Monday, June 4, 2012

Age Progressed Picture Of Kyron Horman

Here is a professionally enhanced picture of how Kyron Horman, who disappeared from his school in Portland, Oregon, exactly two years ago, might look today. He may or may not have glasses, and his hair might be longer.

How And When Will Ayla Reynolds Get Justice?

I promised to do a reading on this question of justice for Ayla Reynolds recently. As for what happened to Ayla, I do not think I can add productively to the other readings I have done. But I do think I can add this question, and hopefully interpret the message of the cards. Keep in mind that sometimes, time is a difficult item to measure in any type of divination. And often, Justice takes time, moving at it's own pace.

I changed the question a bit on this one. I was having problems getting a clear answer with the question about "Justice" appears that there are six individuals who know what happened to Ayla at this point in time, not just three. Rather than chase down the role and consequence each perp should face in a perfect justice system, I reshuffled, asking if this case would ever be resolved. Here is what I got: the two of swords, crossed by the three of cups. This message is clear; the two of swords represents stalemates, and that describes the Ayla Reynolds case quite well. The three of cups is resolution here, and it has been delayed. It is at odds with the two of swords. At the base of this, we have the Page of Swords, reversed. This individual has appeared in other readings I have done for Ayla, so I am not surprised to see him again. He is an accomplice, and he has assisted the person who is responsible for Ayla's disappearance. While he has done nothing but aid the cause of injustice, his achilles heel is lack of commitment. When he gets tired, or when the going gets tough, he will break, and not be a reliable ally for the perp anymore. Moving into the past, we have the King of Cups, reversed. This is a male with adult responsibilities and a bad character. Lies are also associated with this king when he falls reversed. Also look for scandals and double dealing. As a desired outcome, we have the Empress, which is the "mother" card. This simply tells us that the best resolution would be for the mother to get her answers. The three of wands offers some practical help with the person responsible and the accessories. This could be a new volunteer effort or an experienced search and rescue team who wants to help Ayla's mother.

The Hanged Man tells us what the status of Ayla's case is right now; it is in a state of suspense. Efforts to catch the responsible party have not lead to Ayla, and other sacrifices will have to be made in order to resolve this case. The Tower describes the atmosphere surrounding this case right now; somehow, resolution will involve the overthrow of old methods of solving crime, and someone's position that has somehow been used to cover this crime will be exposed. The seven of cups in the place of desire tells us that the perpetrator has "helped" this investigation scatter it's energies and resources in too many different directions. The reading ends with the five of cups, which tells us of loss and regret, but with something returned. It will not be a happy resolution, though. So sad.

There are four "water" cards, (cups) in this reading, and three more cards that contain water references. (two of swords, three of wands, and the Hanged Man) It seems that Ayla is probably still either in Waterville, or very close to it. While the Hanged Man could be trying to pull Ayla out of a stream as the current pushes her past him, I think the "currents" referenced here are human egos of those close to Ayla's paternal family. It is possible that the Hanged Man is attempting to pull more clues from the currents of conversation and "talk" in order to pull out the truth. I do not claim to know how it will happen, but the Tower fortells the truth coming out in way that brings down an institution, demanding reform.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Michaela "Mickey" Shunick

On May 19, a twenty-two year old woman named Michaela, or "Mickey" Shunick was riding her bicycle home from a friend's house in the very early morning in Lafeyette, La., after celebrating her birthday. That was when she was last seen. I was hoping to hear she was found, but, sadly; only her bicycle was found, in the Atchafalaya River. I will do a reading, and see what the cards have to say.

The question I asked is "What happened to Mickey Shunick?" The cards began with the four of pentacles, reversed, crossed by temperance. This gives me a picture of someone who is suffering from material setbacks, and Temperance is the card that tell us why this person would be suffering from material setbacks: drug or alcohol abuse. So we should look for someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, and may be on probation for same. Beneath this, we see the five of pentacles. This not only discusses what the perpetrator's situation was/is, it gives us a possible location of a church or a place where people who are lonely or desperate gather. It also speaks to a possibility of romance gone wrong, which leads to the next card, telling us of a female influence in this: the High Priestess, reversed. Water is connected to the High Priestess as a location, and as a person in the past, I think she has a lot more to do with whoever made Mickey disappear than with Mickey. So far, this looks like a case of a rejected male, nursing his bruised and not-too-sober ego by taking out his sexual/romantic/relationship frustrations on an innocent victim. He is represented by the Knight of Pentacles, reversed. This is a careless type of guy, in his mid twenties or early thirties, (in this person's case, he could be as old as mid forties, yet still as emotionally immature as a younger man) who does not get along well with people and therefore has never made anything of himself. He is followed by the King of Swords, and as this King falls upright, I think it is safe to assume that he is part of law enforcement, and already has some good leads on finding Mickey. He is also looking across at the reversed High Priestess, so he may have reason to believe the water may hold the best clues.

In the place of secrets, we have the eight of wands, reversed. This is jealousy. A domestic dispute that did not have anything to do with Mickey had something to do with her disappearance. In the place of environment, Death, reversed, comes up. Mickey has, sadly, been in the same place ever since May 19. Since Death is reversed, I think there will be some delays in finding Mickey. As a location, this card would point north, and indicate open fields, and, since the horse is white, perhaps the vehicle involved in this was white. That is only a guess on my part, though. The King of Pentacles, reversed, appears as yet another male, either older or more accomplished than the first one, (both males here may have dark complexions and dark hair) who has a reason to believe that the Knight of Pentacles may have been involved in this. He has not come forward and spoken to law enforcement yet, but the perpetrator is worried that he might. A stalemate, the two of swords, has this case locked up and at a standstill right now. The element relating to swords is air, and as air rules oral and written words, testimony, and information, the message of this reading is that we need testimony from the King of Pentacles in order to completely solve this case.  The King of Swords is very good at his job, however; and I think he is on the right track in his water searches to find Mickey Shunick.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sierra Lamar And The Arrest On May 22

Now there has been an arrest in the case of missing Sierra Lamar. The sheriff in Santa Clara county, California thinks that this person is definately connected to Sierra's disappearance, and has had him under surveillance for at least several weeks. She was hoping that his comings and goings would lead to Sierra's whereabouts, or at least yield clues, but we still have not found Sierra. There have been some requests for another reading about this, and I have asked the cards if this arrest has brought us any closer to solving this crime.

This reading starts with the four of cups crossed by the Moon. The four of cups gives us an air of ingratitude somewhere in this picture, and while the Moon can often mean psychism and vision, it can also mean deceit. In this reading, it appears to mean the latter. The truth simply isn't good enough for someone, or will not work out the way he/she would wish, so deception is employed, instead. We have this based by the Knight of Swords. This is a quick, sudden event that may have included violence and definately included geographic movement. The five of pentacles, reversed, fades into the background, taking with it an opportunity to get at the truth. Something that may still happen is the eight of cups, reversed. Upright, this card woud tell us about someone who had gotton his wish, but then changed his mind, Reversed, it means getting one's wish, but at the expense of wisdom and spirituality. It seems to be telling us of someone who may get what he/she wants, but is not yet mature enough for it. Something that will happen is the four of wands, reversed. Perhaps this arrest will help solve the case, but glory and happiness of the four of wands upright, (it is a card of celebrations) will be tarnished, as it falls reversed.

The Page of Cups falls in the place of fears. This can mean news involving a young person or a child, which, of course, everyone wants here. As it falls in the place of fears and negative emotions, I think the truth about what happened to Sierra will still be hard to elicit. The next card is very important in this reading: in the place of environment, as in what is going on NOW, we have the ten of wands, reversed. This tells of duplicity and treachery. It also does not bode well for legal matters. Upright this card speaks of working toward a goal and barely making it, or somehow abusing power and resources, but reversed, it is lies and separation. It is quite possible that in the wake of this arrest, more evidence is being corrupted or destroyed. The nine of pentacles appears in the place of hopes, which is independence and financial well being. Somehow, that is on the mind of the perpetrator. The reading concludes with the World, reversed. This is not a good card for the outcome, as it speaks to a slow resolution in this case, rather than a quick one.

It does not appear that we will get the answers we need from the defendant in the arrest, but I could not help but notice the presence of two fours in this reading. In Taoism, four is the number of family, and wood is it's element. I still think that Sierra did not travel too far away from her family's home, and I also think it is time to start questioning everyone who knows Antonlin Garcia Torres, the defendant who is now charged. Water is still an element somehow, because the Moon appeared, and part of the deception is making it appear that Sierra is "nowhere in the world". Ten of wands: that card points south, but here, it falls reversed. It could be telling us that Sierra backtracked, or that she really didn't go anywhere at all. I wish I had more positive things to say about this. And I hope she is found today.