Showing posts with label Aliayah Lunsford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aliayah Lunsford. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

More On Aliayah Lunsford

Aliayah Lunsford disappeared five years ago, in Weston, West Virginia. I recently got a request for another reading about her whereabouts, and since she was only three years old at the time she went missing, I have included a computer generated age progression of her picture.

So where could this baby have ended up? We have the King of Wands to begin our answer, crossed by the ace of swords. As this king falls upside right, I will assume that he means Aliayah no harm, and is trying to find her. The ace of swords, when it falls in this position, tells of very strong efforts, and perhaps very strong opinions to go along with the efforts. This suggests that the strong approach may have frightened a witness who is trying not to be fearful about coming forward.

Strength, reversed, appears at the base of this matter, and I do not like to see this card reversed in a reading for any missing child. It tells a story of abuse and bullying. The cards are telling us that this is a large part of the reason for this whole situation. Following this, we have the King of Swords. He is also upside right; and court cards from the suit of swords are often law enforcement. Both kings are professional adult males involved in Aliayah's missing persons case. It is good to see that police are still interested in finding out what happened to Aliayah. Something that is very troubling is the six of swords, reversed. This does not bode well for Aliayah; it speaks of an unfavorable end to the matter, and it tells us that Aliayah has been in the same place for a very long time. Water symbolism should be noted here, only without movement; as if trapped or stuck, somehow. Back to the efforts of those involved in the search: the two of cups (also a watery card) appears as a new possibility. This is good; it augers cooperation from potential witnesses.

In the place of fears, we find the Knight of Wands, reversed. This is a young man, younger than the two kings, and as he falls reversed, his involvement in Aliayah's case is more suspect. Two things that came into her life through him are violence and family discord. Next, in the place of environment, we have the ace of cups, reversed. Once again, we have water symbolism, but this time, we see instability and an overturning of the situation. Also noted is the fact this is the second ace, or card with a value of "1". This could mean that Aliayah was never more than a mile away from her home, or it could be a hint to a possible street name or address. The combination of "one" and "water" stand out. Next, we have Death, reversed. The message on this card, when it falls reversed, is similar to the six of swords, reversed. Nothing has changed in a long time. Something that is very sad is that the reversed Death also describes the hopes of the reversed Knight of Wands. He is hoping that Aliayah is not ever found. The last card we have in this reading is the five of pentacles. This is sadness and loneliness. Sometimes, it speaks of a church, sometimes it speaks of return of the missing; but it usually speaks of sadness when it falls upside right. My sense of this is that the five of pentacles refers to time, here. Five of something.......

I wish there was an easier way to write all of this. I hope Aliayah is found soon.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Revisit Of Aliayah Lunsford

Aliayah Lunsford disappeared almost a year and a half ago, in West Virginia. Why hasn't she been found? I will go ahead and do an update for the earlier readings I have done in this case.

For the past, I drew the Page of Swords, the four of cups, and the Queen of Cups, reversed. This page represents spying, and messages given with ulterior motives. The four of cups would point west, and indicate outdoor locations with trees, streams, AND standing water, such as lakes or ponds. The Queen of Cups, when reversed, is a woman who is not trustworthy. The Page of Swords is a person younger than the Queen who knows her secrets, yet has not come forward.

For the present, I drew Death, The World, reversed, and Judgement, reversed. Death usually does not foretell death per se, but major changes. This is one of those rare instances when I feel that the message is straightforward. When the World appears reversed, it is usually telling of failure and inability to move, and I think this card is telling us that this child has not moved or changed location on the "physical plane" in a long time. Judgement reversed tells us that someone out there would rather take the secret of what happened to Aliayah to the grave, rather thann come clean.

For the future, I drew the Moon, The Tower, and tpf pentacles, reversed. The Moon is deception and paranoia. At some point, information about Aliayah's disappearance could become ammunition of sorts against someone, or blackmail fodder. In the reversals described by the Tower, however; such fodder may become obsolete or ineffective......the reversed ace of pentacles shows that someone who formerly had something to lose by revealing the Queen of Cups's secret may find him or herself in a different position, without as much to lose, or without anything to lose by telling the truth. Also with the Tower comes different power hierachies. A new prosecuting attorney or a new sheriff may make a difference in the future.

My original reading for Aliayah Lunsford is here.