Showing posts with label investigation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label investigation. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Has Kyron Horman's Trail Gone Completely Cold?

Kyron Horman. Still missing after three years. The only question I can think of that hasn't been put to divination yet is this: has the trail completely gone cold?
For the past, I pulled these three cards: Temperance, the Emperor, reversed, and the ace of cups. Temperance, as it is a card of good combinations and management, illustrates that earlier in the investigation, tips and leads were managed better than they are now, as was the flow of information between agencies involved in the search. The next card, the Emperor reversed, points to emotional immaturity and dependence on parents. It could also mean the loss of an inheritance. Somehow, a material loss which was also considered family property played a role early in the investigation. Yet, the ace of cups appears, telling us that all was not lost, and despite the lack of familial harmony, there was still hope.
For the present, I drew the three of cups, reversed, the five of cups, and the six of swords. This is an interesting and somewhat familiar message. The message of the three of cups when it falls reversed is often one of excesses and indulgence, and this seems to be the most fitting meaning of the card in this situation. Possibly too much alcohol consumption on the part of an adult connected to Kyron's situation. Next, we have the five of cups, reminding us of regret, and reinforcing the theme of loss, as first seen in the Emperor reversed. The overindulgence and material loss are connected. The six of swords follows this, and it is a card of travel. Either Kyron, or a witness who can tell us more, has moved away from the scene of the crime. This is rather disturbing, as it comes as an answer to the question about how Kyron's trail went cold.
For the future, I drew the five of swords, the seven of cups, and the Fool. How very interesting. The five of swords is anger, rage, and simple revenge. I do not like to see this in answer to why Kyron's case went cold, either. The seven of cups tells us that there have been many clues, but nothing that has solidly materialized; and energies and resources have been too widely scattered without enough direction. The Fool represents a new and vital choice that will be made in this case, and it will bring a whole new angle to finding Kyron. I believe that someone will be forced, with new motivations, to make a wiser and more productive choice about offering evidence and information. It looks as if it will be the result of a new investigator, or a new prosecutor, who finds a way to motivate people who are already involved in the case. I hope this happens soon. Kyron has been missing for over three years now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Petition To State Farm Insurance On Behalf Of Ayla Reynolds

As many have already heard, Justin Dipietro, the father of Ayla Reynolds, bought an insurance policy against Ayla from a friend who works for State Farm Insurance. Within Two weeks of that day, Ayla disappeared. She has not been seen since Decenber 16, 2011. A very good petition has been put together, to request that State Farm do a very thorough investigation before they pay Justin Dipietro anything at all for his missing daughter. Hopefully, everyone who reads this will look at the petition and sign it. Here is the link: