Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Why Is Attorney General Barr Withholding The Mueller Report?

Now for the last question in this series of tarot queries about the Mueller report; why is Attorney General Barr refusing to share it with Americans, as all other reports of this type have been? His published comments on the report have irked the lawyers who have worked on it, and assisted in writing it, and he seems to want to distract the public from the obvious questions concerning the president and others in his family! I will use a Celtic Cross for this reading, and I will ask why it has not been shared with us, and what he is trying to hide.

We begin with the Emperor, crossed by Death!! What a beginning! The Emperor is a paternal, authoritarian figure who is ready for action. His presence is dominating, but Death is major change, over which no mortal has control! What a message! Our paternal leader with control issues has a brand new message coming to him, and he may not like it! Okay; now for the rest of the reading. Beneath this, we have the seven of cups, which gives us a foundation of deception on the part of Attorney General Barr. He would really like to make us believe that the report did not turn up anything more serious than that of which we have already been informed, and that no one else has committed a crime or should be questioned or indicted. The King of Wands, who turns up next, and also in the past, states otherwise, however. He is steadfast and honest, and begs to differ with Mr. Barr. The very best thing that can happen here, as indicated by the three of cups, for the American people, is for Mr. Barr to simply turn the whole report over. Any redactions should only be made to avoid any unordered discovery on the parts of defendants and suspects.

Mr. Barr has temporarily won an unethical victory, which is shown by the Chariot, reversed, in the place of things that will happen in the near future; however, this card also shows a lack of balance and an inability to control the situation. There is already enough information out and about concerning the Mueller report, and there are also defendants, in other countries, who have gained discovery in certain cases covered by this investigation. These defendants are unlikely to care about Mr. Barr's desire to protect Donald Trump and his children, and are very likely to leak information; especially for a price. Wouldn't it be more graceful for Barr to simply do what he would do if the president was Barrack Obama, and share the information?

In the place of fears, Mr. Barr's fears, to be exact; we have the Devil, reversed. Barr is worried that the cat is already out of the bag, so to speak. He is also reluctant to issue any decision. If he decides to share the information, he has Donald Trump on his back, and if he does not share the information, he has Congress and the Supreme Court on his back. Congress will still have to issue subpoenas and go to court, though.  The ten of wands shows that he is using his power unwisely, and this card also sometimes speaks of legal or court decisions. Barr would really rather not be the one to share the report; he wants to be able to tell the president that he had to, because of a court order or a subpoena. In his hopes, we find Temperance, telling us that there will be quite a few redactions, at first. A card I pulled to clarify this is the Page of Swords. This page is often a spy, and likes to share news and messages. I am going to venture a guess that any redactions are likely to be "unredacted" by the next administration, if not before! The last card is the Hermit. This is prudence, discretion, and wise counsel. Congress will see the report first, and they will be judicious in how they present it to the American people.

Now, another short reading, to better explain what the Mueller report reveals. The attorney general would certainly never go to such great lengths to hide an investigation if no one was implicated, would he? Of course not! Another Celtic Cross reading, here.

The seven of pentacles begins this, crossed by the four of cups. When the seven of pentacles shows up in a reading, it shows that someone is either waiting for something to mature, or waiting to get paid. As it is crossed by the four of cups, which is a card of impatience and dissatisfaction, I am going to assume that payment was never received; so we have someone who was waiting for payment or money. Beneath this, in the past, we have the nine of cups, reversed. This indicates that the payment and maturity shown by the seven of pentacles never happened. Somehow, it was intercpeted. The next card, showing the more recent past, is the Devil, reversed, relating back to the first reading. A shady deal somehow fell apart, and there were aspects of this "deal" that were unlawful and possibly fraudulent. Mr. Barr does not think the American public should know about this. Crowning this, we have the Magician, reversed. Once again, we see indecision and abuse of power. This is only in the realm of possibility, though; Barr has not gotten away with it yet. In the arena of things to come, we have the Page of Pentacles. reversed. This is waste and excess, and a material loss. Has Trump, the deal-maker in chief, made a bad deal and cost his investors some money? Has he failed to pay his taxes? As for the latter, Congress can and will provide us with an answer for that.

The first card on the staff, in the place of fears, is the Sun. This card is a card of happiness and wonderful luck, and would have been much better placed in hopes, rather than fears! But here it is in Mr. Barr's fears, showing that he is very much afraid of what it best for the nation! Imagine that! The Sun shines light on everything, and that is very scary for some people who are directly affected by the Mueller report. Next, in the place of environment, we have the ace of wands, reversed. The was the cancellation and deferment of an enterprise, or a project requiring major financing. The next card, also a fear, even though it should be a hope, is the Knight of Swords. This knight often represents law enforcement or a legal decision; and in this case, it may represent legal authorities in another country, knocking at Donald Trump's door. Why would Barr want to hide that from Americans? The last card is the Hanged Man. This is a suspended decision or legal action. This could also explain why Mr. Trump wanted to run for president in the first place. He thinks that as president, he can suspend legal decision forever. Unfortunately, a very serious aspect of this is that financiers in other countries are involved, and if the United States determines that a thief or a swindler can be legally protected from his obligations, how will that affect diplomatic relations? Oh dear, oh dear....what's a spineless, Republican attorney general to do?

Ouch! I just pulled a qualifier for the Hanged Man, and got the King of Swords, reversed. This King is also often law enforcement, like the Knight of Swords, yet he is an older, more mature version; sometimes a lawyer or a judge. He falls reversed, which makes him unkindly disposed toward the...ahem....subject of the investigation. So the findings of the Mueller report are in suspense for now, but will be dynamited back to life by an angry legal person. And it appears that all of this started with money, money laundering, fraudulent dealings, and coverups about the same.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What Is In The Mueller Report?

So why has the Mueller report been kept under lock and key, away from those who paid for it? Why has Congress been denied access to it? Does it contain some secret that the people have not already guessed? Why? Okay, I finally decided to do a reading about it. The whole subject will probably require several readings, but here is the first one. The first question, which with I will use a Horoscope reading to deal, will concern the findings of the report, itself. I will ask what Bob Mueller has uncovered, as a result of his nearly two year investigation. The second reading, which I will do subsequently, will concern the question of who should face indictments, yet has not. Then the third and final reading will ask why William Barr, the current attorney general of the United States, has declined to release the report, in its entirety, to the American people. Now, for the first question: what was uncovered by Mueller's investigation?

The first house, showing us the nature of the entire subject, gives us the Wheel of Fortune. There are dealings, here, which have had profound effects upon the world, and its population; and would have had those effects regardless of the outcome of the 2016 presidential election in America. A relatively small number of persons have exerted an unbalanced amount of control over the entire population of the planet. There were few controls, or laws, stopping this, and we are dealing with entities who have virtually no ethics, so opportunities were ripe for the taking. In the second house, of finance, possessions, and that which has material value, the eight of wands appears. This reinforces the message of the Wheel of Fortune; opportunity ripe for the taking. A climate that allows and encourages unethical behavior has fed this situation, and it happened in a relatively short amount of time. Once again, there were no restraints or controls.  Next, in the third house, which governs communication, written words, and short travels, we have the Queen of Wands. As she falls upside right, I will regard her as kindly disposed toward law and order, for the time being. As wands represent fire, she is fiery, pushing forward any pertinent information quickly. She may be a key witness or a prosecutor. We will revisit her presence later in the reading. The fourth house, of domestic affairs, has given us the seven of swords, reversed. This tells me that there is definitely substance in the report, and that we are dealing with suspects who thought they could get away with violating the laws, both abroad and at home. When this card is upside right, it often indicates theft. Here, I am seeing that there were no controls exercised where there should have been.

We find the eight of pentacles, reversed, in the fifth house of creativity and speculation. Often, this house also deals with children and progeny. No one should be surprised if the findings of this investigation cross multiple generations, such as a defendant or suspect AND his children. It could also indicate the creation of a company or a corporation to be the face of any business endeavors, rather than a person. When the eight of pentacles falls reversed, it often tells a story of fraud, counterfeiting, and lack of true talent, as well. This, readers, is something that I believe was discovered in the Mueller report: if not actual counterfeiting, there was falsehood concerning assets or collateral, and the effects have been similar. This is troubling, as many countries have been affected. It is also bigger than the President of the United States at this point, although one might wonder why he played the game for so long! Moving along the the sixth house, of health, inconvenience, and mundane checks and balances, the card of Justice shows up. Yes, readers, there WILL be retribution! A global balancing act will be required, however. This is more serious than merely finding a president with his pants down or with his hand in the cookie jar. I would, at this point, venture a guess that even Trump was unaware of the seriousness and complexity of some of his "deal making" actions. This guess is more or less supported by the card that has turned up in the seventh house, of partnerships, where we have the Hierophant, reversed. The reversed Hierophant represents unorthodox relationships of all sorts, and finding him in the house of partners tells all of us that the Mueller report has turned up some very strange and unorthodox bed fellows! This, perhaps, is one of the reasons why justice will be complicated, here. The eighth house of monies and assets resulting from those partnerships yields the five of cups, which is a card of regret. Even as you read this, there is a teeny bit of regret on the parts of defendants, here; not because they got in over their heads or ran afoul of the laws, but because they got caught! Rest assured, these individuals will not get to enjoy all of the fruits of their unlawful labors.

In the ninth house, of long journeys, foreign nations, ideals, and law; we find the Tower, reversed. Trump Tower? Hmmm. This card, in reversal, refers to accusations, imprisonment, bankruptcy, and the like. There may even be defendants who were "thrown under the bus," so to speak, in order to confuse those conducting the investigation. This, the eight of pentacles, and the eight of wands in the second house all link to the Queen of Wands in the third house; we have someone who passed valid information to Mueller. Also, as the ninth house represents foreign nations, there is a foreign business that is involved in this picture. The whole matter will require more investigation, and it appears that there are still some aspects of the investigation that are not yet finished. The tenth house gives us the Emperor, reversed. The tenth house deals with government, public life, and order. When the Emperor shows up reversed, it tells of immaturity, loss of control, and sometimes, the loss of an inheritance. A business arrangement that did not work out, and subsequent unlawful actions to recover money are also at issue in this report. The eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes, organizations, and charities yields the World, reversed. In addition to lack of vision and fear of adventure, this card tells of success that has not been won. This goes two different ways: the subjects of the investigation did not successfully achieve all of the goals, and the investigation falls short of ability to deal with the entire scope of the transgressions. We obviously have foreign nationals involved, and some of them may never be brought to justice in the United States. Last of all, we have the Magician in the twelfth house. This is the house of self undoing, institutions, secret enemies, and sometimes, death. The Magician mastery and skill, organization, and creativity. This whole matter will eventually find its way to justice, but sweeping changes will be required. Fraud, money laundering, large and small bank larcenies, and other white collar crime will require more oversight and actual consequences in the future. From this reading, it appears that Mueller did, indeed, discover serious crime, much of it financial in nature. He also discovered that more than one foreign nation is willing to act in unanticipated hostile ways toward the United States.  The problem in prosecuting it lies in the fact that much of it was committed in other countries, and we lack precedent and jusridiction for prosecution under that type of circumstance. The Justice card and the Magician give your faithful blogger a certain amount of hope, though.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Jayden Tompsett

Jayden Tompsett disappeared in Queensland, Australia on December 31, 2017, after an argument with a friend. According to all familiar with the case, that is the last verified time anyone has seen him. I have gotten several requests for a reading about him, and I will see if a horoscope layout can help. I have seen virtually no media about Jayden, as he lives in a different part of the world, so we will also see my lack of familiarity with the case will help the reading or impede it.

In the first house, the face of the entire matter, we have the ace of cups. Usually, this is a wonderful card, the card of new life and new ideas. Somehow, this aspect is important; a new relationship or new adventure was right around the corner. Still in the watery realm of cups, we move the the second house, of valued possessions and material goods, which gives us the Page of Cups, reversed. Here, we get closer to decepetion with this upside down page. This is a young person who is not telling the entire truth.  The third house, of communication, and short ventures from home, and sometimes transportation, shows the six of swords, also reversed. There are a couple of things to understand from this: first; it appears that Jayden has not actually traveled far from where he was last seen, and second; the depiction on this card in many decks is of a barge or a ship moving across the water, so we have another reference to water.  In the fourth house, of environment and physical surroundings, we find the five of wands, bringing us back to games and deception. When this card appears, if often indicates untruths, or partial truths, playing roles. This card could also indicate an unsuccessful attempt on someone's part to garner finances or money that was not truly owed.

The fifth house, of creative pursuits and often, of romance, reveals the ten of wands. This is a relationship or friendship that did not work out, and ended. Sometimes it alludes to power that has been used unwisely. I was rather concerned when I saw the five of wands; now I am even more concerned at seeing the ten of wands. In the house of creativity, it could tell us of impulsive actions or accidental harm. The sixth house, of the mundane functions of reality and the inconveniences of life, gives us Strength. Eventually, Jayden's missing persons case will be solved. Strength is spirituality over materialism.

We find the four of cups in the seventh house, of partnerships and friendships that require compromise. The is discontent and reevaluation. There had, at some point, been a desire to rethink something important, involving a friend. Following this, in the eighth house, we have the two of pentacles. The eighth house is joint finances and the fruits of partnership, secrets shared between different people, and sometimes, death. The two of pentacles here tells of failure to communicate, and an attempt to avoid telling the truth about something, possibly something financial. Also, an abuse of electronic equipment for the purpose of false communication is indicated, here. I am going to take the unusual step of interpreting the card from the actual picture on most decks of the two of pentacles, specifically; in terms of the ocean waves in the background: this may have been the setting of a false text or other electronic communication.  A lot is not terribly clear, so far; but one thing is; this situation has a lot to do with a demand for money between so-called friends.  In the ninth house, of longer journeys and the law, we have the Devil, reversed. This is a tendency toward indecision and possibly someone who has gotten away with a crime. This is another card that worries me, when it shows up in a position like this. I would much rather see this card upright than reversed. It is beginning to look as if things went terribly wrong during an argument and efforts were made to hide the truth. As a mundane reference, a search of any place nearby bearing the name "Devil" or Devils" would be a very good idea.

In the tenth house, of career, reputation, and structure, we have the Page of Pentacles. This is a young person who is holding back valid information because of everything he feels he would lose if he came forward with the truth about Jayden's whereabouts. In eleventh house, the five of cups shows Jayden has a lot of friends who have not given up on finding him. We also find the chance reference to water, once again. I do think this case will eventually be solved, albeit not in the way everyone would like. I always hope to be wrong about observations like that, and this time is no exception. The twelfth house, of secrets kept by and from individuals rather than partners, yields the Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Here we have a double meaning; Jayden is either in or very close to Queensland, and the Queen of Pentacles is also a person, here. This is someone who could somehow help to locate Jayden, either with after the fact testimony or simply by finding him. Somehow, she figures in the unraveling of the case. As she is reversed and in the twelfth house, her aspect is unlucky both for Jayden, as keeping the secret will prolong the case, and for those who know where he is yet won't come forward; as she warns that the secret will be made public eventually.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Will New Evidence Lead To Kyron?

There has been a recent Freedom of Information act request by the media about Kyron Horman's missing persons case, and it was denied. The reason for this is that searches connected to the new evidence and testimony are ongoing, and law enforcement feels that the outcome of the case might be compromised if it is discussed in the news, at this point. The letter from law enforcement agencies does confirm that new evidence is under review. The question that is on everyone's mind is if it will lead to Kyron's whereabouts. Kyron disappeared from his school in Portland, Oregon on June 4, 2010, when he was seven years old.

In the first house, of the article, itself, we have the seven of wands, reversed. This is information that was hidden and well guarded for a long time. It is still well guarded, but has changed hands. In the second house, of personal funding and resources, we have the five of swords, reversed. This is a chance of defeat for someone, and a bit of a "paybacks are hell" message! We will come back to that later. The third house, governing letters, communication, relatives, short journeys, and memory, gives us the Queen of Wands, reversed. This is very interesting: the Queen of Wands is often physically depicted as a woman with strawberry blond or red hair, and reversed, she is jealous and has a nasty temper. Such a person played a role here, having to do with third house matters, namely short journeys and communication. Hmmm.

Moving on to the fourth house, of home and environment, we have the two of cups, reversed. This is a partnership that has failed, and also a tendency for passion that is misguided and sometimes explosive. Somehow, this dynamic factors into the new evidence, and how the new evidence came to the attention of law enforcement. The fifth house, of creativity and pleasure, sports the six of cups. The six of cups is often about childhood memories and about children. There is a relationship between these things, and some sacrifices that needed to be made, but were not made. Somehow, this too, brought the new evidence to the attention of law enforcement. In the sixth house, of day to day affairs, health, and the management of mundane details, we have the five of cups, reversed. In reversal, this card means hope, and sometimes, the return of an old friend. One can only hope and pray.

The seventh house, of committed relationships and compromise, gives us the world, reversed. This tells us that someone connected to this investigation has stalled, and failed to help the investigation move forward. We are not surprised, however; this has been a dynamic for almost seven years. The seventh house opposes the seven of wands in the first house, so we can be quite certain that it is telling us that lack of cooperation has been a major problem in finding Kyron. In the eighth house, of karma, legacies, law, and sometimes, death, we find the Queen of Pentacles, reversed. When this queen falls reversed in a reading, she is usually a moody and mistrusting woman. She has been behind the scenes, going over data and evidence. In fact, she opposes the reversed five of swords in the second house, which relates to finances and resources. So; we can extrapolate that the financial data of the reversed Queen of Wands in the third house has been part of this picture. Interesting.

The ninth house, of long journeys and education, federal law, and government gives us the four of swords. This is a card of dormancy, or rest. This inactivity opposes our reversed Queen of Wands. Her retreat from stress and strife has also played a role in the discovery of new evidence. Moving along to the tenth house, of career ambitions, social standing, and relationships with superiors, we see the six of wands, reversed. This means one thing, an enemy at the gate with an unpleasant message. It will ruin someone's reputation, too. The Hanged Man, reversed, is in the eleventh house, of friends, hobbies, and debates. The message here is a refusal to truly be a friend, and perhaps a friend has refused to cover for someone who is not a true friend. This card opposes the reversed two of cups in the fourth house of environment, so it appears that someone close to the matter has given some information to law enforcement. In the twelfth house, of secrets, restrictions, and secret enemies, we find the Star, reversed. This is pessimism and doubt.....there will still be problems with actual testimony from the reversed Queen of Wands. This card opposes the reversed five of cups in the sixth house, of details and mismanaged details. It looks, to the naked eye, as if we have testimony from a friend that contradicts something that was formerly believed by investigators.

Once again, nothing in this reading has pointed, outright, to Kyron's demise; although with each passing day in a search for a missing child, the chances of finding him or her alive reduce dramatically. In conclusion, it appears that finding Kyron will involve not only turning over every physical stone, but turning over every bit of testimony and every detail in the evidence that is gathered. This new evidence contains something that has the potential to ruin more than one life, and yes, it can lead to Kyron if handled with care.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Jake Obad Mathis and Melvin Jones

Jake Obad Mathis and Melvin Jones, two twenty year old soldiers stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, have been missing since December 19. They were last seen leaving the base in a 2013 black Camaro that belongs to Jones. Obad Mathis is AWOL, but Jones had been given leave for the holidays, so he is not AWOL yet. Someone sent me a comment, asking for a reading for them, so we will see what the cards have to say.

We start with the ten of swords, reversed, crossed by the two of pentacles, which is also read reversed, here. This already does not look good; the upside down ten of swords shows us a power play, albeit a temporary power play; and the two of pentacles, reversed, tells us about an inability to agree on something: two ideas or situations that end up at cross purposes with no compromise. Beneath this, we have the three of swords, also reversed. This hints that someone involved here has been compromised in some way by someone else, who is also involved. Looking a little bit further back, into events leading up to this, we have the ace of cups, reversed. This is a broken agreement or some plan that was suddenly changed, without the approval of both men. I already do not like this.

The Chariot, also reversed, appears in the place of possibilities. Once again, this suggests plans that have fallen through. Sometimes, this card, in reversal, means that an unethical victory was won. Next, we have what seems to be a driving force here: the ten of pentacles. This card often refers to a windfall of inherited, won, or gifted money. Somewhere along the chain of events, this type of situation became a factor.

In the place of fears, we have the six of pentacles, reversed. This is envy, bad debt, and refusal to share evenly. It is followed by the eight of swords, in the place of environment. I do not like to see this card in this position, because if describes the state of being trapped somewhere. Often, the physical area would be shallow water, in a remote area, where no one would search. The five of swords appears in the place of hopes, and this is a card of anger, violence, and revenge. Someone involved in this case had these desires. The last card is the eight of cups, reversed. It looks as if one of the young men is spending money and "celebrating" while the other is not.

It frankly looks to me as if there was an argument between these two young men over a monetary windfall, they could not decide how to share it, and one of them deliberately or accidentally killed the other. I always hope I am wrong when I see something like this, and I hope I am wrong this time, too. The directions given would be east, then west. This time, I think the distance is at least a day's travel by car, though. Below is a picture of a 2013 black Camaro, similar to the one in which Obad Mathis and Jones were last seen.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Why Is Terri Horman Speaking After Five Years?

Terri Horman, former stepmother of missing Kyron Horman, the second grader who disappeared from his school in Portland, Oregon, in 2010, has opted to grant an interview to People Magazine, after five years of silence. She has been a person of interest in Kyron's case since the summer of 2010, and has failed at least two polygraphs. She now insists that she was not involved in Kyron's disappearance. But why wait five years to address the media? Let's ask the Tarot.

This reading begins with the Page of Cups, crossed by the ten of swords. The Page of Cups is a young person, who probably has not had much experience in life, and has some idealistic notions that border on dilettantism. This person has also had an influence on Terri, and may be the one who convinced Terri to speak publicly. Judging from the shadow cast by the ten of swords, I am going to guess that this was a huge mistake; on the part of the Page of Cups, and on the part of Terri Horman. The ten of swords speaks to things that end in ruin.

In the distant past, we have the Tower, reversed. This describes oppression and imprisonment, and Terri Horman has stated that she does, in fact, see her life that way. Moving along to the not so distant past, we have the two of wands. This card tells of an effort to manage one's affairs, and control one's house. Terri wants to take control of her situation, and up until now, she has not had control. Her other goal, as shown in the next card, the ace of swords, reversed, is to overpower the negative press she has received from law enforcement, Kyron's family, and Kyron's supporters. This is still not within her reach.

The next card we get is the King of Swords, reversed. This is a powerful, middle aged or older man. As he falls reversed, I would expect him to be adversarial to Terri, almost to the point of becoming unjust. Her opinion, anyway, will be that he is unjust. The King of Swords is often involved in law or law enforcement, and Terri can bet her bottom dollar that someone involved in those fields is listening to every word she says. This king has had enough of waiting patiently for Kyron's case to resolve.

The first card on the staff is the ten of wands, reversed. This tells us that Terri feels that her separation from her youngest child, Kiara Horman, who was only a baby when Kyron disappeared, is unjust. She is rightly concerned that she will never have an actual relationship with her daughter. The next card, describing the surroundings and environment, is the seven of swords. This is the act of taking something that does not belong to one, or of attempting to declare something "finished" when it is not. Once again, the control Terri wants to exert is not within her grasp. The next card, in the place of Terri's fears, is the King of Pentacles, reversed. This is a man who is talented in business, but uses his talents for abusive or dishonest purposes. Right here, I drew another card, asking what this king's role in Terri's affairs would be, and I got Judgement, reversed. Upside right, Judgement tells of renewal, and resolution. Since the card has fallen reversed, it describes a man who does not actually want those things for Kyron Horman's case. The last card is the six of cups, reversed. This card sees Terri clinging to the past. Not only is Terri clinging to outworn sentimentality; there is property and money to which she would like to cling.

So there we have it. Terri wants control of her involvement in Kyron Horman's missing persons investigation, and she wants to regain property and other odds and ends from her past. I could not help but notice that nothing in the reading suggested that she might be trying to find Kyron.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who Killed Antonia Yager?

Antonia, or Toni, Yager was found deceased in her apartment in Los Angeles, California in December of last year. Her murder is, as of yet, unsolved, and someone recently asked for my take on it. So I will see if the cards will shed any light on Toni's case.

The question I posed was, "Who killed Toni Yager, and why?" We have a main focus of the Knight of Cups crossed by Justice. As the knight is upside right, we will assume he is friend, not foe. Justice, as an entity and an institution, is involved, and is a force that challenges the Knight of Cups, somehow. In the background of the situation, we find the Knight of Wands, reversed, who I think is a likely suspect as the murderer. He is a man, perhaps a few years younger than the victim, and has an attitude of jealousy and likes to start arguments. Also in the background and past of this is the two of cups, which is a partnership of sorts. This tells me that either the reversed Knight of Wands had posed as a friend of Toni's, or had been involved with someone who was her friend. An element of abused partnership and trust exists. The Page of Cups appears as the motive, and I think it is what the killer wanted but did not get......some sort of gift, grant, or endorsement. Toni was seen as the Queen of Pentacles.......generous and rich, and someone thought they could get an affirmative answer from her about something, while she wanted to either think or ask others, first.

In the place of fears, we find the Tower. This card describes oppression and imprisonment, and is an appropriate fear for the perpetrator in a crime like this. The next card is the seven of wands, which tells us that the perpetrator is, for the moment, protected by privacy, both because he wasn't seen, and because no one has spoken up about any suspicions or de facto knowledge of the crime. This killer is hoping to move on, but for some reason, cannot do it right away without either being too obvious, or getting discovered. He has failed in his ambition, but is temporarily locked into the position he was in before he committed the murder. This is supported by the last card, which is the nine of cups, reversed. When the nine of cups falls reversed, it suggests plans that are not well thought out, and material losses. Look for someone who is either discreetly preparing to move residence, or sell his property.

Hopefully, Toni Yager's murder will be solved soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Who Killed Mary Rachel Carson?

Time flies. It's been almost ten years since eighteen year old Mary Rachel Carson was murdered, and still not resolution. So I will see what the Tarot has to say about her case. This reading is a horoscope spread.

The card for the first house, which represents elements of the whole matter, is the ace of swords, reversed. This tells us of obstacles and snags, somewhere along the line, and a person with too much power. Following this in the second house, of possession.........who has what, and Judgement, reversed. Not only does this card often describe loss of possessions, but in reversal, it often speaks to a fear of death. So from the getgo, Ms. Carson a victim of someone who wanted something and had no problem with violence and murder, in order to take it. House three, relatives, memory, and short journeys, shows the three of pentacles, which is the card of the craftsman. In mundane terms, it would appear that the card is merely telling us that either the victim, the perpetrator, or a key witness was on his or her way to work. More on that later........

The Knight of Wands comes up, reversed, in the fourth house, which is the house of the home environment, also governing the last days of life. Interesting that a court card would appear here: when this knight is reversed, he is usually a youngish man in his twenties, and jealousy and covetous attitudes usually accompanies violence in scenarios involving this knight's reversals. Somehow, he was close to Ms. Carson's home environment. In the fifth house, love affairs, creative pursuits, and children, we find the three of swords, reversed. This screams that there was some sort of conflict involving those elements, between Ms. Carson and possibly, the Knight of Wands. The Devil, reversed, appears in the sixth house, which represents everyday things, such as work relationships, paying mundane bills, worry, and with whom the subject currently resides. Here, this card seems to be telling us about release from bondage, but by indecision followed by violence followed by cover-up. And it relates very directly to Ms. Carson, and her environs; it looks as if she and her killer may have known each other.

Moving on the the seventh house, of partnerships and close relationships, we have the High Priestess, which is a card of secrets. Something important, having to do with a marriage or a common law marriage was only known to the victim and her killer. The three of cups follows close on it's heels in the eighth house, the house of death, wills, joint finances, and probate. The three of cups, when it falls reversed, usually tells us that "all good things must come to an end", so it seems that we should look for someone who was able to benefit from Ms. Carson's death. In the ninth house, the house of law, the establishment, long trips, and protection, we have the four of pentacles. This is a card of clinging and hoarding, and this tells me that somehow, a legal entanglement involving the holding back of assets is at play here: the killer did not get everything he tried to get. Some information is still, somehow, tied up in probate, or there are unanswered questions.

In the tenth house, we have the Star, telling us that social status, such as it is to the perpetrator, was important at the time of the murder. His job, and his work relationships were more important than family his family. In the eleventh house, this is back up by the Moon, reversed. When the Moon falls reversed, I look for lies and false personas, and this time, it has fallen in the eleventh house, which rules not only hopes, wishes, and dreams, but friends and and social life! So....this person has been able, somehow, to keep the secret of the murder, and has not been accused by the justice system. He is not without an enemy, though. In the twelfth house, the house of subconscious secrets, institutions, self undoing, and secret adversaries, we find the King of Pentacles, reversed. This would be a man, probably over forty years of age, whose methods are not always "kosher". He has suspicions about the perpetrator's involvement in the murder, and is eagerly, but patiently waiting to bring the matter to light.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Where Is Morgan Martin?

Someone asked me for an update to the missing persons case of Morgan Keyanna Martin, who disappeared in Florida. She was five months pregnant, and only expected to be outside for a couple of minutes. It's been over two years since anyone has seen her.

My update dealt primarily with the question of where Morgan is now. The first three cards, representing the past, are the Sun, the King of swords, and Temperance. This describes Morgan's ideas before she went missing. The Sun tells of success and happiness, Temperance is careful combinations, and the King of Swords is an older male thrown into the situation. I believe the Sun is Morgan's pregnancy, and Temperance represents her new considerations for her health and her future. The King is a man who bore some sort of influence on matters.

The next three cards are the Knight of Pentacles, the eight of pentacles, reversed, and The Last Judgment. The Knight of Pentacles is a young man closer to Morgan's age, possibly the father of her child. I would expect him to have an olive to dark complexion, and brown eyes. The eight of pentacles reversed tells us that the Knight had some problems related to employment, in that he was not particularly gifted in his chosen field, but as the card appears in a reading about Morgan, we may safely assume that there was some blame of her, on his part, for this. He was wrong, but perhaps sincerely wrong. The Last Judgment has come up in readings for Morgan in the past, and we see it again. This is a card of renewal, but as a physical location, it speaks of recovery from water. Lakes, bays, and rivers deep enough for sailing.

The last three cards, representing the future, are the three of pentacles, Strength, reversed, and the eight of swords. The three of pentacles refers almost directly to the Knight of Pentacles, who came up earlier. Apparently, circumstances have calmed a bit, in his life. When Strength appears reversed, it tells of abuses of power, and the King of Swords we saw earlier is often a powerful person. As he is older than the Knight of Pentacles and Morgan, he may have had more sway in the course of events, leading to Morgan's disappearance, than anyone else involved. I do not like to see him combined with any card that speaks of abuses of power. The last card, which is the most troubling, is the eight of swords, which in many decks, depicts a maiden trapped in water, surrounded by eight swords. As the card is upright, I take it to mean that Morgan is trapped somewhere. As a location, it also tells of water. Eight, curiously, is also the numeric value of Strength. Somehow, this number fits in....eight deep, eight to the west, ect. The gist of the message and the cards containing the most pertinent clues do not seem to have changed; water, two men, and ulterior motives playing a role. I wish the reading had delivered happier news.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Kyron Horman Case: What Was Officer Staton's Comment About?

"We have knowledge of things we wish we didn't"...... What, exactly, did Sheriff Staton mean by this statement, made shortly after Kyron Horman disappeared in Portland Oregon from his school in June of 2010? Someone wanted to know what the Tarot would say about that comment, and a lot of people have speculated about it and written about it over the last four years, so I will attempt a reading to answer that question. Staton does not appear to have explained what he meant.

The reading begins with the Queen of Pentacles crossed by the four of cups. The Queen of Pentacles is an independent woman with resources and business skill. She is intelligent and ethical, and I would expect her to have dark hair and brown eyes. The most important part of this description is not the physical aspect, but the character aspect, though. She is crossed by the four of cups, which tells of dissatisfaction, yet also of not being quite willing to give up her current course of action. 

The main cause of this reaction on the part of the queen appears as the ten of pentacles, reversed. This is usually the loss of a large amount of money that was given, rather than earned, such as an inheritance. It could also signify and insurance policy. As the card is reversed, it speaks of a loss. Hopefully, it is not the risk of not being able to find Kyron, but lets come back to it, if necessary. The next card to describe the past is the ace of cups, which is a new love, or a birth. It can also mean an addition to the family via adoption, or simply love, joy, and fertility. So we have a new relationship, possibly familial, playing into the picture. 

The next card, telling us what had been intended, is the two of wands. This is usually an idea-become-a-venture-with-help-from-another, forming a "partnership" of sorts, but in this case, I am inclined to wonder if it is a big enterprise run by a rich person. It also represents two different possible outcomes in this case, and it was very hard for the sheriff to second guess and direct his resources effectively. Next, we have the eight of wands, reversed, which is what the sheriff encountered when he investigated the family. Jealousy, infighting, and disputes, mostly centered on family matters, took center stage. 

The Knight of Pentacles appears as a man who went through all information quietly and methodically. Some of his findings have not been published. He and the Queen of Pentacles, most likely a workmate, discovered most of the information that was developed. The Knight of Wands is next on the staff, and his is the face everyone sees, connected to Kyron's case. I think this may be Staton. The next card is Judgement, and as it appears in the place of hopes, it is the hope of finding Kyron. Also, there is a suggestion, with this card, that someone investigating truly expected to find Kyron in water. The last card is Death, reversed, which does not tell us anything about Kyron, but describes Staton's frustration at the failure of the information to help him connect the dots and find him. So it looks like early in the case, it was noticed that there was a lot of familial disagreement and jealousy at play, coupled with money and possibly revenge. The two of wands may also represent the actions of an attorney or other advocate whose "help" is not helpful to Kyron. It looks like Staton was referring primarily to his department's findings about Kyron's family, and some of the relationship stresses and circumstances that hindered Kyron's well being; also about the frustrations of not being able to convince all parties who testified to testify truthfully. The comment appears to center of the obstacles from dealing with testimony and suspects, rather than actual circumstances. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Can The Ayla Raynolds Case Be Solved?

Ayla Reynolds has been missing for over a year and a half. The case appears to be going cold. I have had a couple of requests for updates, so here is the question I put to the Tarot: how can this case be solved?
What an unusual reading! Every, single card came up reversed! And the reading was very heavy on cards from the suit of pentacles! Okay, the first three cards, representing the past, are the eight of pentacles, the Page of Pentacles, and the ten of pentacles. The eight of pentacles is the card of the apprentice, and represents hard work in order to learn a trade. Since the card is reversed, I think it is safe to presume that someone who was NOT interested in working or leaning a trade is involved, here. It's distinctly possible that someone key to the situation had recently become unemployed. The Page of Pentacles is a similar message, only indicates a person, rather than a situation. This could be a child, however. The last card to tell us of the past is the ten of pentacles, and when this card appears reversed, it tells of lost inheritances and lost investments. Somehow, the situation of lost financial opportunities played a key role in this little girl's disappearance.
Moving into the present, the theme of lost money continue, with the ace of pentacles. A grant or a lump sum payment that had been expected, or had been gained illicitly, either didn't materialize, or didn't last long enough. We also have the three of pentacles, indicating a person who is not skilled at the labor for which he or she is paid. It also comes up reversed to describe unemployment. The third card for the present is the nine of swords, which tells us of suspicion and possible impending imprisonment.
The seven of swords is in the future, and when this card falls reversed, it's message is good advice, and reliable instructions, so I think it is safe to assume that someone has a good attorney; hopefully, it is not only any suspects, but the prosecution and other interested parties! This is followed by the Devil, and when we see him reversed, he warns of indecision, but also of starting over, this time with a clearer picture of what is going on. What was trapped may suddenly be untrapped. The Hermit is here, also reversed. He is a warning about moving too quickly, and without having found all there is to find. Every single person who was associated with the inhabitants of Ayla's father's home needs to be interviewed or re-interviewed. Search warrants need to be obtained for each and every property which was visited by any of them during the time period of Ayla's disappearance. I still feel that more evidence can be found on private property. I wish the reading was more positive.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kathryn Adam

Kathryn Adams disappeared in April of 1993, while working for Leggs as a delivery person. She disappeared in Salina, Kansas after visiting a Kwik Stop where her image was caught on a security camera. That was the last known sighting of her; the van she was driving turned up at a restaurant that was closed for remodeling.
The reading starts with the seven of swords crossed by the King of Swords. This speaks to legal matters; the seven of swords is a card that usually describes the attempt to take more than one can handle, or take something that does not belong to one. The King of Swords is often a policeman, lawyer, or judge, or a man of authority connected to law. In this case, he was well disposed toward Kathryn, and was trying to stop her from something either unnecessary or unwise. As a bit of background, we get the nine of swords, which is worry, and lots of it. The cause of this worry is the Sun, reversed, which speaks of home, marriage, and family in a state of upheaval or unrest. In possible outcomes for the matters weighing on Kathryn's mind when she disappeared, the seven of pentacles appears, reversed. The message here is that Kathryn was about to be forced to part with something, or with money, for which she had worked hard, and she did not think it was just and fair. The next card is the ten of cups. Usually, the ten of cups is a wonderful card, but in answer to the question about Kathryn's missing persons case, I find it troubling. It bespeaks an ending here, in specific, an ending to a family situation or marriage, without the marriage actually having to end.
The first card on the staff is judgement, reversed. As it falls in the place of fears, this card's clear message is the fear of death. The next card, depicting an important feature of Kathryn's surroundings at the time, is the Queen of Wands. This would be a woman over the age of seventeen with reddish hair (possibly dyed) and an impulsive nature. She is not reversed, so at the moment, I think she is friend, rather than foe. In the place of hopes, we find the Wheel of Fortune, reversed, which tells us that in addition to family problems, Kathryn somehow found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. The last card is the ace of wands, reversed, which is a dealing that did not materialize, or turn out the way Kathryn had anticipated.
Two sevens appeared in this reading, and it seems plausible that they may refer to a route number or a place. The pentacles point north, but are reversed here, and the swords point east. Seven, ten, and twenty seem to be significant numbers; between seven and twenty miles to the east, then off the beaten path a bit. The Sun has shown up reversed, and when I asked why Kathryn disappeared, I drew the Moon, which, in this case, speaks of mistrust and dishonesty. Also, these two cards together in a reading often refer to outdoors, "under the sun", or "in moonlight".

Friday, March 29, 2013

Update For Kate Phillips

Katherine Phillips disappeared over a year and a half ago, and while her biological father is still in jail over this, Katherine has never been found. There were a couple of requests for an update.
I drew three cards for the past, which are the four of pentacles, reversed; the nine of swords, reversed; and the ten of cups. The four of pentacles reversed tells us about the wasting of resources instead of prudence in the area of paying bills. Clearly, someone involved in the situation with Katherine did not want to grow up and learn to budget money. Next, we have the nine of swords, reversed, which is worry, followed by the ten of cups, which, I believe, is Katherine's birth. While the birth was definately a happy event, and Katherine was very wanted, her presence caused worry for at least one party. But......everyone following this case already knew this much!
The next three cards are the four of wands, reversed;the ace of cups, and the four of swords, reversed. Four is a number that represents Family in Taosim, and in my opinion, the presence of these two fours in Katherine's reading screams "family"! Upright, the four of wands tells of happy family events, weddings, or parties, and reversed it often tells the same story, but sometimes as clouded, or imperfect happiness. The ace of cups refers, once again, to birth and happy news. The four of swords reversed is sudden activity after dormance. So.....the disappearance was planned, somewhat, and "sprung" on someone who did not suspect.
Finally, we have the seven of cups, reversed, representing the use of will and reason....we can safely assume that responsible party was not "insane". This is followed by the four of cups, also reversed. Another "four"......this one referring to new relationships and communications. Still a reference to "family"........I think the baby is somewhere near the biodad's last residence. All of the cups in this reading also speak of water, as water is the element that relates to cups, and point west. I do not think this baby ended up very far to the west, though. The final card is the Wheel of Fortune, which tells me that when Katherine is found, it will be by lucky chance. Ten is the value of the Wheel of fortune; perhaps that is a number of importance here.....could it corrospond to the ten of cups? Tenth Road? Ten feet? Ten ponds? Water is undoubtedly part of this picture now, whether is was when Katherine first disappeared or not. She is also not far from the home of someone in her family.  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What Was Behind The Shooting Of Saad Al-Hilli?

Saad Al-Hilli and his wife were both found shot to death in the Alps in 2012, and someone sent me a link to the information, asking what the Tarot would say about it. Mr. and Mrs. Al-Hilli were survived by two young daughters; this was so sad for them.

The reading gives us the Hermit, reversed, crossed by the two of pentacles. This is an element of immaturity, or denial of reality, intertwined with attempts to make new starts, probably career changes. Beneath this, we see the Page of Wands, which is a message containing good news. Saad was not expecting to be shot. As a factor in Saad's past, the ten of pentacles comes up reversed, telling us that a financial loss, possibly of an inheritance, grant, or loan was at least part of the reason this crime took place. The message is that the money was not money that Saad earned, or earned by himself.
This is followed by the Page of Wands, which is some good news that Saad had gotton before he was killed. He did not expect to get murdered. After this, we get the ten of pentacles, reveresed, which tells of financial loss, particularly of an inheritiance or grant. The money was somehow considered to not have been completely earned by Saad. A problem in the investigation is indicated by the five of wads, reversed, which points to testimony that does not line up with other findings, and with witnesses changing their stories. The three of cups reversed has to do, not only with endings, but overindulgence on the physical plane, and with greed. Could this have contributed to the motive?
The three of swords appears in the place of fears, and it is a card of betrayal and disorder. The message here is that Saad had somehow compromised someone, or had been compromised. This oftenn goes hand in hand with conflicts about ownership and legal testimony. In the place of environment, we have the ace of cups, reversed, which describes a situation of family problems! As a hope, ( of the perpetrator(s)) we get the five of cups, reversed-somehow, this killer did not think that the murders were a big deal-as if he had a "right" to do it! And the reading ends with the two of cups, reversed, which is untrue love, and "love" partnerships that are violent.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Robyn Gardner

The question I asked was "what happened to Robyn Gardner, and where is she?" This is the answer I got. It begins with the Page of Pentacles, reversed, crossed by the Magician. To me, this looks as if Robyn was experiencing a lull, either in school or her career, and was looking for someone who could fix it for her.....the Magician. It it based by the six of cups, telling me that Robyn branched out into some unkown territory. An event in the recent past is the Hanged Man, which is a sacrifice, or a period of suspension. It is an interesting card to see in this spot, as it makes me wonder if Robyn disappeared of her own free will. Another possible interpretation is that Robyn accepted and invitation or a gift that was somehow significant in this situation.

Crowning this, in possible outcomes, is the Empress. Could Robyn have been pregnant? If so, could this have possibly played a role in her disappearance? The card telling of things that WILL happen is the ace of pentacles. This tells of a financial opportunity stemming from Robyn's disappearance. Plainly and simply. But it has not materialized yet.

Temperance reversed is in the place of Robyn's thoughts. This could be a bad combination between friends and associates, but I really feel that it is telling us of alcohol or drug abuse. Even if it only happened on one occasion, it somehow played a role. Strength is the card telling of the opinions of others. Others are still looking for Robyn. The two of wands comes up in the place of hopes and fears; this tells me that she had somehow planned this with someone else, whether things went according to plan or not. The last card, the final outcome, is the High Priestess, reversed. Interesting. The High Priestess is all about secrets, yet she fall reversed. This means that Robyn will, one day, be found. Sometimes, the High Priestess can indicate a place named after a Goddess or a female saint. Sometimes, water is connected to this card.

Going back to the Magician.....a man who knew exactly what he was doing was involved in this. Money was the reason. A waiting game is being played right now, on the bet that time will somehow temper, or cover his tracks, wherever they lead.