Showing posts with label vanished. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vanished. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2014

April Susanne Wiss

What happened to April Susanne Wiss, of Wichita Kansas, in January of 2000? She was sixteen at the time she disappeared, and would be thirty now. Law Enforcement was largely not concerned about April's absence, regarding her as a runaway. Fourteen years seems like an awfully long time for a runaway situation.

We begin with the Page of Wands crossed by the Hanged Man. The page can be a message or a person here, and the Hanged Man is assistance that is above and beyond the call of duty. This is founded by Judgement, which, on a mundane level, is often fact-finding and legal agreements......not necessarily legal trials, but agreements. April had some important news to share somewhere, but judging from the position of the Hanged Man, it appears that she was not properly prepared to share her message, and not properly compensated.

We move on to the seven of wands, appearing in the background, as well. This is a card of self protection and of guarding one's home or surroundings. Young April and her family were really trying to keep known dangers at bay. The two of pentacles appears reversed as the outcome of those efforts: messages pertaining to something important were somehow missed by April, advice was overlooked or ignored, and she was unable to handle two conflicting pressures at the same time. The Knight of Wands appears as a young man who was somehow involved in transporting April away from home on the last evening she was seen alive. He appears upside right, and it looks as if he somehow felt that his contribution to April's disappearance was innocent. He was someone who was trusted by April and by those around her.

The reason she did not return home has to do with the reversed two of pentacles and Judgement. There was a sense of something that had been buried or swept under the carpet coming back out and creating major changes. The problem the actual perpetrator had with April has to do with monetary risk and loss of business reputation. This is illustrated by the ten of pentacles appearing reversed in the place of fears. In the place of environment, we have the King of Pentacles, and he is the one who can tell us why April never came home. There is also a suggestion of payment for making April disappear: he "didn't want to get his hands dirty". This is a middle aged man with a career; someone who can buy testimony and scare people. His power has more to do with economics local to his town than actual power. On surface levels, no one would suspect him of committing a crime, and if someone did, there would be pressure to look the other way. His hope was to keep everyone looking for April, as portrayed by the Hermit in the place of desires, but that was all he really ever wanted. He did not want anyone to actually find her. This reading ends with the Wheel of Fortune reversed as the final outcome. This refers to the perpetrator's general feeling about April....he just thought she had an unlucky day, and that she was insignificant enough not to matter.

The ten of pentacles came up reversed in this reading, as did the Wheel of Fortune, which is number ten in the major arcana. A possible dark clue concerning location? In the physical realm, these two cards could be interpreted as a description of family owned property or a business that had somehow been risked. The ten of pentacles reversed speaks of poor risks, and the Wheel of Fortune is all about ups and downs and risks. Also, a search warrant will be needed in order to find April, or find any evidence connected to her missing persons case. "Family" honor, "family" obligation, and monetary risk are all motives, and these are people who feel entitled.

I really hate to see a message like this about a sixteen year old girl.