Showing posts with label missing person. Show all posts
Showing posts with label missing person. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Unique Harris

Unique Harris disappeared right inside her house, seemingly into thin air. Her children woke up one morning and were unable to find her. The only things that disappeared with her are her cell phone and keys. So where is she, and what happened?

This reading begins with the four of pentacles, reversed, which sets a tone of wasted resources, crossed by The Last Judgment. Events were set in motion by someone who didn't want to wisely manage money and material resources, and no chance of renewal of relationships or lost friendship and the conveniences that accompanied the friendship. Founding this, we find the World, with all of it's freedoms and opportunities. And bringing the whole situation down to earth, someone involved here took advantage of that.......a new place to live, and new opportunities. This is reiterated by the appearance of the eight of cups, telling us that Unique had recently discarded a lifestyle and direction she to which she had formerly committed. Something that never materialized, but was in the picture as a possibility, is the King of Pentacles. This is a man who had material resources and a mature, helpful outlook to offer. He was also kindly disposed toward Unique, as he falls upright in this reading. Next, we find the Hermit, which is a card of spiritual and physical searching. Unique was searching for a new direction in life, and that is what prompted her disappearance.

The staff is the part of this reading that bothers me, as it describes other individuals, and motive. In the place of fears and plans, we find the seven of pentacles. This card tells of waiting for a harvest, but here, I think it answers my question concerning what happened as "lying in wait". Someone was lying in wait for Unique, waiting for the most convenient moment to confront her. The Hermit, who appeared earlier, also suggests this. It is followed by the none of pentacles, which gives us a motive: the nine of pentacles is interpreted as financial independence, and whether Unique was actually independent or not, her potential independence was seen as a threat by someone. Also, at face value, these cards are both pentacles, which are associated with the element of Earth, and both of these cards suggest gardens and digging. I do not like them coming up in the positions they have taken in this reading, one right after the other! The six of wands appears next, and this card usually tells of successful communication and messaging....I think she got a call on her cell phone and stepped outside to talk. I think this provided the opportunity for someone to grab her. The final card in this reading is the Empress, which says quite a bit. First, it gives us insight into the fact that a woman is a big part of this picture, possibly the instigator. It also tells us about this woman's relationship to the Hermit, who is a man who is involved, but was closer to the action. Look for her to be "old enough to be his mother". Next, motherhood, and the business thereof, was, at least in part, the motive. Yet, had Unique received any challenges to custody of her young children?

These are the clues given by this reading: more than one person, with a woman calling the shots, digging, gardens, and earth. Pentacles and earth also point north, as does the Hermit, but the four of pentacles is upside down, so perhaps north is merely the direction traveled by the perpetrator. The six of wands also tells us that this crime was premeditated.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Melanie Metheny

Melanie Metheny has been missing from West Virginia since July 19, 2006. Since then, her name has come up in testimony once, during a trial in West Virginia, but she still has not been found. 

We start with the four of wands, a happy, celebratory card, crossed by the five of swords, a violent, vengeful card. It appears that Melanie was simply going about her own business on July 19, when she was targeted by a very violent man. This is founded by the ace of wands, which represents the window of opportunity this man was able to open, here. The ace of wands can describe  new family, birth, or business opportunity, and sometimes, an inheritance; but it is always an asset that acts as an opportunity, not something to be hoarded. Whoever the man is, he knew enough about Melanie to know that she had something he wanted, and thought he could take, as illustrated in the six of pentacles, which follows. The six of pentacles tells us that Melanie might have been willing to lend or give this man money, but he, for some reason, wasn't satisfied. As the card has fallen upside right, it does not quite fit the scenario of a robbery, but the violence of the five of swords describes the situation as very similar to a robbery. 

The next card is the Knight of Cups, reversed. This man is a liar, who is often involved in theft and fraud. Sometimes, drugs, alcohol, and addiction are part of the picture. This is the person who can lead us to Melanie. The four of swords follows, reversed. I believe the message in this card, as it has come up, is paranoia. The unrest, and sometimes, fear, that are associated with the four of swords falling reversed have a lot to do with why Melanie disappeared. The perpetrator was unwilling to take a chance that she would testify about him. 

For self, indicating Melanie, we get the three of cups. As a situation, this is another happy card, but it falls in a place we often find fears. She was aware, at some point, that she had been snatched from a family she cherished.......the ultimate robbery. As a location, it would indicate springs and small streams. For environment, the Tarot gives us the five of cups, which is another water card. The five of cups tells us that clues have been overlooked, and valuable information has somehow been rejected. As a location, it would also indicate streams. In the place of hopes, we find the Emperor, who represents control. He is also a man who would like to see Melanie found. While law enforcement is usually represented by court cards in the suit of swords, I think the Emperor may be an investigator. He would love to use force on the suspect to gain information, as illustrated by the ace of swords appearing as the final outcome, but hopefully, he will remember to be a bit more subtle and mindful of emotions when he gathers information, which is another message of the three and five of cups. 

Another suggestion of the four of swords is man-made tunnels and shafts. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How Did Teleka Patrick Get Into Lake Charles?

Teleka Patrick, who went missing on December 5 of 2013, was recently found deceased in Lake Charles, in Indiana. It is thought that she drowned, but there are still many unanswered questions about this case. A reader asked me if I would do a reading to see what the cards would say about how it happened, and I will attempt that.

The first three cards I drew, telling me about the immediate past....before she fell into the water.....are the High Priestess, the Page of Swords, and the seven of cups. The High Priestess represents hidden purpose, and it appears that Teleka had decided upon a direction and destination, but had not shared this information with anyone. The Page of Swords is often a young person, but in this case, I think the card represents a phone call, text message, or an email that Teleka probably received on her phone. The seven of cups reversed is determination and progress. Despite the fact that she did not share her plans with anyone, she still used her phone and social media.

The next three cards, discussing the time she actually disappeared, were the five of pentacles, reversed; the nine of wands, reversed; and the Page of Cups. The five of pentacles reversed redefines her trip as an attempt to re-establish a connection with a friend. The nine of wands reversed tells us that she met with an obstacle of some kind, and this may very well have been the flat tire her car incurred. I am inclined to believe that the Page of Cups is someone who tried to help, as this card often speaks of assistance and help, but who was unsuccessful because Teleka didn't know him. He appears upside right, so I will assume he meant her no harm.

The next three cards, which give us the outcome, are Temperance, the eight of swords, and the three of cups, reversed. Temperance is balence via appropriate combinations. I think Teleka had intended to seek help with her flat tire in a safer venue than the roadside. The eight of swords is almost a picture of what happened: she lost her balence, fell into some water, and found herself trapped, somehow. The three of cups is also a "water" card, but it sometimes augers sad endings as well as different types of imbalances, physical included. I think she may have suffered from hypothermia, which would explain how she was "trapped", and finally drowned. Despite the speculations surrounding Teleka's death, I do not believe it was a suicide. This reading portrays it as an accident. Prayers to Teleka's family.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Teleka Patrick

Teleka Patrick has been missing from Michigan, since December 5 of 2013. She had recently graduated from medical school, and was reported missing when she did not show up for work. Her car was later found in Indiana, but no sign of her. There has also reportedly been no activity in her bank account and no email or social network activity. 

To the question of what happened to her and where; this is what the cards have to say. The reading begins with the ace of wands crossed by the Chariot. The ace is a new beginning or a new enterprise. Following this new beginning provided the circumstances her to disappear. The chariot provides a vehicle for following our dreams, or sometimes on mundane levels as a simple car; but in this case, something misfired. The promise represented by the ace of wands cancelled out by the Chariot getting pulled in two different directions. The seven of cups appears reversed beneath this, indicating that there was an agreement or a plan in the beginning.

The three of swords appears as one of the last things that happened before Teleka disappeared. This card, when upside right, often tells us about lovers' quarrels and break-ups. It also appears quite often in readings concerning divorce, but Teleka was not married. We can safely assume that an emotional disagreement took place between Teleka and someone else. The Hermit appears as a possible result of these events, and he is usually seeking wisdom and answers. As he is in the position of what should have happened, it looks as if Teleka should have done more research about the person or persons of her acquaintance, or about her new ventures. I feel that someone actually suggested more research and information, too. The next card we see is the two of swords, which represents a grudging compromise, or a stalemate. 

In the place of fears, we see the Queen of Cups. This is a sensitive, emotional woman. She is using her heart as her guide. In the place of environment, we have the ten of cups, which is a card describing balence, success, happy family environment, and friendship. This element is part of her current whereabouts. In the place of hopes, the five of cups appears. So far, there has been no direct suggestion that this woman is no longer with us, but the five of cups upside right hints strongly at regret. It is followed by the King of Swords, reversed, whose conflict with the Queen of Cups was cruel and unexpected. He is the person who can tell us more about what happened to Teleka. As he is represented by Swords, he could be in law enforcement or the legal profession......if he is in medicine, I would expect him to be more involved in something that is as non-personal as possible, as he would lack a bedside manner.

Water is strongly suggested as a location in this reading. There are four cards from the suit of cups, and three from swords. Cups are water, swords are air, but the two of swords in the Ryder Waite deck has a sea in the background, representing temporarily stilled emotions. Because of all of these water references, I am inclined to say water has a lot to do with Teleka's current location. The best advice for finding her in this reading is the Hermit, and his advice to Teleka to slow down, check references, and learn more. Check with everyone who may have spoken with her about personal matters during the week or so before her disappearance. Someone who spoke with her can offer clues, but does not realize it yet.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Randy Leach

Randy Leach, seventeen, was last seen in Northeast Kansas, at a party, at 2:30 AM on April 16, 1988. Reportedly, he had been drinking at the party, but that still does not explain his disappearance. I will see what the Tarot will reveal.
The reading starts with the four of cups, reversed, crossed by the Knight of Swords. As events leading up to this, we have the two of swords and Temperance, reversed. The four of cups reversed tells us of a new, but fleeting interest Randy had in someone he met that night. This is crossed by the Knight of Swords, and I do not like to see this, because this card often represents a violent event or a violent man. The two of wands is a card of partnership, and sometimes of joint ownership of properties and businesses. It's possible that it relates to the owners of the home where the party was held. Temperance reversed confirms that alcohol was involved, unfortunately.
The next two cards are court cards, and they are the King of Wands, reversed, and the Queen of Wands, also reversed. This is a couple who were not kindly disposed toward Randy that night. When the King of Wands falls reversed, we often find that he stated negative intentions prior to acting on them. The Tower follows, in the place of fears. This is a card of ruin, and as it shows up as a fear, Randy was aware of danger; for this reason I think we can dispense with any notion that he ran away from home willingly. He knew that he had suddenly found himself in a very vulnerable position with these two people. In the place of environment, we have the Page of Pentacles, reversed. When upright, this card often represents a message of some sort, and I think it's appearance upside down tells us that someone is still trying to make sure that no message, or tip, concerning Randy's whereabouts is ever conveyed. As a direction, pentacles would point north, and their element is earth, yet this card is reversed. I think Randy is still somewhere very close to where he was last seen. Also, material resources, and the preservation of same, are somehow connected to keeping the secret. Next, we find the eight of pentacles, which is the card of employment and learning skills. This is a hope that is connected to the secrecy represented by the reversed Page of Pentacles; somehow, someone was protecting his or her employment and livelihood. The reading ends with the eight of wands; staffs flying through the air, over an open field. This describes something quite accidental that leads to a clue that helps to find this young man. I wish the reading could have been more positive.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Richard Cody Haynes

What could possibly have happened to Cody Haynes, who disappeared in September of 2004? He was eleven when he went missing, and now he would be twenty. The image on the far right of the poster is a computer generated image of how Cody would look as an adult.
This reading starts with the King of Swords crossed by the Knight of Swords. Yikes! Two males of the suit of swords! Luckily, they are both upside right, so I think they can be linked to the investigation. Law enforcement and the judicial system are often represented by court cards of the suit of swords, and it's element is air. So we know that the investigation is still open, and even if it seems like a lost cause, someone in an investigative position is still earnestly looking for Cody Haynes.
Beneath this is Judgement, which tells us not to give up, a conclusion will be reached. Water is also indicated on this card, as a physical location. But this is in the past, as the reason the King and Knight of Swords are looking for Cody, in the first place. The opposing forces in this matter, also drifting into the past, are represented by the High Priestess, who speaks of things that are hidden. She also deals in water, as it hides things from time to time, and on less physical levels, represents the subconscious. Another "watery" card we find, in possible conclusions for this case, is the Page of Cups. This is a message, or a tip to law enforcement, from a young person, and the message comes from the heart. The element of cups is water, once again. Something we must recognize though, is the reality represented by the eight of swords, which tells us that Cody did not reappear because he was trapped somewhere. Water is part of the imagery of the Ryder-Waite eight of swords, and taking this card at literal, face value, we would see a suggestion that Cody may be trapped in shallow water somewhere.
Another Page that comes up in this reading is the Page of Swords, representing the fears of the person who knows what happened to Cody, yet has not come forward. There may be a witness, or an accomplice after the fact, who is young and has the answers law enforcement seeks. The five of swords comes up as a picture of what happened to Cody. This card is a card of violence, and sometimes of revenge. This is followed by another five, the five of wands, which is in the place of the perpetrator's hopes. Someone here is hoping to get away with playing games with the investigation and those who are looking for Cody. Also, deception is the main message when these two cards appear together in a reading. The nine of pentacles concludes the reading, and this card, in a reading such as this, tells of accomplishment. I think we will find, sadly, that Cody suffered violence for no reason, and that water plays a role in keeping him hidden.

Update For Morgan Martin

Morgan Martin, Florida teen who went missing in July of 2012, is still missing. When someone asks me for an updated reading on a cold case, such as this one, I almost never know specifically what question to put to the Tarot. It's also very disappointing that these cold cases, especially ones involving children, exist in the first place. Perhaps the most important question in this case right now has to do with where Morgan Martin can be found. She was also between sixteen and twenty weeks pregnant at the time of her disappearance.
I simply asked the question, "Where is Morgan Martin?" The reading is already unique in that the cards all fell reversed. We begin with three cards for the past, which are, the Magician, the seven of wands, and the nine of swords. When the Magician falls reversed, he speaks of abuses in power. This is someone who either has some personal or political power in the part of Florida where Morgan lived, or has the ear of someone who does. This power was used against Morgan, and was further abused in covering up events that took place after Morgan left her home for the last time. The seven f wands, when upright, is guarded property and a guarded home; but when this card falls reversed, it is the opposite. Morgan had let her guard down completely, and that is how she became vulnerable. The nine of swords signifies imprisonment, especially false imprisonment.
For the present, we have the ace of cups, the Page of Cups, and Judgement. I believe we saw Judgement in an earlier reading for Morgan. The ace of cups does not bode well for the unborn child. Upright, it refers to birth and fertility, along with joy, but reversed, it tells of the opposite of those things. Likewise the Page of Cups, who is also reversed here. The reversed Page goes a step further and assures us that a deliberate deception can be revealed under the right circumstances, though, so we can be sure that Morgan's disappearance was no accident. Fear of death and disillusionment are what we are being shown by Judgement upside down, those were elements on Morgan's part.
What we will find in the future are the ten of swords, the three of pentacles, and the four of cups. The ten of swords is a card of violent endings, either reversed or upright. When reversed, the message is power, but short lived. Once again, we are getting hints that someone with some power played a role in this situation, but it will not last. The three of pentacles is a card of craftsmanship, yet it falls reversed; and I think it helps to explain the ten of pentacles and the Magician a little bit; it is telling us that someone who was charged with bringing events to light decided, instead, to hide clues and obscure the truth. The last card is the four of cups. When we get this card reversed, we have a sigh of relief.....someone jumping from new relationship to new relationship and from novelty to novelty.
For the answer to the question of "where"; I must conclude that water is a dominant geographic feature in Morgan's current surroundings. The three cards for the present gave me two cards from the suit of cups, and the element corresponding to cups is water, and Judgement is, on mundane, or everyday levels, a "watery" card in and of itself. As a physical location, it tells of traversing and rising out of water, typically a large lake or an ocean, but not travelling to new places. Reversed, it would simply tell of water as a hiding place, rather than a springboard or an agent of rebirth.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Can The Ayla Raynolds Case Be Solved?

Ayla Reynolds has been missing for over a year and a half. The case appears to be going cold. I have had a couple of requests for updates, so here is the question I put to the Tarot: how can this case be solved?
What an unusual reading! Every, single card came up reversed! And the reading was very heavy on cards from the suit of pentacles! Okay, the first three cards, representing the past, are the eight of pentacles, the Page of Pentacles, and the ten of pentacles. The eight of pentacles is the card of the apprentice, and represents hard work in order to learn a trade. Since the card is reversed, I think it is safe to presume that someone who was NOT interested in working or leaning a trade is involved, here. It's distinctly possible that someone key to the situation had recently become unemployed. The Page of Pentacles is a similar message, only indicates a person, rather than a situation. This could be a child, however. The last card to tell us of the past is the ten of pentacles, and when this card appears reversed, it tells of lost inheritances and lost investments. Somehow, the situation of lost financial opportunities played a key role in this little girl's disappearance.
Moving into the present, the theme of lost money continue, with the ace of pentacles. A grant or a lump sum payment that had been expected, or had been gained illicitly, either didn't materialize, or didn't last long enough. We also have the three of pentacles, indicating a person who is not skilled at the labor for which he or she is paid. It also comes up reversed to describe unemployment. The third card for the present is the nine of swords, which tells us of suspicion and possible impending imprisonment.
The seven of swords is in the future, and when this card falls reversed, it's message is good advice, and reliable instructions, so I think it is safe to assume that someone has a good attorney; hopefully, it is not only any suspects, but the prosecution and other interested parties! This is followed by the Devil, and when we see him reversed, he warns of indecision, but also of starting over, this time with a clearer picture of what is going on. What was trapped may suddenly be untrapped. The Hermit is here, also reversed. He is a warning about moving too quickly, and without having found all there is to find. Every single person who was associated with the inhabitants of Ayla's father's home needs to be interviewed or re-interviewed. Search warrants need to be obtained for each and every property which was visited by any of them during the time period of Ayla's disappearance. I still feel that more evidence can be found on private property. I wish the reading was more positive.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lorrin Whitehead

Lorrin Whitehead, forty-three, pictured to the left, was last seen in February of this year, in Bannockburn, Victoria. She had been grocery shopping for her family. There has been no activity in her bank account, which is always a reason for concern, and she is also diabetic. 

The basis is Temperance crossed by the four of pentacles. Temperance is good management with time and resources, but the four of pentacles crossing it shows a challenge in that area, but what could that possibly have to do with Lorrin Whitehead's disappearance? Below this, we have the ten of swords, which is not a good card in a reading such as this. It is a card of violence and ruin. Behind the basis is the three of wands, which looks like help planning........someone may have asked her for assistance with something. The wands would point south. Following this, we have the nine of cups, reversed. When this card falls reversed, it tells of mistakes, and I think the mistake here had to do with trust: Lorrin somehow placed her trust in the wrong person. The next card is the Empress. This is likely the reason Lorrin was in the position to trust the wrong person; a desire to help someone, from a nurturing standpoint.

The card at the base of the staff, in the place of self image, is the three of cups, reversed. This indicates someone with self indulgent tendencies and it sometimes indicates endings. Cups are water and emotions, and so far, there have been two reversed cups in this reading. Somehow, misplaced trust with someone who should have been congenial rather than violent is key in this situation. The next card, describing the general environment surrounding the disappearance, is the Chariot. This is conquest, and playing two extremes, successfully, against each other. On purely mundane levels, this could also be transportation by vehicle. So we see Lorrin transported in a vehicle that is not her own. Next we have the eight of cups, which is dissatisfaction with the very thing from which the subject expected satisfaction. The final outcome is the ace of wands, reversed. This is a disappointment. Whoever is indicated in the three of wands.......and that card DOES speak of involvement of at least one other person, has not reaped the benefits expected from his or her actions. I do not like to see the ten of swords in any reading about a missing person, but I always hope, until the case is closed, that the person is found safe. Here, I would expect the perpetrator to have had several changes of heart concerning the concealment of evidence, possibly trying water first, then burning evidence. West was considered, but south was somehow more convenient, and there could be multiple places containing or related to evidence. I would expect three miles south and three miles west of the last place Lorrin was seen to be important.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Dylan Redwine Found

Dylan Redwine was found earlier this week. His remains were discovered about ten miles to the northwest of Vallecito. A cause of death has not yet been determined. I feel so sad for Dylan's mom and brother.


Friday, November 9, 2012

What Happened To Robert Farris?

Robert Farris has been missing since September 5, 2012. He was last seen in Prairie Village Kansas, and Missouri police have an open missing persons report for him. As he is an adult, he may not wish to be found, but someone asked me to do a reading. His picture is to the left, and here is the reading.

The reading begins with the Page of Pentacles crossed by the King of Pentacles. Both of these cards point north. The page, in this case, is a message of a communique of some sort, and the king is a man over the age of forty. It looks very much as if Robert was looking for work,and answered an adverstisement for same. Beneath this, we have the three of swords, reversed. This card represents disputes and in-fighting within a family or community, and often divorces and custody battles. Something of this nature influenced Robert's recent past. Something else in Robert's past is Temperance, and this refers to his state of mind at the time he disappeared. There was no intention on his part to mislead anyone, hide, or otherwise drop off the grid. The best that may come out of this situation is the ace of pentacles, which can mean a couple of things. This card represents that which has not yet materialized; and it can either be a work opportunity or money obtained some other way. The appearance of this card makes me a little nervous in this Something that will happen in the future is the nine of pentacles, This card generally describes financial independence. How does a missing man bring financial independence to anyone? But it could also tell us that he will come home on his own.........Once again, the direction is north. "Nine" to the north.

In the place of fears, we have the Fool, reversed, which speaks plainly of bad choices. This is followed up by the Devil in the place of environment. In this position, it is a card of violence and force. I do not like it's appearance here. Next, we have the ace of swords, reversed. Reversed or upright, this card represents great energy and power, but reversed, the message of violence is once again reinforced here. The reading ends with the Tower, reversed. The is another card of oppression and violence, but as it falls reversed, it tells of these things to a lesser degree, and it is also a card of imprisonment.

I will update this is he is not located soon.