Showing posts with label star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What Happened To Jodi Huisentruit?

On June 27, 1995, a twenty-seven year old News Anchor named Jodi Huisentruit disappeared in Mason City, Iowa. A few of her possessions and her bent car keys were found outside, near her car, but no trace of her, anywhere. She never made it to work that morning, and has now been missing for over twenty-three years, and I will see if the Tarot has any new suggestions. I have used a horoscope layout here, because that type of layout often gives bits and pieces of information that would otherwise go overlooked in cases such as this, wherein a person has been missing for a very long time.

The first house, describing the situation, itself, has given us Temperance, reversed. When this card falls reversed, it details conflicts and bad combinations of all kinds, and also competing interests. This shows us the general atmosphere, and perhaps the motive, of the person with whom Jodi had this encounter. There was a general feeling that Jodi had the upper hand, or some coveted advantage, that someone else had desired. Moving along to the second house, of material possessions and money, we find the ace of pentacles, reversed. This reinforces what we saw in the first house concerning competing interests: someone envied Jodi. The third house, of communication, relatives, and short journeys, gives us the Page of Pentacles. Here we have a possibility of a valid tip in the form of someone who is willing to go on the record and describe everything he or she noticed on the day Jodi disappeared. Putting the puzzle pieces together has been difficult, and I will come back to this card later, after I have interpreted cards in corresponding positions. I don't think this witness's information has been completely understood and correlated, yet. The Knight of Cups appears in the fourth house, which governs environment, particularly that of the home. Here, we have validity to the information offered by the Page of Pentacles, and we also see that Jodi is "not far from home". Cups also refer to water, and often point us west; but I still do not think that Jodi is far from either her home, or where she was last seen. This knight is also the person who will put together all the information in a relevant way, which will involve an understanding of emotional nuances. This crime was, somehow, quite personal.

The three of cups appears, reversed, in the fifth house, of pleasure, romance, entertainment, fun, and creativity. Sometimes children are indicated by this house, but as Jodi did not have children, we will focus on the other aspects of the fifth house. The reversed three of cups usually tells us about a relationship that went too far, too fast; or, simply, too much of something. It can sometimes point to success that did not pan out, or to an investment that did not pay off. Somehow, this dynamic played into Jodi's situation. Next, we find the eight of pentacles, reversed, in the sixth house of inconveniences, employment, mundane affairs, and co-workers and and employees. When we see the eight of pentacles reversed, we are seeing a situation involving lack of talent in one's profession, or the risk of losing employment. This does not describe Jodi, but it does describe someone around her. So far, this reading has described professional, and possibly romantic, jealousy as a motive to lash out at her.

We have the seven of cups, reversed, in the seventh house of partnerships and agreements. This house also signifies marriage, but it covers all types of partnerships. The seven of cups shows common sense and realistic goals when we find it reversed, and it shows that Jodi was interested in her career when she disappeared; and did not scatter her energy into empty pursuits. This bothered someone. It bothered someone so much that the Tower came up reversed in the eighth house of joint finances and shared expenses. The Tower, in reversal, tells of false imprisonment, false accusations, and oppression and the eighth house is also an indicator of death, so I really do not like this combination, here. This is the first confirmation that we may not find Jodi alive and well, and I always hope I am wrong about things like this. The ninth house, of justice, religious ideals, and long journeys; yields the two of wands, reversed. This refers to better forensic science than what was available in 1995, and it shows not only the challenges for the culprit, but for law enforcement. Witnesses tend to forget things over long periods of time, and sometimes cannot be found in cold cases. The culprit may also get a surprise when something as simple as a fingerprint or a some DNA that could not be correlated in 1995 suddenly becomes relevant, today. This case still faces a lot of challenges in order to become resolved. The Page in the third house represents information or a tip, and the ninth house represents the challenge in following up on the tip. Jodi was taken in different directions, somehow, and no one really had eyes on the person who took her, after she was last seen. Still, I do not think she was taken terribly far; between two and fifteen miles.

The tenth house, of career and public life, shows the Magician, reversed. This is abuse, abuse of power, sometimes abuse of authority, and the general use of skill for destruction. Here, we have yet another reference to Jodi's career! This is also another reference to the personal nature of the crime. It shows that Jodi was not a random victim, but chosen. In the eleventh house of hopes, wishes, ambitions, organizations , and friends, we find the Star. Jodi has a lot of friends and admirers who still want to see her found and want to see this case resolved. "Star" could also be a mundane reference to location, as could the word, "south". The Star also describes small bodies of water, such as lakes, where the stars can be seen reflected in the water. Once again, I do not think she was taken away from the general area. At the end, in the twelfth house, we have the two of swords, reversed. The twelfth house concerns secret enemies, self undoing, and often, death. This card shows a new moon, and there was, indeed, a new moon between June 27 and June 28 of 1995, so I think the twelfth house correlation here is that Jodi died shortly after she was abducted. The person responsible thought he could keep his actions undetected and secret forever, but the reversed two of swords also indicates sudden movement in matters that were once stalemated, so there is hope of new information leading to Jodi.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Virginia Welch

Virginia Welch, of Roanoke, has not been seen since July of 1982, when she was last seen alive by her roommate. In 1982, there were no cell phones or email, and all other traceable clues of her to day life stopped at that point, in 1982. We will see if the Tarot can shed any light on her situation.

We have a basis of the Queen of Swords, crossed by the Knight of Cups. These are two people, a man and a woman. The woman was an adult in 1982, and because she falls upright, I will assume she means Virginia no harm. If this queen is not the roommate, she may have actually seen Virginia after her roommate saw her; if not, her testimony is more relevant. The Knight of Cups is a young man who distracted Virginia and the Queen of Swords with a plan or a new idea......a plan that had not been properly researched.....and that was the end of the conversation. For some preceding background, we find the Page of Wands, reversed, which I think is not a person in this reading, but the whole situation......this page in reversal represents bad news, unplanned catastrophe, and indecision. There was a problem with Virginia acting against her own better judgment in connection to the Knight of Cups.

Behind this, we find Justice. Justice is upside something important happened that actually had a well balanced start. But then, Justice is immediately followed by the reversed Page of Cups. This is connected to the knight, and indicates deception. So far, it is starting to look as if Virginia may have stumbled into a situation involving crime, or police matters, and someone hiding information determined that Virginia was a threat. Something else to note is that the number of the Justice card is eleven. Perhaps that related to location, or the name or part of an address or description of a location. The next card is the three of pentacles. This is a completely different direction than the one we have followed via the other cards: matters connected to Virginia stop, and the Knight of Cups moves on. His job is described here in this card....he was either in construction or a job connected to driving from one site to another. As a location for Virginia, this would indicate near someone's workplace, or near her own workplace. Pentacles are "earth" cards, but before we determine that she has been buried, lets see what the other cards tell us.

The first card on the staff is the Hierophant. Virginia did not always want to conform to mainstream
ideals, and this was part of the reason she disappeared. I am almost seeing an effort to "go against the grain" at times. In the place of environment, the Star comes up. This is a card of hope and enlightenment, but as it relates to location, it is interesting to note that Roanoke is called the "Star City of the South". Could she still be in Roanoke? Rivers and water are also suggested on this card, and possibly boats and places where two bodies of water meet. The three of cups appears to tell us that there was a difference of opinion that made the friendship between Virginia and the Knight of Cups a bad "political" choice, meaning that she could not stay associated with her and still keep all of his other friends. It also points to an "air'related" death, possibly strangulation or suffocation. The reading ends with the six of cups, looking back on past relationships and childhood, but not making new memories. This is sad, and I wish this reading gave us something happier. Pictured to the left is the Roanoke Star, on Mill Mountain in Roanoke, Virginia.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Brittanee Drexel

The fifth anniversary of Brittanee Drexel's disapearance just passed on April 25, and her case piqued my interest, because she's been missing for so long. No one just vanishes into this air.

We start with the Page of Cups crossed by The High Priestess. Brittanee, the Page, was quite emotional about going on this trip to Myrtle Beach. Her mother, represented by the High Priestess, had not given her permission to go. In this instance, The High Priestess, rather than the Empress, better illustrates the mother's input, because it involved authority and instruction, rather than care taking. These two were at odds, but the ultimate decision to leave home without permission was undertaken by Brittanee.

The four of wands appears in the place of foundation for this situation, only it is reversed. Generally, reversal does not alter the meaning of this card too much, but in this case, I think the card is telling us that the usual party or vacation after hard work described by this card was somehow less than perfect, here. There was still a celebration of sorts, but Brittanee was somehow out of place. The next card is the three of wands, also reversed. This is betrayal, often disguised as friendship or assistance. But why? We find the ten of swords, reversed as a possibility: there was a power play going on, followed by physical violence. I never like to see the ten of swords appear in a reading about a missing person. This is followed up by the ten of wands, which, in this case, is a problem solved by unwise use of power. Ten seems to be a telling number here; it is a number describing completions or endings, but the Tarot could also be trying to give us a clue to location. The ten of wands also suggests that Brittanee was taken somewhere, and did not walk or drive, herself.

Temperance comes up in the place of self, and my attention was drawn to the hills in the background on this card, in the Ryder-Waite deck. This forces me to wonder if this is connected to physical location......Temperance Drive or Road? Temperance Hill? Esoterically and otherwise, this card refers to efficient combinations that work well together, and to melting away impurities. Once is awhile, resisting recreational drugs and alcohol is also suggested by this card, but I really think it calls our attention to the name of a place. The nine of cups came up reversed in surroundings, and card tells of health, good food, and stability when upright, but reversed, it means the opposite. Somehow, too much drinking, or consumption of something toxic or just unhealthy, was part of this picture. The star shows up reversed in the place of hopes; this is pessimism. It can also describe a place where water reflects the light of stars and the moon, but it's position is reversed in this reading, and I would expect to find the subject currently unable to benefit from the hope offered by this card when it falls upside right. The last card is the six of cups. This card is a card of memories of the past, and I would be inclined to look for clues to Brittanee's whereabouts in a place that was familiar to at least one of her companions. It might even be a place one of them frequented as a child. This reading tells of betrayal, so I think someone familiar to Brittanee was involved in her disappearance, rather than a stranger.