safer venue than the roadside. The eight of swords is almost a picture of what happened: she lost her balence, fell into some water, and found herself trapped, somehow. The three of cups is also a "water" card, but it sometimes augers sad endings as well as different types of imbalances, physical included. I think she may have suffered from hypothermia, which would explain how she was "trapped", and finally drowned. Despite the speculations surrounding Teleka's death, I do not believe it was a suicide. This reading portrays it as an accident. Prayers to Teleka's family.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Teleka Patrick Found

Sadly, Teleka Patrick was found deceased in Lake Charles, in Porter, Indiana last week. It appears that she drowned, but there still seem to be more questions than answers, so I will follow this up with a reading about how it happened.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Relisha Rudd

Relisha Rudd is an eight year old girl who was last seen by those who know her in March 1 of this year. So far, no witness has been able to provide reliable details on her whereabouts, and at least one suspect has been found deceased. While the poster above describes an event that has already taken place, this was the best picture I could find that was also combined with contact information. 

The reading starts with the ace of pentacles crossed by the seven of swords. This ace tells of prosperity in it's early stages, and the seven of swords crossing it suggests that counsel and premeditation of some kind are, or were, required due to lack of ownership or lack of skill. This is an unusual way for a reading about a missing child to begin, and it already looks as if Relisha was taken by someone who did not have custodial rights to do so, and it looks like money may have been a motive. The Hierophant appears below this, telling us that someone felt a need to "conform". While this may have been Relisha's mother, trying to create a more stable lifestyle, there is also a possibility that this is how the perpetrator was able to take blending in and pretending to be legitimate. 

The nine of pentacles appears in the recent past, and this is a card of stability; somehow, this plays a role in motive and location here. This is a situation in which Relisha blended in while she disappeared, and still somehow blends in. The card telling us of that possible outcome, and possibly the best outcome, is the Lovers. This card not only represents romance, but the element of choice. This is for the future, and something that has not come to pass, so I will say more about this later on. The next card is the Knight of Pentacles, who is a middle aged man connected to this. His position has to do with the very near future, so I do not believe he is the suspect who was found deceased. As he is upside right, I will assume, for now, that he is kindly disposed toward Relisha. Perhaps he is the person who will find her. 

In the place of fears, we find Judgment. This points to someone being afraid of the truth getting discovered. It bothers me a bit, because it is a fear I would connect with the perpetrator, rather than with Relisha, herself. I would feel more comfortable about Relisha's welfare if the card described something a victim might feel in this situation. The next card, in the place of environment, is the five of wands, telling us of deception and games being played with investigators and authorities. Following this, we find the four of cups, which is the card of re-evaluation and discontent. Someone connected to Relisha's disappearance is less than happy with the status quo of the situation, and thinking about finding a way to come clean. And the reading ends with the seven of cups, reversed, which is determination and will; also of cutting dreams down to size. This is the card I find myself inclined to connect with choice described by the Lovers, which came up earlier in the reading. Despite the death of the last known person to see Relisha, there is someone else with information, and that person is trying to find a way to communicate with authorities. 

Nothing in this reading clearly points to this little girl being deceased, but I am always unnerved when cards representing perspectives and feelings of involved parties focus on the perpetrator instead of the victim. That is really the only thing about thing about this reading that truly scares me for Relisha. The other worry has to do with possible locations: three cards in this reading that involve water: the seven of cups, the four of cups, and Judgment. The suggestion in Judgment is that Relisha might be found in or near water, tagged along with a suggestion by the five of wands that a place where games and sports have been played is also linked to location. Water is also represented in the Lovers. Forensic evidence, such as IP numbers and cell phone data, will also be helpful in solving this case. I hope Relisha is found very soon. Five and a half weeks is way too long for a child to be missing.

Friday, March 7, 2014

April Susanne Wiss

What happened to April Susanne Wiss, of Wichita Kansas, in January of 2000? She was sixteen at the time she disappeared, and would be thirty now. Law Enforcement was largely not concerned about April's absence, regarding her as a runaway. Fourteen years seems like an awfully long time for a runaway situation.

We begin with the Page of Wands crossed by the Hanged Man. The page can be a message or a person here, and the Hanged Man is assistance that is above and beyond the call of duty. This is founded by Judgement, which, on a mundane level, is often fact-finding and legal agreements......not necessarily legal trials, but agreements. April had some important news to share somewhere, but judging from the position of the Hanged Man, it appears that she was not properly prepared to share her message, and not properly compensated.

We move on to the seven of wands, appearing in the background, as well. This is a card of self protection and of guarding one's home or surroundings. Young April and her family were really trying to keep known dangers at bay. The two of pentacles appears reversed as the outcome of those efforts: messages pertaining to something important were somehow missed by April, advice was overlooked or ignored, and she was unable to handle two conflicting pressures at the same time. The Knight of Wands appears as a young man who was somehow involved in transporting April away from home on the last evening she was seen alive. He appears upside right, and it looks as if he somehow felt that his contribution to April's disappearance was innocent. He was someone who was trusted by April and by those around her.

The reason she did not return home has to do with the reversed two of pentacles and Judgement. There was a sense of something that had been buried or swept under the carpet coming back out and creating major changes. The problem the actual perpetrator had with April has to do with monetary risk and loss of business reputation. This is illustrated by the ten of pentacles appearing reversed in the place of fears. In the place of environment, we have the King of Pentacles, and he is the one who can tell us why April never came home. There is also a suggestion of payment for making April disappear: he "didn't want to get his hands dirty". This is a middle aged man with a career; someone who can buy testimony and scare people. His power has more to do with economics local to his town than actual power. On surface levels, no one would suspect him of committing a crime, and if someone did, there would be pressure to look the other way. His hope was to keep everyone looking for April, as portrayed by the Hermit in the place of desires, but that was all he really ever wanted. He did not want anyone to actually find her. This reading ends with the Wheel of Fortune reversed as the final outcome. This refers to the perpetrator's general feeling about April....he just thought she had an unlucky day, and that she was insignificant enough not to matter.

The ten of pentacles came up reversed in this reading, as did the Wheel of Fortune, which is number ten in the major arcana. A possible dark clue concerning location? In the physical realm, these two cards could be interpreted as a description of family owned property or a business that had somehow been risked. The ten of pentacles reversed speaks of poor risks, and the Wheel of Fortune is all about ups and downs and risks. Also, a search warrant will be needed in order to find April, or find any evidence connected to her missing persons case. "Family" honor, "family" obligation, and monetary risk are all motives, and these are people who feel entitled.

I really hate to see a message like this about a sixteen year old girl.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Teleka Patrick

Teleka Patrick has been missing from Michigan, since December 5 of 2013. She had recently graduated from medical school, and was reported missing when she did not show up for work. Her car was later found in Indiana, but no sign of her. There has also reportedly been no activity in her bank account and no email or social network activity. 

To the question of what happened to her and where; this is what the cards have to say. The reading begins with the ace of wands crossed by the Chariot. The ace is a new beginning or a new enterprise. Following this new beginning provided the circumstances her to disappear. The chariot provides a vehicle for following our dreams, or sometimes on mundane levels as a simple car; but in this case, something misfired. The promise represented by the ace of wands cancelled out by the Chariot getting pulled in two different directions. The seven of cups appears reversed beneath this, indicating that there was an agreement or a plan in the beginning.

The three of swords appears as one of the last things that happened before Teleka disappeared. This card, when upside right, often tells us about lovers' quarrels and break-ups. It also appears quite often in readings concerning divorce, but Teleka was not married. We can safely assume that an emotional disagreement took place between Teleka and someone else. The Hermit appears as a possible result of these events, and he is usually seeking wisdom and answers. As he is in the position of what should have happened, it looks as if Teleka should have done more research about the person or persons of her acquaintance, or about her new ventures. I feel that someone actually suggested more research and information, too. The next card we see is the two of swords, which represents a grudging compromise, or a stalemate. 

In the place of fears, we see the Queen of Cups. This is a sensitive, emotional woman. She is using her heart as her guide. In the place of environment, we have the ten of cups, which is a card describing balence, success, happy family environment, and friendship. This element is part of her current whereabouts. In the place of hopes, the five of cups appears. So far, there has been no direct suggestion that this woman is no longer with us, but the five of cups upside right hints strongly at regret. It is followed by the King of Swords, reversed, whose conflict with the Queen of Cups was cruel and unexpected. He is the person who can tell us more about what happened to Teleka. As he is represented by Swords, he could be in law enforcement or the legal profession......if he is in medicine, I would expect him to be more involved in something that is as non-personal as possible, as he would lack a bedside manner.

Water is strongly suggested as a location in this reading. There are four cards from the suit of cups, and three from swords. Cups are water, swords are air, but the two of swords in the Ryder Waite deck has a sea in the background, representing temporarily stilled emotions. Because of all of these water references, I am inclined to say water has a lot to do with Teleka's current location. The best advice for finding her in this reading is the Hermit, and his advice to Teleka to slow down, check references, and learn more. Check with everyone who may have spoken with her about personal matters during the week or so before her disappearance. Someone who spoke with her can offer clues, but does not realize it yet.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Leigh Marine Occhi

Leigh Marine Occhi disappeared from her home in Tuppelo, Mississppi, during Hurricane Andrew in 1992. As the story goes, Leigh was only home alone for about an hour, but when her mom came home that morning, all she could find was blood and other evidence of violence, but no Leigh. I have gotten a couple of requests for readings, so I will do one. There did not seem to be many pictures of her, and this was the best poster I could find, with contact information, as well as pictures. 

The first two cards in this reading are the King of Wands crossed by the eight of wands. The King of Wands is upside right, so I will assume he means Leigh no harm, but the eight of wands is telling us of jealousy playing a role in the situation. Beneath this is the three of wands, which bespeaks assistance in this child's disappearance, so there was more than one person involved. The ace of wands also appears in the recent past, (of this event) telling us that a new opportunity enjoyed by someone was also a factor. The nine of wands comes up in the place of things that would have been best, had they materialized, and the nine of wands upright almost always denotes a need for patience. Patience was lacking. The next card is the Hermit, and he is an older man who is still looking for Leigh. 

The ten of pentacles comes up in the place of fears, and this bothers me in this reading, because it represents a fear of losing an inheritance, or a fear of losing a financial opportunity that is more of a gift than an earned bonus or salary. Often, a card depicting money or resources in a position like that will speak to motive for a crime, and it looks as if a fear of loss of material resources was a type of motive here. Also, a resentment, looking back to the ace of wands, over an opportunity that someone was going to be obligated to pass on, but very grudgingly. Bringing us to environment, we see Justice, reversed. The message is quite clear, there has been no justice. Judgement also comes up, but upside right. This is a fear, and someone has a fear of this child being found. Plain and simple. The five of wands is the last card here, and it is a card of violence and revenge. I really hate to see it in this child's reading, because the message is one of vengeance inappropriately expressed toward a child. 

Physical location would appear to be water in this case, and I say this because of the Judgement card, which features the past, or esoteric resurrected souls, rising out of the water. Also the three of wands is often help in the form of moving something through or over water, and I hope nearby watery places were checked as well as they could be. I wish the reading could have been more positive. 

Anthony Patrick Sinisgalli

Anthony Patrick Sinisgalli disappeared in August of 1987. He left his car at a rest stop in Kansas, with his belongings left inside. No one has seen him or heard from him since. I will ask the Tarot what happened to him, and ask about his current whereabouts.

The reading begins with the Page of cups crossed by Temperance. What an unusual message! The Page of Cups is usually a young person, but sometimes it can be a message of a birth, or a new idea. This is crossed by Temperance, which indicates careful planning, or "tempering" of a plan or idea. Beneath this is the nine of cups, indicating that Anthony's home life was satisfactory, and that he lacked nothing material. But behind him, we find the eight of wands, reversed, which tells of jealousy and disputes, often romantic. A woman whose life was involved at the time is described by the Queen of Cups; she is creative and sensitive, usually a good mother. I would expect her to have been in her twenties at the time Anthony disappeared. The next card is Strength, reversed. This is a very blunt message about a lack of courage on someone's part: facing someone and explaining the truth, or one's actions was found to be extremely difficult by someone involved in Anthony's case. It was very possibly Anthony. 

The King of Wands appears in the place of self image and self perception. This king is usually married and is a good husband and father. This is Anthony's perception of himself, and is also how others see him. The next card, describing environment, is the ace of pentacles. This is a very unusual card to appear in a missing person's reading, as it describes a lucrative opportunity. Nonetheless, I must call it as I read it, and the card is here! The next card, in the place of hopes, is the Emperor. This is Anthony's hope: that he was and is a good father. Could a mistress and an unplanned pregnancy have been part of this picture? Investigators need to consider it! 

The last card, describing the final outcome, is the Magician. He represents planned changes done with skill in a reading; he also represents skilled and professional assistance. This ties in with Temperance in the beginning of the reading....careful and moderate planning. It also suggests very strongly that Anthony had help "disappearing", and that he may have done so intentionally. Something I do not see in this reading is violence, which is interesting. Hopefully, anyone who did not get the appropriate closure will hear the explanation necessary, one day.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Elisa Lam

 Elisa Lam, of Vancouver, British Columbia, was last seen alive in January of last year. About three weeks after she was reported missing, she was found in a rooftop cistern in the Cecil Motel in downtown Los Angeles. Her drowning death was ruled accidental. No one is sure exactly how long Elisa was in the cistern; the estimate was about three weeks. For an accident, this seems a bit strange. So I will ask the cards how it really happened.

We begin with the ace of swords, crossed by the King of Cups. In this instance, the King is reversed, making him unkindly disposed toward Elisa. He is also older and more experienced than Elisa. The ace of swords is a triumph or forceful new start of something; sometimes this card describes fertility. Could a pregnancy or a suspected pregnancy have been part of this picture? Founding this, we have the nine of wands, which tells of a need for patience and tenacity. Elisa was waiting for something or someone. As a past event affecting this matter, we have the ten of pentacles, which is inheritances and real estate properties. And then, in the unrealized expectations, we have the two of cups, which is partnership. As the King of Cups has appeared reversed, we can assume his involvement in the partnership described by the two of cups is shady. The next card is Justice, reversed. Somehow, Justice has been denied it's say in this matter. Elisa somehow met an unjust end, and a proper account of contributing factors has not been made.

In the place of fears, we find the six of cups, which, once again, is a reference to children. Somehow, a fear of this aspect of family life weighed heavily on the mind of someone connected to this situation. The two of pentacles appears in the card of environment, telling us that there was an inability, on someone's part, to manage two situations; in this case, partnerships, at once. The next card is the seven of swords, which; once again, refers to taking what one either does not own or cannot manage. The last card is the four or swords, which represents sudden activity after a lull. Sometimes, this activity is the result of discontent.

For all appearances, Elisa Lam was the victim of a lover who could not countenance any publicity of the relationship, yet it has been categorized as an accident.