Friday, February 13, 2015

Solarspectrum Sister Site

Solarspectrum Tarot now has a sister site where you can get a personal reading! I am pleased to present Solarspectrum Tarot Inspiration And Readings.

Friday, February 6, 2015

How Can Morgan Martin Be Found?

Morgan Martin has been missing since July of 2012. I got a request for an update, not too long ago, and I decided that the question should be, "how can Morgan be found?"

The first three cards, representing the past, are the eight of pentacles, reversed; the three of swords, and the nine of wands. I hate to see the eight of pentacles reversed in answer to this question, because it means that someone whose job and skills are specifically to find Morgan have not done so, and have been a bit derelict or inexpert. It is followed by the three of swords, which screams infighting and political problems within a community or organization. So we have disagreements among professionals about finding missing teens, such as Morgan Martin. It's followed by the nine of wands, which describes waiting. There is also an air of preparing, on someone's part, for a different approach.

The three cards I drew for the present are the five of pentacles, reversed, the Magician, and the World. The looks much more hopeful; the five of pentacles reversed tell us that someone will be able to look at this case with "new eyes" and actually find some useful clues. The magician is someone who is an expert in the field. When he shows up in a reading, that means that skilled help is available, and that is what is needed here. The world is a "success" card....also a "completion" card. When this card appears, we often see movement is a matter that has been dragging, so it is a good card to see for Morgan's case.

For the future, I drew the Page of Wands, reversed, the Page of Swords, reversed, and the four of swords, reversed. This is a message I do not like. The Page of Wands reversed is bad news, plain and simple. It may represent the one piece of information about this case that no one wants to hear, but a possibility that everyone, by this time, understands. The card is followed by the Page of Wands, also reversed. This is a person, and as the card is reversed, this person is lying, and probably has been lying all along. He knows where to find Morgan, and instead of just telling the truth, has lied and gotten away with it, so far. The last card is the four of swords, reversed, which tells us that there will be some sudden action on the part of the upside down Page of Swords, where before, there had been inaction. Something will make him nervous enough to try to run, or move away. Swords also have a lot to do with spoken words, and as we have seen the Magician appear in this reading, I think spoken words, in the form of testimony, will help solve this case. Either the Magician is already hot on Page's trail, or he puts together a case based on tips, or testimony from someone with information....that is how I see Morgan's case getting resolved. Don't give up.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Virginia Welch

Virginia Welch, of Roanoke, has not been seen since July of 1982, when she was last seen alive by her roommate. In 1982, there were no cell phones or email, and all other traceable clues of her to day life stopped at that point, in 1982. We will see if the Tarot can shed any light on her situation.

We have a basis of the Queen of Swords, crossed by the Knight of Cups. These are two people, a man and a woman. The woman was an adult in 1982, and because she falls upright, I will assume she means Virginia no harm. If this queen is not the roommate, she may have actually seen Virginia after her roommate saw her; if not, her testimony is more relevant. The Knight of Cups is a young man who distracted Virginia and the Queen of Swords with a plan or a new idea......a plan that had not been properly researched.....and that was the end of the conversation. For some preceding background, we find the Page of Wands, reversed, which I think is not a person in this reading, but the whole situation......this page in reversal represents bad news, unplanned catastrophe, and indecision. There was a problem with Virginia acting against her own better judgment in connection to the Knight of Cups.

Behind this, we find Justice. Justice is upside something important happened that actually had a well balanced start. But then, Justice is immediately followed by the reversed Page of Cups. This is connected to the knight, and indicates deception. So far, it is starting to look as if Virginia may have stumbled into a situation involving crime, or police matters, and someone hiding information determined that Virginia was a threat. Something else to note is that the number of the Justice card is eleven. Perhaps that related to location, or the name or part of an address or description of a location. The next card is the three of pentacles. This is a completely different direction than the one we have followed via the other cards: matters connected to Virginia stop, and the Knight of Cups moves on. His job is described here in this card....he was either in construction or a job connected to driving from one site to another. As a location for Virginia, this would indicate near someone's workplace, or near her own workplace. Pentacles are "earth" cards, but before we determine that she has been buried, lets see what the other cards tell us.

The first card on the staff is the Hierophant. Virginia did not always want to conform to mainstream
ideals, and this was part of the reason she disappeared. I am almost seeing an effort to "go against the grain" at times. In the place of environment, the Star comes up. This is a card of hope and enlightenment, but as it relates to location, it is interesting to note that Roanoke is called the "Star City of the South". Could she still be in Roanoke? Rivers and water are also suggested on this card, and possibly boats and places where two bodies of water meet. The three of cups appears to tell us that there was a difference of opinion that made the friendship between Virginia and the Knight of Cups a bad "political" choice, meaning that she could not stay associated with her and still keep all of his other friends. It also points to an "air'related" death, possibly strangulation or suffocation. The reading ends with the six of cups, looking back on past relationships and childhood, but not making new memories. This is sad, and I wish this reading gave us something happier. Pictured to the left is the Roanoke Star, on Mill Mountain in Roanoke, Virginia.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Happened To Melanie Melanson?

Fourteen year old Melanie Melanson disappeared in Massachusetts in 1989, and her case was featured on Dateline. It was several nights before Halloween; someone must know something about her fate. Let's see what the cards tell us.

We start with the three of swords crossed by the Empress. The is unusual; this combination is seen in divorces involving custody disputes much more often than it is seen in missing persons readings. But okay, we have it, so perhaps it establishes a motive. The Empress is here, presenting as a woman in the role of mother, and somehow, some in-fighting, perhaps over Melanie, is part of the situation. Beneath this, we see the Queen of Wands, reversed. As we find this queen reversed, we can be sure that she means Melanie no good. Jealousy is the usual motive for a woman described this way. She would have a quick temper and an impulsive nature, and perhaps, red or blondish hair. This is followed by Temperance. After the personal violence of the three of swords and the impulse of the jealous queen, we have Temperance, which does not seem to follow the story line here, but perhaps it does. Temperance tells of not only warm and fuzzy combinations, but effective combinations, and here, it is telling us that the killer had help consisting of accomplices, who apparently knew how to get away with murder. Evidence was hidden at first, then tampered with. 

The three of cups follows this; and it is a "water" card. Because it's place describes things that happen later, not right away, this water came into the situation later, not immediately. Evidence was destroyed or dispensed with bit by bit, and water was used as a dumping ground. Possibly near a dam or a water purification plant; hence the reference to temperance. Another distinct possibility of the three of cups has to do with alliances: three people who think they have dispensed with this matter and have agreed upon solidarity and to "alibi" each other. 

The next card is the nine of wands. This refers to an air of being "on edge" by someone involved, and could also give us a clue to location. Nine and three seem to be numbers of interest, and names that have to do with "tempering", such as "mixer" or "smelter" may be possible locations, too. Those involved waited until the heat was off and the search efforts had waned, and moved Melanie somewhere else. 

The eight of cups is the first card on the staff, and it describes perspective, from the perpetrators viewpoint. This is overlooking hills, with steams behind and possibly a larger, more still body of water ahead. The next card is the ace of pentacles, reversed. It falls in the place of environment, and this card usually means a missed career opportunity. I think it tells us of missed opportunities by law enforcement, in this case. As a location, it depicts a well manicured park or garden when it's upside right, perhaps with cultivated flowers, but as it falls reversed, it would describe an area that is no longer kept up. In the place of hopes, we have the king of cups, appearing as a man who is still trying to find Melanie. And as a final outcome, we get the ten of cups, which tells us that Melanie actually will be found one day, while she still has family members looking for her. I wish I could deliver better news about Melanie, herself, and I hope that she is found soon.