Showing posts with label money laundering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money laundering. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Why Is Attorney General Barr Withholding The Mueller Report?

Now for the last question in this series of tarot queries about the Mueller report; why is Attorney General Barr refusing to share it with Americans, as all other reports of this type have been? His published comments on the report have irked the lawyers who have worked on it, and assisted in writing it, and he seems to want to distract the public from the obvious questions concerning the president and others in his family! I will use a Celtic Cross for this reading, and I will ask why it has not been shared with us, and what he is trying to hide.

We begin with the Emperor, crossed by Death!! What a beginning! The Emperor is a paternal, authoritarian figure who is ready for action. His presence is dominating, but Death is major change, over which no mortal has control! What a message! Our paternal leader with control issues has a brand new message coming to him, and he may not like it! Okay; now for the rest of the reading. Beneath this, we have the seven of cups, which gives us a foundation of deception on the part of Attorney General Barr. He would really like to make us believe that the report did not turn up anything more serious than that of which we have already been informed, and that no one else has committed a crime or should be questioned or indicted. The King of Wands, who turns up next, and also in the past, states otherwise, however. He is steadfast and honest, and begs to differ with Mr. Barr. The very best thing that can happen here, as indicated by the three of cups, for the American people, is for Mr. Barr to simply turn the whole report over. Any redactions should only be made to avoid any unordered discovery on the parts of defendants and suspects.

Mr. Barr has temporarily won an unethical victory, which is shown by the Chariot, reversed, in the place of things that will happen in the near future; however, this card also shows a lack of balance and an inability to control the situation. There is already enough information out and about concerning the Mueller report, and there are also defendants, in other countries, who have gained discovery in certain cases covered by this investigation. These defendants are unlikely to care about Mr. Barr's desire to protect Donald Trump and his children, and are very likely to leak information; especially for a price. Wouldn't it be more graceful for Barr to simply do what he would do if the president was Barrack Obama, and share the information?

In the place of fears, Mr. Barr's fears, to be exact; we have the Devil, reversed. Barr is worried that the cat is already out of the bag, so to speak. He is also reluctant to issue any decision. If he decides to share the information, he has Donald Trump on his back, and if he does not share the information, he has Congress and the Supreme Court on his back. Congress will still have to issue subpoenas and go to court, though.  The ten of wands shows that he is using his power unwisely, and this card also sometimes speaks of legal or court decisions. Barr would really rather not be the one to share the report; he wants to be able to tell the president that he had to, because of a court order or a subpoena. In his hopes, we find Temperance, telling us that there will be quite a few redactions, at first. A card I pulled to clarify this is the Page of Swords. This page is often a spy, and likes to share news and messages. I am going to venture a guess that any redactions are likely to be "unredacted" by the next administration, if not before! The last card is the Hermit. This is prudence, discretion, and wise counsel. Congress will see the report first, and they will be judicious in how they present it to the American people.

Now, another short reading, to better explain what the Mueller report reveals. The attorney general would certainly never go to such great lengths to hide an investigation if no one was implicated, would he? Of course not! Another Celtic Cross reading, here.

The seven of pentacles begins this, crossed by the four of cups. When the seven of pentacles shows up in a reading, it shows that someone is either waiting for something to mature, or waiting to get paid. As it is crossed by the four of cups, which is a card of impatience and dissatisfaction, I am going to assume that payment was never received; so we have someone who was waiting for payment or money. Beneath this, in the past, we have the nine of cups, reversed. This indicates that the payment and maturity shown by the seven of pentacles never happened. Somehow, it was intercpeted. The next card, showing the more recent past, is the Devil, reversed, relating back to the first reading. A shady deal somehow fell apart, and there were aspects of this "deal" that were unlawful and possibly fraudulent. Mr. Barr does not think the American public should know about this. Crowning this, we have the Magician, reversed. Once again, we see indecision and abuse of power. This is only in the realm of possibility, though; Barr has not gotten away with it yet. In the arena of things to come, we have the Page of Pentacles. reversed. This is waste and excess, and a material loss. Has Trump, the deal-maker in chief, made a bad deal and cost his investors some money? Has he failed to pay his taxes? As for the latter, Congress can and will provide us with an answer for that.

The first card on the staff, in the place of fears, is the Sun. This card is a card of happiness and wonderful luck, and would have been much better placed in hopes, rather than fears! But here it is in Mr. Barr's fears, showing that he is very much afraid of what it best for the nation! Imagine that! The Sun shines light on everything, and that is very scary for some people who are directly affected by the Mueller report. Next, in the place of environment, we have the ace of wands, reversed. The was the cancellation and deferment of an enterprise, or a project requiring major financing. The next card, also a fear, even though it should be a hope, is the Knight of Swords. This knight often represents law enforcement or a legal decision; and in this case, it may represent legal authorities in another country, knocking at Donald Trump's door. Why would Barr want to hide that from Americans? The last card is the Hanged Man. This is a suspended decision or legal action. This could also explain why Mr. Trump wanted to run for president in the first place. He thinks that as president, he can suspend legal decision forever. Unfortunately, a very serious aspect of this is that financiers in other countries are involved, and if the United States determines that a thief or a swindler can be legally protected from his obligations, how will that affect diplomatic relations? Oh dear, oh dear....what's a spineless, Republican attorney general to do?

Ouch! I just pulled a qualifier for the Hanged Man, and got the King of Swords, reversed. This King is also often law enforcement, like the Knight of Swords, yet he is an older, more mature version; sometimes a lawyer or a judge. He falls reversed, which makes him unkindly disposed toward the...ahem....subject of the investigation. So the findings of the Mueller report are in suspense for now, but will be dynamited back to life by an angry legal person. And it appears that all of this started with money, money laundering, fraudulent dealings, and coverups about the same.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What Is In The Mueller Report?

So why has the Mueller report been kept under lock and key, away from those who paid for it? Why has Congress been denied access to it? Does it contain some secret that the people have not already guessed? Why? Okay, I finally decided to do a reading about it. The whole subject will probably require several readings, but here is the first one. The first question, which with I will use a Horoscope reading to deal, will concern the findings of the report, itself. I will ask what Bob Mueller has uncovered, as a result of his nearly two year investigation. The second reading, which I will do subsequently, will concern the question of who should face indictments, yet has not. Then the third and final reading will ask why William Barr, the current attorney general of the United States, has declined to release the report, in its entirety, to the American people. Now, for the first question: what was uncovered by Mueller's investigation?

The first house, showing us the nature of the entire subject, gives us the Wheel of Fortune. There are dealings, here, which have had profound effects upon the world, and its population; and would have had those effects regardless of the outcome of the 2016 presidential election in America. A relatively small number of persons have exerted an unbalanced amount of control over the entire population of the planet. There were few controls, or laws, stopping this, and we are dealing with entities who have virtually no ethics, so opportunities were ripe for the taking. In the second house, of finance, possessions, and that which has material value, the eight of wands appears. This reinforces the message of the Wheel of Fortune; opportunity ripe for the taking. A climate that allows and encourages unethical behavior has fed this situation, and it happened in a relatively short amount of time. Once again, there were no restraints or controls.  Next, in the third house, which governs communication, written words, and short travels, we have the Queen of Wands. As she falls upside right, I will regard her as kindly disposed toward law and order, for the time being. As wands represent fire, she is fiery, pushing forward any pertinent information quickly. She may be a key witness or a prosecutor. We will revisit her presence later in the reading. The fourth house, of domestic affairs, has given us the seven of swords, reversed. This tells me that there is definitely substance in the report, and that we are dealing with suspects who thought they could get away with violating the laws, both abroad and at home. When this card is upside right, it often indicates theft. Here, I am seeing that there were no controls exercised where there should have been.

We find the eight of pentacles, reversed, in the fifth house of creativity and speculation. Often, this house also deals with children and progeny. No one should be surprised if the findings of this investigation cross multiple generations, such as a defendant or suspect AND his children. It could also indicate the creation of a company or a corporation to be the face of any business endeavors, rather than a person. When the eight of pentacles falls reversed, it often tells a story of fraud, counterfeiting, and lack of true talent, as well. This, readers, is something that I believe was discovered in the Mueller report: if not actual counterfeiting, there was falsehood concerning assets or collateral, and the effects have been similar. This is troubling, as many countries have been affected. It is also bigger than the President of the United States at this point, although one might wonder why he played the game for so long! Moving along the the sixth house, of health, inconvenience, and mundane checks and balances, the card of Justice shows up. Yes, readers, there WILL be retribution! A global balancing act will be required, however. This is more serious than merely finding a president with his pants down or with his hand in the cookie jar. I would, at this point, venture a guess that even Trump was unaware of the seriousness and complexity of some of his "deal making" actions. This guess is more or less supported by the card that has turned up in the seventh house, of partnerships, where we have the Hierophant, reversed. The reversed Hierophant represents unorthodox relationships of all sorts, and finding him in the house of partners tells all of us that the Mueller report has turned up some very strange and unorthodox bed fellows! This, perhaps, is one of the reasons why justice will be complicated, here. The eighth house of monies and assets resulting from those partnerships yields the five of cups, which is a card of regret. Even as you read this, there is a teeny bit of regret on the parts of defendants, here; not because they got in over their heads or ran afoul of the laws, but because they got caught! Rest assured, these individuals will not get to enjoy all of the fruits of their unlawful labors.

In the ninth house, of long journeys, foreign nations, ideals, and law; we find the Tower, reversed. Trump Tower? Hmmm. This card, in reversal, refers to accusations, imprisonment, bankruptcy, and the like. There may even be defendants who were "thrown under the bus," so to speak, in order to confuse those conducting the investigation. This, the eight of pentacles, and the eight of wands in the second house all link to the Queen of Wands in the third house; we have someone who passed valid information to Mueller. Also, as the ninth house represents foreign nations, there is a foreign business that is involved in this picture. The whole matter will require more investigation, and it appears that there are still some aspects of the investigation that are not yet finished. The tenth house gives us the Emperor, reversed. The tenth house deals with government, public life, and order. When the Emperor shows up reversed, it tells of immaturity, loss of control, and sometimes, the loss of an inheritance. A business arrangement that did not work out, and subsequent unlawful actions to recover money are also at issue in this report. The eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes, organizations, and charities yields the World, reversed. In addition to lack of vision and fear of adventure, this card tells of success that has not been won. This goes two different ways: the subjects of the investigation did not successfully achieve all of the goals, and the investigation falls short of ability to deal with the entire scope of the transgressions. We obviously have foreign nationals involved, and some of them may never be brought to justice in the United States. Last of all, we have the Magician in the twelfth house. This is the house of self undoing, institutions, secret enemies, and sometimes, death. The Magician mastery and skill, organization, and creativity. This whole matter will eventually find its way to justice, but sweeping changes will be required. Fraud, money laundering, large and small bank larcenies, and other white collar crime will require more oversight and actual consequences in the future. From this reading, it appears that Mueller did, indeed, discover serious crime, much of it financial in nature. He also discovered that more than one foreign nation is willing to act in unanticipated hostile ways toward the United States.  The problem in prosecuting it lies in the fact that much of it was committed in other countries, and we lack precedent and jusridiction for prosecution under that type of circumstance. The Justice card and the Magician give your faithful blogger a certain amount of hope, though.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Paul Manafort's Trial

In light of recent news stories about Paul Manafort and his trial for bank fraud, money laundering, violating a federal lobbying disclosure law, obstruction of justice, and over twenty-five other unlawful odds and ends, I decided to do a reading about the trial, which began this week. My curiosity is piqued, not only about the outcome of the trial, but about the trial itself and its nuances in relation to others whose affairs are on Robert Mueller's radar. With that in mind, the reading will be a horoscope spread, since that type of reading often generates more information, albeit the final outcome isn't always as clear. Here goes:

We begin with the four of swords, reversed, in the first house; the house of self and of the actual charges and case, here. The four of swords, when it falls reversed, tells of sudden, renewed activity and social unrest. It also advises circumspection and caution about spending money, and it appears that Manafort used very little caution. This card points to Manafort's cavalier behavior as the reason he was so handily caught and arrested. It also shows us that regardless of the testimony of witnesses, there is a paper trail and an electronic trail in this case. Next, in the second house, of wealth, possessions, and prospects, we have the two of pentacles, also reversed. Here, we have an inability to balance two financial opposites, and we also have feigned happiness. This shows us that Manafort's checkbook did not always balance, and that Manafort had a tendency to pretend that it did. Following this, in the third house, which governs short trips, communication, business and commerce, and sometimes, relatives; we have the Knight of Wands, reversed. When this knight falls reversed, he is often a jealous and disruptive man, but he can also auger an event. Perhaps it is both, here. It would definitely describe a covetous and jealous middle aged man, always wanting more of everything; and it would also describe the arrest, complete with the "no knock" warrant that was served on Manafort in July of 2017. The cavalier behavior of this knight is one of the reasons he stood out as a possible criminal.

In the fourth house, of home environment and property, including real estate, we have the Page of Wands. This card can indicate a young person with something to say, or it can be a message. I rather think that this is one of the witnesses, here, and this witness knows a lot about Paul Manafort's homes and other real estate holdings. This witness is testifying and cooperating with prosecutors.

The fifth house brings us to a new theme in this case, and that is evidence. The fifth house is the house of creativity and amusement, and often, children. In it, we find the ten of wands. The ten of wands signifies an attempt to put something to rest that either did not work out well, or has ended. In this position, I interpret it to mean that someone close to Manafort, perhaps a family member, attempted to destroy or dispense with evidence. This will be featured in the prosecution's case. The sixth house, of health, day to day affairs, and inconveniences show the nine of cups. This may look like a partial victory for Manafort, as it shows he has enjoyed good health up until now, and has never lacked material comforts. Perhaps there has been too much focus on this, both by the prosecution, and by Manafort, during his pretrial life! He still has the best of everything material that a man in his position can have, and that includes legal representation.

In the seventh house, of partnerships, marriage and divorce, agreements, and of public perception, we see the three of wands. This augers that both the prosecution and the defense will have help and testimony from experts and from successful persons who have worked with Manafort in the past. This may look good for Manafort, but the eighth house, which is directly connected to the seventh house via monetary agreements with partners, gives us the two of wands, reversed. This is a warning that the prosecution has the upper hand here, in one way or another, and that any "help" offered to Manafort could easily backfire. The eighth house is also a house of death, loss, and karma. Manafort may find himself indefinitely dominated by others.

The ninth house governs long journeys, overseas matters, and law. In it, we have the four of pentacles, which is the proverbial card of the miser. Material possessions, once again, seem to feature prominently in this case. The suggestion is that Manafort still owns a few assets overseas, and this will factor into the case against him. Next, in the tenth house of career, ambition, and social status, we have Judgement, reversed. The verdict almost doesn't matter: Manafort will never fully recover from this trial. This card also speaks to a loss of worldly goods, and it certainly augers an end to some of the delusions with which Manafort fooled himself. He really thought he would never go to jail, and that's where he is, right now, while this case is tried.

The two of swords appears in the eleventh house of debates, friends, and social life. This card carries a couple of different meanings, here. It is a card of balanced forces, and it sometimes signals a stalemate. It could warn of a "hung jury", or that Manafort will enter a plea before the end of his trial. As it appears in a house that governs social life, it still shows that this matter will not necessarily end with this trial, and that his personal life is still in a state of suspense. More charges and another trial, perhaps? Another possible message on this card could be about the length of the trial, which will probably be about two weeks, give or take a day.

The last card, in the twelfth house, of secrets, self undoing, enemies, institutions, and sometimes, death, gives us the Fool, reversed. This shows faulty choices, and also shows that there will likely be a guilty verdict, at least on a few of the charges; and that there will be an appeal. It does not appear likely that Manafort will be a free man any time soon, and there is a suggestion that a plea bargain prior to the beginning of the trial would have been a better choice.

I will follow this up after the trial is over, as I have never done a reading quite like this one. Thank you for reading, everyone.

Update: On August 21, 2018, Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight of the charges lodged against him. Ten charges were declared "mistrial".