Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What Is In The Mueller Report?

So why has the Mueller report been kept under lock and key, away from those who paid for it? Why has Congress been denied access to it? Does it contain some secret that the people have not already guessed? Why? Okay, I finally decided to do a reading about it. The whole subject will probably require several readings, but here is the first one. The first question, which with I will use a Horoscope reading to deal, will concern the findings of the report, itself. I will ask what Bob Mueller has uncovered, as a result of his nearly two year investigation. The second reading, which I will do subsequently, will concern the question of who should face indictments, yet has not. Then the third and final reading will ask why William Barr, the current attorney general of the United States, has declined to release the report, in its entirety, to the American people. Now, for the first question: what was uncovered by Mueller's investigation?

The first house, showing us the nature of the entire subject, gives us the Wheel of Fortune. There are dealings, here, which have had profound effects upon the world, and its population; and would have had those effects regardless of the outcome of the 2016 presidential election in America. A relatively small number of persons have exerted an unbalanced amount of control over the entire population of the planet. There were few controls, or laws, stopping this, and we are dealing with entities who have virtually no ethics, so opportunities were ripe for the taking. In the second house, of finance, possessions, and that which has material value, the eight of wands appears. This reinforces the message of the Wheel of Fortune; opportunity ripe for the taking. A climate that allows and encourages unethical behavior has fed this situation, and it happened in a relatively short amount of time. Once again, there were no restraints or controls.  Next, in the third house, which governs communication, written words, and short travels, we have the Queen of Wands. As she falls upside right, I will regard her as kindly disposed toward law and order, for the time being. As wands represent fire, she is fiery, pushing forward any pertinent information quickly. She may be a key witness or a prosecutor. We will revisit her presence later in the reading. The fourth house, of domestic affairs, has given us the seven of swords, reversed. This tells me that there is definitely substance in the report, and that we are dealing with suspects who thought they could get away with violating the laws, both abroad and at home. When this card is upside right, it often indicates theft. Here, I am seeing that there were no controls exercised where there should have been.

We find the eight of pentacles, reversed, in the fifth house of creativity and speculation. Often, this house also deals with children and progeny. No one should be surprised if the findings of this investigation cross multiple generations, such as a defendant or suspect AND his children. It could also indicate the creation of a company or a corporation to be the face of any business endeavors, rather than a person. When the eight of pentacles falls reversed, it often tells a story of fraud, counterfeiting, and lack of true talent, as well. This, readers, is something that I believe was discovered in the Mueller report: if not actual counterfeiting, there was falsehood concerning assets or collateral, and the effects have been similar. This is troubling, as many countries have been affected. It is also bigger than the President of the United States at this point, although one might wonder why he played the game for so long! Moving along the the sixth house, of health, inconvenience, and mundane checks and balances, the card of Justice shows up. Yes, readers, there WILL be retribution! A global balancing act will be required, however. This is more serious than merely finding a president with his pants down or with his hand in the cookie jar. I would, at this point, venture a guess that even Trump was unaware of the seriousness and complexity of some of his "deal making" actions. This guess is more or less supported by the card that has turned up in the seventh house, of partnerships, where we have the Hierophant, reversed. The reversed Hierophant represents unorthodox relationships of all sorts, and finding him in the house of partners tells all of us that the Mueller report has turned up some very strange and unorthodox bed fellows! This, perhaps, is one of the reasons why justice will be complicated, here. The eighth house of monies and assets resulting from those partnerships yields the five of cups, which is a card of regret. Even as you read this, there is a teeny bit of regret on the parts of defendants, here; not because they got in over their heads or ran afoul of the laws, but because they got caught! Rest assured, these individuals will not get to enjoy all of the fruits of their unlawful labors.

In the ninth house, of long journeys, foreign nations, ideals, and law; we find the Tower, reversed. Trump Tower? Hmmm. This card, in reversal, refers to accusations, imprisonment, bankruptcy, and the like. There may even be defendants who were "thrown under the bus," so to speak, in order to confuse those conducting the investigation. This, the eight of pentacles, and the eight of wands in the second house all link to the Queen of Wands in the third house; we have someone who passed valid information to Mueller. Also, as the ninth house represents foreign nations, there is a foreign business that is involved in this picture. The whole matter will require more investigation, and it appears that there are still some aspects of the investigation that are not yet finished. The tenth house gives us the Emperor, reversed. The tenth house deals with government, public life, and order. When the Emperor shows up reversed, it tells of immaturity, loss of control, and sometimes, the loss of an inheritance. A business arrangement that did not work out, and subsequent unlawful actions to recover money are also at issue in this report. The eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes, organizations, and charities yields the World, reversed. In addition to lack of vision and fear of adventure, this card tells of success that has not been won. This goes two different ways: the subjects of the investigation did not successfully achieve all of the goals, and the investigation falls short of ability to deal with the entire scope of the transgressions. We obviously have foreign nationals involved, and some of them may never be brought to justice in the United States. Last of all, we have the Magician in the twelfth house. This is the house of self undoing, institutions, secret enemies, and sometimes, death. The Magician mastery and skill, organization, and creativity. This whole matter will eventually find its way to justice, but sweeping changes will be required. Fraud, money laundering, large and small bank larcenies, and other white collar crime will require more oversight and actual consequences in the future. From this reading, it appears that Mueller did, indeed, discover serious crime, much of it financial in nature. He also discovered that more than one foreign nation is willing to act in unanticipated hostile ways toward the United States.  The problem in prosecuting it lies in the fact that much of it was committed in other countries, and we lack precedent and jusridiction for prosecution under that type of circumstance. The Justice card and the Magician give your faithful blogger a certain amount of hope, though.

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