Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Jessica Chambers

I got a request, over the holiday, for an "investigative reading" about the murder of Jessica Chambers, of Mississippi. She was found deceased earlier in December, and fire was used, either as a weapon, or to destroy evidence.

The reading starts with the Queen of Wands, reversed, crossed by the seven of cups. This queen, when reversed, is a jealous, angry woman who acts on impulse, rather than thought. Curously, the suit of wands also represents fire, so we are already being told of the element of fire, and of a feminine influence. The seven of cups represents dreams or delusions......things that the queen wanted, but which were either out of her reach or simply impossible. Beneath this, we find the five of cups, which tells of regrets and bitterness, accompanied by a loss. But that which was out of the queen's reach and the loss represented by the five of cups are emotional matters, and hardly seem like a motive for murder! 

Someone who contributed, in some way, to all this is the King of Cups; but as he falls upside right, I will assume that he is part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. He is a man who is trying to solve this crime, yet is challenged by the lengths to which the perpetrators have gone. He has empathy, almost to a fault. Sometimes it is easier to focus on a murder without so much empathy! This is backed up by the appearance of the Moon, as a possibility. This tells us that working with intuition and theories will help solve the crime; good, old fashioned police work. Sometimes, this card warns of exaggerations and lies, however; so it is important that the general public be patient with investigators while they sort through evidence. The two of wands appears to describe events in the near future, and this card speaks of scientific methods, and productive exchanges of ideas. Via this exchange of ideas, there is also a partnership of sorts: more than one person or agency will solve the crime. Also, a double meaning implied here is that more than one person must be looked at and questioned......we have multiple suspects. 

In the place of fears, we find the Hanged Man. This is a card of sacrifice, especially in the quest of knowledge. Whoever killed Jessica is very afraid of this kind of sacrifice. As a twist, Strength appears reversed in the place of environment; somehow, abuse of authority has played a role here. As of now, the guilty party is not as gratified with the murder as expected, and is mulling over new strategies for quieting down all of the attention that has been generated by it. As a final outcome for this reading, we have the Hierophant, a card of conformity, telling us that conformity is the method the killer is using to avoid detection and deflect suspicion right now. Something I find odd about this reading is the presence of an angry female influence here; I was not expecting that. While I am sure that there will be at least two suspects questioned, one may turn on the other, in return for immunity or a reduced sentence, it seems that jealousy and imagined slights were somehow the motivation for Jessica's murder. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Brian Patrick Miller

Brian Patrick Miller is a young man who has been missing since June 2 of this year from Houston, Texas. His truck was found on June 6, but no sign of Brian. Along with the information in the poster above, perhaps the cards can give us some hints.

The basis of the reading is the Queen of Wands, reversed, crossed by the eight of swords. I have not heard about a woman involved in Brian's disappearance, but this queen would be a woman in her late twenties or early thirties with a jealous, manipulative nature and a temper. She may have reddish or blond hair, or dyed or highlighted hair, but the manipulative nature is unmistakable. Somehow, her influence is a large factor in this matter. I never like to see the eight of swords in a reading for a missing person, because it is a card of being trapped, in many cases, physically. As a location, it describes water, usually a pool, pond, or lake.

Beneath this, we have the High Priestess, reversed, lending us another reference to female influence. Upright, this card simply tells us that we have not seen everything there is to see yet, but reversed, there is an element of dishonestly, particularly lying by omission. Another past influence we see is the Sun, which tells us that, prior to his disappearance, Brian perceived no serious threat to his well being. As a physical location, this card points to walled, outdoor gardens. Many decks show a child riding a horse bareback, leaving a walled garden behind. 

Another female influence appears in the reading; the Queen of Pentacles. She is practical and intelligent, and as she falls upright, (unlike the Queen of Wands) we can safely assume that she has Brian's best interests at heart. I would look for her to be a brunette. The next card, describing the very near future, is the Ace of Wands. One of the meanings of this card is the start of a new business or enterprise, and I would be inclined to investigate any new business start-ups that have taken place among Brian's close friends or acquaintances. The numeric value of this card is, of course, one, so it could also mean "one" to the south, as south is the direction of wands. I am inclined to think that a new enterprise, to which Brian possibly made some sort of a contribution, is more relevant, though.

The card describing Brian's fears is the Lovers, which could speak of either being unsure in romantic matters, or troubled about a serious choice he needed to make. Possibly both. In the place of environment, we find the Page of Wands, which is, in this case, a message or a clue given to investigators by another person. Once again, we have a reference to fire and south via the suit of wands, and a page carries a numeric value of eleven. Very often, this card is a message, and as it is upside right, a good tip or clue is likely to come in. In the place of desires, we have the Knight of Pentacles, a dark haired man who is very intent upon finding Brian. He does not always say much, and appears to be in the background, but will not give up on finding Brian. As a final outcome, we have a card that I do not like much, and that is the Magician, reversed. This speaks of an abuse of power, and does not bode well for Brian, and also shows that someone is making an effort to make things appear as they are not. 

I will keep hoping for the best, and I will try to follow this up if Brian is not found soon.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dylan Redwine Update

As promised, here is an update to the last reading I posted on this blog, which was about Dylan Redwine, who disappeared on either November 18 or November 19 while visiting his father in Colorado.

Three cards I drew for the past are the seven of pentacles, the five of pentacles, reversed, and the four of swords, also reversed. Earth and air are reperesented, here; the seven of pentacles has to do with working for something, but on more mundane levels, digging. The five of pentacles reversed speaks to renewed relationships. Perhaps this was the sincere part of the whole plan between Dylan and his father. But then we run into the four of swords, reversed. This card, when upright, speaks of matters that are at rest, or dormant. Reversed, it tells us that something that was dormant has been awakened.

For the present, I drew the ten of wands, reversed, the eight of wands, and the nine of cups. We have moved from earth and air to fire and water. When reversed, the ten of wands warns of lost lawsuits, separation, lies, and duplicity. So we have those things as possible motivation for Dylan's disappearance. The eight of wands speaks of impulse and infatuation, providing even more in the way of motive. And then we have the nine of cups. Somewhere, near or at a favored camping or picnicing spot of family member, either Dylan or critical clues can be found. Yes, water somehow played a role.

In the future, we have the Empress, or the mother, awaiting Dylan's return. We also have the seven of wands, reversed, telling us that Dylan is not in a safe place; this card also cautions her against any indecision or hesitance to take action in order to find him. The last card is the five of swords, reversed. This was done as a personal, angry, vengeful statement, but the person who did it will not get away with it. I am sensing a lot of urgency, on Dylan's part, to solve this quickly. I hope that means that he can be found safe, but at this point, I am worried.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lisa Irwin

Initially, I wasn't going to do a reading about Lisa Irwin. I was honestly hoping that she would be found before I would even have a chance to publish a reading, and returned to her family, to live a long and happy life. Yet it eight days have passed, and this has not happened. Someone challenged me to do a reading for her, so I will attempt it. I will have to say, I do not like the way this reading looks....

This is a past/present/future reading. The first three cards I drew represent the past. It starts with the ten of swords. This tells me that a situation that seemed almost impossible has reached it's end. In this case, stealth was involved more than violence, still; the message is disturbing. It does not bode well for little Lisa. The next card is the five of pentacles, telling of resources or help that were available but not seen or utilized. There was a certain amount of exasperation and desperation on someone's part. (I don't know who the "someone" is at this point....I want to be VERY clear about that) I also see a lack of guidance, followed by misguidance. The next card is the knight of pentacles. He is a young man in his early twenties, quiet, unassuming, and purposeful. His goal here was to help with the situation described by the ten of swords. This is a person who knows more about Lisa's CURRENT whereabouts than anyone else.

The three cards I drew for the present are these: the page of pentacles; this is news of an opportunity that involved finances. It is followed by the eight of swords, reversed. The opportunity was followed by some sort of release from a constricting situation. And this card was followed by the queen of cups, reversed. She is a woman with artistic tendencies, yet also unwilling to make sacrifices. As I do not know her role in Lisa's life, I will reiterate that I am not pointing any fingers at anyone.

For the future, I have Strength, reversed, as the first card. The family and community surrounding Lisa's life has become upset, understandably, and emotionally embroiled in this. There is also a warning attached to this that people searching and sifting through clues have become emotionally exhausted, as well as physically tired, and this is affecting everyone's objectivity, even law enforcement's. The next card is the four of swords, telling me that Lisa will be found one day.Upside right, this card is a card of rest, or of things in "stasis"; but upside down, it tells of renewed activity and motion. The cards are not telling me WHEN Lisa will be found, though. The last card is the King of Wands. This is man with an honest interest in simply finding Lisa, and as fire represents the suit of wands, he brings light and new knowledge to the case and to those who are searching. He is not part of Lisa's family, and is somehow very instumental in finding Lisa.

One more thought: in Taoism, four is a number that represents family. Yet this four of swords is reversed........also; swords are associated with air, the element of communication. I think the break in the case comes from communicating with Lisa's family.