Friday, June 15, 2012

The McStay Family

February 4, 2010 was the last time Joseph McStay answered his cell phone, and no one has heard from him, his wife, Summer, or either of their two little boys since. When a family member went to their home in Bonsall, California, to check on them, he found no one home, with the exceptions of hungry pets. Someone asked me to do a reading about the McStay family, and here it is.

We start with the two of wands. This card speaks to opportunities and partnerships, usually within a business context. In this case, it would be a new idea, that had not yet gotton off the ground. It is crossed by the Moon. The Moon can sometimes mean dreams, or psychic ability, and it can also mean deception. Because of the nature of the question, and of the subject of the reading, I am going to go with the latter. So we have a great new business idea that will provide new opportunity with deception hanging in the air. As a base, we have the ace of pentacles, reversed. Upright, this is a great card to appear beside new business ventures, but reversed, it can indicate greed and corruption; and perhaps, finances falling through. In the McStay's disappearance, it may be telling us of both. Following this, the King of Cups appears, reversed. There are almost always lies associated with this king when he comes into a reading reversed, so we can assume that this is a corrupt and dishonest male in his early forties or older. As a possible connection to this situation, the Queen of Swords comes up, also reversed. She is a mean woman, also with a dishonest character. Not kindly disposed to the situation. It does not look as though there will be any changes or new information in the near future, as the six of swords comes up reversed in the place of things that will happen. Upside right, this is a card of travel, but reversed, it indicates that the McStays are somehow "stuck" wherever they are.

The six of wands appears in the place of fears, and as this is the card of heraldry and formal messages, along with victory, it gives an idea that someone connected to this is afraid of sending any messages home or to the general public. In the place of environment, we have the Knight of Wands, reversed. He is usually a jealous, rather violent, threatening male, between the ages of twenty-five and forty. He is somewhere in the general vicinity of the McStays, and knows where they are. Wands also point south, as they symbolize fire, which is south. So I would look for the McStays somewhere south of where they disappeared. The number of a knight is twelve, so it is possible that they are "twelve" to the south, or "six" over the border......lets not forget the reversed six of swords that came up earlier; perhaps they cannot move themselves "six" to the east, but they would like to! In the place of hopes and fears, we have the seven of wands, reversed, which is anxiety and indecision, so somehow, these two elements are playing a huge role. As a final outcome, the Chariot appears. This is a card of balence; it occasionally fortells travel, but in order for travel to take place, balence on some level must be achieved. There are two horses drawing a chariot on this card, and one is black, the other white. The message is that they both want to go different directions, and the charioteer must get them to work together and move the same direction.

Prior to doing this reading, I had thought the McStays might not be with us any longer, and while I may have been correct, this reading really looks like a very bad business deal with some shady twists and turns, rather than death. Hopefully, they will be found, and their family can know what has happened.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

One More Age Progression Of Kyron Horman

The National Center For Missing And Exploited Children has released another excellent age progressed picture of Kyron Horman. This one pictures him with no glasses. It is always my hope and prayer that I will turn on the news and see the story telling the world that Kyron has been found. He has been missing since June 4 of 2010, when he was seven years old; now he is nine. Until the day Kyron is found, it is important to keep his image where everyone can see it, and hopefully, recognize him.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Christopher Enoch Abeyta

The other day, someone asked me to do a reading about Christopher Enoch Abeyta, who disappeared from his crib in Colorado in July of 1986, when he was seven months old. His family has never given up the search for him, and The National Center For Missing And Exploited Children also has issed age progressed photos of him over the years. While searches for missing children have evloved over the years, there have still been virtually no clues found in this case, and this little boy was never found. Below, there is an age progressed picture of what he may look like, as an adult.
We start with the King of Swords, who is an older man with dark hair and light eyes. He is crossed by the ace of wands. The ace of wands is an opportunity which requires a lot of energy; many times, this card betokens a birth. It crosses the King of Swords, so I think it also eludes him. Below this, we have the Knight of Cups, as an event leading up to the disappearance of this child. Sometimes, this Knight will appear as a dishonest person, but in this case, I think the Knight represents the presence of fraud. Cups are water, and water is emotions, and this particular type of fraud is one that plays upon human emotions. Anytime I see a card in the suit of cups reversed, I also expect to see dishonesty. In the past, we have the Page of Pentacles, reversed. This is someone who is constantly in conflict with others, and also someone who seeks a lifestyle for which he or she is not entitled. There are also unlawful ways of making money somehow involved with the card, and the person represented. Someone else involved, who has not been detected, is the Queen of Wands. As she falls upright, she would be favorably disposed toward Christopher. The next card is the four of wands, which is a celebration of sorts. This card almost always fortells happiness, and sometimes marriage! It is a surprise to see it here!

On the staff, in the place of fears, we have the five of wands, reversed, which is games and deception taken to unimaginable levels. Someone had gained the trust of someone responsible for Christopher, only to betray. In the place of physical environment, we have the heirophant, reversed, which tells us that Christopher ended up somewhere or with someone unconventional and untraditional. A hope on the part of a key player here, is the seven of pentacles, reversed. This is someone who does not want the hard work of Christopher's family to ever pay off, resulting in the finding of Christopher. The final outcome is the Empress, which is the card of the mother. This is somehow in the hands of a "mother" type of person. This is the person who knows where to find Christopher. There is nothing to indicate that Christopher is no longer with us........also no cards of travel or relocation. I think he may still be in Colorado, or a neighboring state.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Skelton Brothers

Not too long ago, I got a request to do a reading for the three Skelton brother, Andrew, Alexander, and Tanner, who were not returned to their mother in Morenci, Michigan, after a visit with their father. Their father is in jail, and he refuses to discuss his sons' whereabouts with anyone. They disappeared over Thanksgiving of 2010. My question to the cards was "what happened to the Skelton Brothers, and where are they?"

The first two cards are the World, crossed by Death. This is rather ominous. They began what was supposed to be an exciting trip, and, in one of the rare incidents of actual death chronicles by the Tarot, apparantly died. I truly hope I have interpreted this incorrectly, but I don't think I have. For some background, we have been given the four of pentacles, reversed, which tells us that material losses, due to mistakes and extravagances on the part of the person experiencing the losses, played a role in this sad situation. The five of swords, reversed, tells us about deceit and a violent revenge of some sort. The best we can expect to find is the Knight of Pentacles, reversed. I think this speaks of an event, rather than a person in this reading, and I think we are being told that the boys will be found, very eventually, near or in a field that is not used anymore.....upright, this card is associated with plowed fields, since it came reversed, I am interpreting it as overgrown and unused fields. The Emporer is the next card, and as this is the "father" card, and the boys were with their father when they disappeared, I think the answers lie with the father.

In the mind of the person who did this, it was a way to express anger and keep a quarrel going. The three of swords tells us this. This was done to punish a former lover, the three boys were only collateral. We have the six of cups, which speaks of children, child friendships, and the past, telling us that these three boys were the most convenient way for the perpetrator to hurt the lover he so wanted to punish. The four of cups, reversed, in the place of hopes or fears, speaks of new relationships, and as it is a hope or fear, but not a reality, I think the perpetrator had a real problem with an ex moving on, to a new relationship. The reading ends with the Empress, or the "mother" card. So we have a picture of a father who wanted a relationship with a mother, and did not get what he wanted, and three boys used as pawns. How very sad.

Note: The six of cups appeared in the place of environment, and it may also have been telling us a little about location. Cups are water, which points us west, and the message may be "six to the west" of the father's home.