Showing posts with label Rosenthal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosenthal. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dede Spicher Won't Answer Question About Kyron Horman

As a bit of an update to the readings I have done for Kyron Horman, I am going to do a reading about a witness by the name of Dede Spicher, who was recently deposed by Eldon Rosenthal, the attorney who represents Kyron's mother in a civil lawsuit she filed to find answers to her son's missing persons case. The question I have concerning this is, "why did Dede Spicher assert her right to remain silent so much?"

The reading starts off with the five of pentacles, reversed, crossed by the six of swords. This is curious. The five of pentacles reversed speaks of the return of old friends or relatives, and the six of swords means travel, often from one state or country to another. As the six of swords crosses the five of pentacles, we can take it to mean that this "return" has not yet taken place. The appearance of the six does refer to the distinct possiblity, however; and is part of the answer to my question about why Dede Spicher will not testify: she is trying NOT to reveal Kyron's whereabouts! This is based by the Moon, which sometimes means psychic or mystic abilities, but also often means lying and dishonesty. I think we may opt for the latter in this case. Behind this, we have the four of pentacles, telling us that something of value, in this case, information, has indeed been held back. The Queen of cups appears as someone from whom we have not yet heard, and as she falls reversed, we cannot expect the truth from her when it is her turn to speak. The Chariot reversed tells us that Dede considers her refusal to answer questions a bit if a "victory" that she has won by unethical means. There is a sense here that she, personally, has been somehow wronged by the person she is hurting. This is a bit twisted...............This will stall on her, though. I do not believe she will get away with refusing to cooperate indefinately.

The first card on the staff is the Sun, reversed. This can be victory, but not complete, or clouded joy; and it can also mean testimony, but not the complete truth. I think Eldon Rosenthal, who represents Kyron's mother, is very aware that he has not been told the complete truth in all of the depositions he has conducted so far, and understands how he needs to proceed in order to find the truth. This is followed up well by the seven of cups, reversed, in the plae of environment. Upright, this is a card of dreams and delusions, but reversed, it is a card of understanding and competence. We find Death in the place of hopes and fears. While there is an outside chance that the card could be speaking to us at face value, this is unusual in a reading. While I do think that the questions being asked of witnesses, Dede Spicher included, are ever vigilant to determine if Kyron is alive or not, I think that this is a fear of many other things on Dede's part. I also think it represents the solid fact that Dede actually DOES have valuable testimony. Directionally, this card points north. The reading ends with the four of wands, which is a strange card to answer the question I asked! The four of wands is a card of balence, and happy, well balenced relationships. This would tell us that Dede Spicher finally tells us what we need to know, and it tells of home and refuge.