Thursday, April 4, 2019

Will More People Face Charges As A Result Of The Mueller Investigation?

As we are all aware, seven defendants in America and quite a few overseas have been indicted and prosecuted by American courts as a result of Bob Mueller's investigation. One of the lingering questions, of course, has to do with whoever might be implicated but not yet charged. Attorney General William Barr is working feverishly to keep this information from Americans, and Congress has issued subpoenas for the information. So who, further, should and will face charges? I will see what the Tarot has to say. Once again, I am using a Horoscope layout.

We find the ace of swords, reversed, in the first house, describing the potential of the entire matter. This describes obstacles in the face of purpose, so we can safely surmise that there are others in this mess who have not been charged, but should be charged. The second house, of matters that are valued materially, we have the five of swords. This is conquest. There is a feeling, among defendants and potential defendants, that these cases are unnecessarily punitive, and the result of a desire to be nasty. Yes, readers, these defendants truly think that they are above the law! The third house, of communication, short trips, and written words, gives us the Page of Cups, reversed. This page, when he falls reversed, is someone who is a bit of a dilettante, and isn't always truthful. He is here, in this country, and he is youngish...perhaps in his late twenties. He is suspected of lying to investigators, and he may face charges. He is in the United States, and within reach of prosecutors; he just hasn't been charged yet. The fourth house, of domestic affairs, shows the Knight of Wands. This is someone who is still working on investigating potential defendants here in the United States. The appearance of this knight warns that someone who is about to be charged may try to flee. Perhaps information relating to suspects who have yet to be charged will not be shared with the public.

In the fifth house, of creative responses and speculations, the Moon appears, reversed. This tells us that practical considerations will rule the day. We do have witnesses who have not been candid, and we do have defendants who have been indicted but have not yet been charged. We will have to wait a little bit longer to see who they are. In the sixth house, of inconveniences and everyday matters, we have the Wheel of Fortune, reversed. This is not a good card for those enforcing the law. It tells us that there have been setbacks in charging the right people with crimes, and that suspects and defendants who have not been formally charged have found loopholes within our judicial system, in order to get away with criminal activities. If we move into the seventh house, of partnerships, where the three of pentacles turns up reversed, we get a glimpse of what some of those loopholes might be. The three of pentacles is reversed is greed, and commonplace ideals. There has been some sort of dishonest deal made in order to evade prosecution and continue the criminal activities.  We have the Hierophant in the eighth house, and this is tradition. The eighth house represents taxes, secrets, and the fruits produced by the partnerships in the seventh house, and finding a card of dishonesty in the seventh house followed by a card of tradition in the eighth house is curious.....could someone who had been trusted by a suspect spill even more secrets to investigators? It appears possible. Also, as the eighth house talks about taxes, one must remember that failure to pay taxes is what brings down quite a few of the most difficult defendants to prosecute.

The ninth house, of long distance travels, higher learning, and the law, yields the Page of Pentacles. This appears to be the answer to the reversed Page of Cups, in the third house. Here, we have someone who can refute perjury and false testimony with the truth. The Page of Pentacles in the ninth house also that Congress can and will get the report, either through subpoena or court order. In the tenth house, of government and public life, we get the two of pentacles. This is about communication and balance. Congress will have to fight for the report, and there will be ups and downs in that fight before the information in the report becomes public. There will be a strong suggestion to tie up loose ends and arrest people who still should be arrested. We find the eight of wands, reversed, in the eleventh house of organizations and friends. This represents more delay in bringing suspects to justice. It is quite possible that a few people who should spend their lives in prison will get away with serious crime and present a burden to Americans for at least one or two generations. The Queen of Cups is in the twelfth house, of secret enemies and institutions, telling us that while Mueller has done his job, a lot of the footwork still remains to be done. Congress will actually do a certain amount of it, as well.

Judging by this reading, there are still a few people who remain to be charged, or whose cases have yet to be heard, and this can be a good reason to redact certain bits of information. Defendants in other countries are involved, and have already gained discovery about this matter, therefore; the cat is already out of the bag, so to speak! It makes no sense to remain secretive, because the information will be leaked if it is not shared. Once again, this is uncharted territory for the judicial system, but the truth will eventually make itself heard. Yes, more people will face charges as a result of the Mueller investigation, but there are also people who will be able to sidestep justice, for at least a while. The citizens of the United States will pay, for a long time, for the upkeep and security of a few criminals. Sad.

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