Showing posts with label cold case. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold case. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Has Kyron Horman's Trail Gone Completely Cold?

Kyron Horman. Still missing after three years. The only question I can think of that hasn't been put to divination yet is this: has the trail completely gone cold?
For the past, I pulled these three cards: Temperance, the Emperor, reversed, and the ace of cups. Temperance, as it is a card of good combinations and management, illustrates that earlier in the investigation, tips and leads were managed better than they are now, as was the flow of information between agencies involved in the search. The next card, the Emperor reversed, points to emotional immaturity and dependence on parents. It could also mean the loss of an inheritance. Somehow, a material loss which was also considered family property played a role early in the investigation. Yet, the ace of cups appears, telling us that all was not lost, and despite the lack of familial harmony, there was still hope.
For the present, I drew the three of cups, reversed, the five of cups, and the six of swords. This is an interesting and somewhat familiar message. The message of the three of cups when it falls reversed is often one of excesses and indulgence, and this seems to be the most fitting meaning of the card in this situation. Possibly too much alcohol consumption on the part of an adult connected to Kyron's situation. Next, we have the five of cups, reminding us of regret, and reinforcing the theme of loss, as first seen in the Emperor reversed. The overindulgence and material loss are connected. The six of swords follows this, and it is a card of travel. Either Kyron, or a witness who can tell us more, has moved away from the scene of the crime. This is rather disturbing, as it comes as an answer to the question about how Kyron's trail went cold.
For the future, I drew the five of swords, the seven of cups, and the Fool. How very interesting. The five of swords is anger, rage, and simple revenge. I do not like to see this in answer to why Kyron's case went cold, either. The seven of cups tells us that there have been many clues, but nothing that has solidly materialized; and energies and resources have been too widely scattered without enough direction. The Fool represents a new and vital choice that will be made in this case, and it will bring a whole new angle to finding Kyron. I believe that someone will be forced, with new motivations, to make a wiser and more productive choice about offering evidence and information. It looks as if it will be the result of a new investigator, or a new prosecutor, who finds a way to motivate people who are already involved in the case. I hope this happens soon. Kyron has been missing for over three years now.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Delaware Murder Mystery

In a 1993 story from Delaware, a murder victim, with no identification, was discovered along I 95 in Delaware is still unidentified twenty years later. He was Asian or Native American, 5' 10", around 140 lbs., and his slacks were a size 28 waist. He had long black hair.......shoulder length, and perfect teeth, but was an heavy smoker. The tip of his ring finger on his right hand had been surgically amputated, and the nail of his pinky finger on his left hand was slightly longer than the rest of his nails. Above is an artist's sculpture of how he may have looked. I will ask the Tarot what happened to him.

We start with the six of pentacles, reversed, crossed by the Knight of Pentacles. It would appear that our Knight had a unpaid debt of some sort. The pictures above are almost perfect Knight of Pentacles pictures......dark hair, brown eyes. This person would also have been the type to move slowly toward a goal, rather than quickly. As a cause, or foundation to the matter at hand, we have the Wheel of Fortune, reversed. This could either be a turn of bad luck, out of the Knight's control, or on a more mundane and literal level, a gambling issue. Perhaps both. Behind him was a woman, the Queen of Pentacles reversed, who could not be trusted. Somehow, she played a role in his murder. Her physical description would be similar to his in that she has(d) dark hair and dark eyes. She was not very kindly disposed toward him, and it was his mistake to trust her. The Fool describes what should have happened here, but didn't. There was a choice our Knight could have made that would have saved his life somehow, either by getting him out of harms way, or by removing his killers. But he allowed matters to continue. The High Priestess follows this card, telling us that there is still at least one person out there who knows what happened, but is not talking. The High Priestess also reiterates the feminine influence.

The four of pentacles, a card of hoarding, comes up in the place of fears and worries. This is what the Knight was doing before he got killed......holding onto something material that someone felt he owed him or her. In the place of environment, we have Temperance, reversed. This points to a toxic mixture of personal and business affairs which were not compatible. In the place of his hopes, we have the six of cups, which speaks of childhood memories. Note that this is the second six to appear in the reading; a possible correlation between monetary unpaid loans and investments, and children and childhood memories. Perhaps the two were connected in his life. The last card is the ten of pentacles, which is a loss of family honor or inheritance. I think this Knight's family, should we ever find out who they are, knows exactly what happened.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Lyon Sisters

Katherine and Sheila Lyons, ten and twelve years old, disappeared in 1975, in Maryland, at Wheaton Plaza. There was massive media coverage, and everywhere that could possibly be searched was searched; every lead was investigated....yet no trace of the girls was ever found.

So....what happened to them and where are they? The reading starts with the two of pentacles crossed by the six of pentacles. This almost screams material resources. The two is about maintaining balence amid change, and sometimes about communication, and the six is about reaping what is sown or collecting and paying what is owed. It is hard to imagine chilren as young as Katherine and Sheila Lyon experiencing circumstances containing these elements! Beneath this, we have the eight of swords, reversed, which in this position, tells us that restrictions that had been in place were eased immediately before the girls disappeared and contributed to the situation in one way or another. It's possible that this represents the parents allowing the girls to shop by themselves at Wheaton Plaza. Behind this, we also have the ace of wands, which is the opportunity that was created for the perpetrator. He (and it WAS a "he") had no difficulty getting the girls to listen to him and leave the plaza with him. The next card we find is the six of swords, which is a card of travel, and I think the message therein is clear. The girls were taken somewhere else. This was done with relative ease, and the next card we have describes the person who did it; the King of Pentacles, reversed. He is a man who is dishonest about money, associated with white collar crime and, oftentimes, other crime, and is often a gambler.
The ten of swords comes up reversed in the place of fears, which represents the sad fear both girls had of never seeing their family again. In the place of environment, we have the nine of swords, telling of worry, imprisonment, and possibly, death. This is followed by the four of swords, reversed, which, when falling in this position, is a card of hoping for an opportunity to act or run, but which, sadly, never materialized. The last card here is the two of swords, which is the stalemate that this case has become. I find it interesting that six cards from the suit of swords came up in this reading, and that two cards with a value of two, and two cards with a value of six came up. Swords represents violence, and east......for instance, the nine of swords in the place of environment could simply mean "nine to the east". It could also mean an awareness of death or danger, or it could mean both. The pentacles that appeared in the reading point not only to monetary matters as a possible motive, but possibly to political matters.....I do not think the perpetrator was linked by familial connection here, but possibly by business dealings with one or both of the girls' parents. The two of swords is often a truce of sorts, sometimes between family members. It's appearance has me wondering if contact, unreported to the media, was made by the perpetrator in the way of a threat to the girls; and if that might be the reason they were never found. The only card that is not a sword or a pentacle is the ace of wands, which was the opportunity. It seems to me that not all of the statements of witnesses were properly investigated, and that not all of those who knew both girls were investigated, either. Someday, I think the whole secret will unravel because of a statement offered by an accomplice or an accessory after the fact, and I think the person's attorney will urge him or her to do it. This may have already happened, and it may be up to cold case investigators to re-examine statements and evidence and put it all together.