Showing posts with label washington dc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label washington dc. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Unique Harris

Unique Harris disappeared right inside her house, seemingly into thin air. Her children woke up one morning and were unable to find her. The only things that disappeared with her are her cell phone and keys. So where is she, and what happened?

This reading begins with the four of pentacles, reversed, which sets a tone of wasted resources, crossed by The Last Judgment. Events were set in motion by someone who didn't want to wisely manage money and material resources, and no chance of renewal of relationships or lost friendship and the conveniences that accompanied the friendship. Founding this, we find the World, with all of it's freedoms and opportunities. And bringing the whole situation down to earth, someone involved here took advantage of that.......a new place to live, and new opportunities. This is reiterated by the appearance of the eight of cups, telling us that Unique had recently discarded a lifestyle and direction she to which she had formerly committed. Something that never materialized, but was in the picture as a possibility, is the King of Pentacles. This is a man who had material resources and a mature, helpful outlook to offer. He was also kindly disposed toward Unique, as he falls upright in this reading. Next, we find the Hermit, which is a card of spiritual and physical searching. Unique was searching for a new direction in life, and that is what prompted her disappearance.

The staff is the part of this reading that bothers me, as it describes other individuals, and motive. In the place of fears and plans, we find the seven of pentacles. This card tells of waiting for a harvest, but here, I think it answers my question concerning what happened as "lying in wait". Someone was lying in wait for Unique, waiting for the most convenient moment to confront her. The Hermit, who appeared earlier, also suggests this. It is followed by the none of pentacles, which gives us a motive: the nine of pentacles is interpreted as financial independence, and whether Unique was actually independent or not, her potential independence was seen as a threat by someone. Also, at face value, these cards are both pentacles, which are associated with the element of Earth, and both of these cards suggest gardens and digging. I do not like them coming up in the positions they have taken in this reading, one right after the other! The six of wands appears next, and this card usually tells of successful communication and messaging....I think she got a call on her cell phone and stepped outside to talk. I think this provided the opportunity for someone to grab her. The final card in this reading is the Empress, which says quite a bit. First, it gives us insight into the fact that a woman is a big part of this picture, possibly the instigator. It also tells us about this woman's relationship to the Hermit, who is a man who is involved, but was closer to the action. Look for her to be "old enough to be his mother". Next, motherhood, and the business thereof, was, at least in part, the motive. Yet, had Unique received any challenges to custody of her young children?

These are the clues given by this reading: more than one person, with a woman calling the shots, digging, gardens, and earth. Pentacles and earth also point north, as does the Hermit, but the four of pentacles is upside down, so perhaps north is merely the direction traveled by the perpetrator. The six of wands also tells us that this crime was premeditated.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Update On Relisha Rudd

A question was posed to me concerning the time frame of finding Relisha Rudd. The Tarot is notoriously difficult to understand in establishing time frames, but I will attempt to answer this question based, not only on linear time, but other considerations. Sometimes, a clue linked to an event can help with a guess about how much time is needed, or the Tarot can give us a suggestion.

The first three cards, which represent the past, are the five of wands, the seven of pentacles, and the five of pentacles. The five of wands tells us about games and trickery. Precious time was lost in reporting Relisha missing, because the perpetrator was playing games with everyone from Relisha's family to her school, and later on, to law enforcement. The seven of pentacles is a situation of carefully waiting for fruit to ripen on a cultivated tree, with tells me that initially, a sincere effort to find Relisha was actually made. It came up empty, as we can see with the five of pentacles. Note that we have two fives here, which can mean five of anything, or the fifth of something........we may have the fifth month, which would be May; or we may have five weeks. The suggestion in the seven of pentacles is that this investigation will take some digging and some legwork before it comes to fruition.

The three cards which represent the the present are Death, reversed; the two of pentacles, reversed; and the Hierophant. When Death appears reversed, we are being told that there is stagnant energy about, as in movement is stalled. The two of cups is a water card; once again, we are reminded that water is part of this entire picture. But as this card falls reversed, there is not only instability in the physical environment, such as rain and varying water levels, but disagreement between the community and investigators about finding Relisha. In the future, the Hierophant foretells some agreement, however. He represents codified conformity and community. Individuals in Relisha's community still feel that authorities have dropped the ball on this situation, though. The reader should note that the numeric value of the Hierophant is also five.

The future of this effort brings us the ten of wands, reversed; the Emperor, and the ace of swords. The ten of wands reversed speaks to the recognition of failed efforts. I say "recognition" because it is followed by the Emperor, who is a decisive male figure with a certain amount of authority. Combined with the Hierophant in the last three cards, he can give searchers a lot of help and direction. The last card is the ace of swords, which augers success, but also tells us that new methods must be employed here. New tools, and possibly an aerial view, either connected to this search; or in some other process, yet yielding clues, nonetheless; will be helpful. But it will happen, and in the meantime, no clue, phone call, message, tip, or sighting should be overlooked or discounted. 

Time constraints and time frames are very hard to deduce from Tarot, but it looks like five is a symbolic number, this time. It could be five weeks or five months, or the first week after the fifth month, or the five could mean something else, entirely. This reading gave us something else, though; it showed a few of the challenges in finding this little girl. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

New Picture Of Relisha Rudd

This is a recent picture of Relisha Rudd that was shared with me on Facebook. It has been over two months since she was last seen alive, and more searches are planned tomorrow. Awareness is very important in missing persons cases; please feel free to share Relisha's picture.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Relisha Rudd

Relisha Rudd is an eight year old girl who was last seen by those who know her in March 1 of this year. So far, no witness has been able to provide reliable details on her whereabouts, and at least one suspect has been found deceased. While the poster above describes an event that has already taken place, this was the best picture I could find that was also combined with contact information. 

The reading starts with the ace of pentacles crossed by the seven of swords. This ace tells of prosperity in it's early stages, and the seven of swords crossing it suggests that counsel and premeditation of some kind are, or were, required due to lack of ownership or lack of skill. This is an unusual way for a reading about a missing child to begin, and it already looks as if Relisha was taken by someone who did not have custodial rights to do so, and it looks like money may have been a motive. The Hierophant appears below this, telling us that someone felt a need to "conform". While this may have been Relisha's mother, trying to create a more stable lifestyle, there is also a possibility that this is how the perpetrator was able to take blending in and pretending to be legitimate. 

The nine of pentacles appears in the recent past, and this is a card of stability; somehow, this plays a role in motive and location here. This is a situation in which Relisha blended in while she disappeared, and still somehow blends in. The card telling us of that possible outcome, and possibly the best outcome, is the Lovers. This card not only represents romance, but the element of choice. This is for the future, and something that has not come to pass, so I will say more about this later on. The next card is the Knight of Pentacles, who is a middle aged man connected to this. His position has to do with the very near future, so I do not believe he is the suspect who was found deceased. As he is upside right, I will assume, for now, that he is kindly disposed toward Relisha. Perhaps he is the person who will find her. 

In the place of fears, we find Judgment. This points to someone being afraid of the truth getting discovered. It bothers me a bit, because it is a fear I would connect with the perpetrator, rather than with Relisha, herself. I would feel more comfortable about Relisha's welfare if the card described something a victim might feel in this situation. The next card, in the place of environment, is the five of wands, telling us of deception and games being played with investigators and authorities. Following this, we find the four of cups, which is the card of re-evaluation and discontent. Someone connected to Relisha's disappearance is less than happy with the status quo of the situation, and thinking about finding a way to come clean. And the reading ends with the seven of cups, reversed, which is determination and will; also of cutting dreams down to size. This is the card I find myself inclined to connect with choice described by the Lovers, which came up earlier in the reading. Despite the death of the last known person to see Relisha, there is someone else with information, and that person is trying to find a way to communicate with authorities. 

Nothing in this reading clearly points to this little girl being deceased, but I am always unnerved when cards representing perspectives and feelings of involved parties focus on the perpetrator instead of the victim. That is really the only thing about thing about this reading that truly scares me for Relisha. The other worry has to do with possible locations: three cards in this reading that involve water: the seven of cups, the four of cups, and Judgment. The suggestion in Judgment is that Relisha might be found in or near water, tagged along with a suggestion by the five of wands that a place where games and sports have been played is also linked to location. Water is also represented in the Lovers. Forensic evidence, such as IP numbers and cell phone data, will also be helpful in solving this case. I hope Relisha is found very soon. Five and a half weeks is way too long for a child to be missing.