Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lindsey Baum Investigation

I got a recent question from a reader about the Lindsey Baum investigation. Specifically, the reader wanted to know what law enforcement has done to identify a suspect, now that her remains have been found and returned to her family. Since none of my earlier readings on Lindsey's case have asked that particular question, I think it is time to ask the Tarot. I also am curious about the investigation, and how and when Lindsey will get justice.

I have chosen a horoscope spread this time, because it is easier to get more information that way, and put it together. We begin with the eight of swords, representing an unwilling standstill, in the first house, which is the face of the entire matter. This is frustrating, and it tells us that so far, investigators have not put together a solid case or found the evidence they need to proceed and identify the right suspect. The second house, which tells us about that which is materially important to solving this case, shows the five of cups. Here, your faithful blogger heaves a sigh of relief, since it tells us that there are, indeed, some valid clues that can still yield answers upon investigation. These things, whatever they are, have been overlooked. In the third house, of short distance travel and communication, we have the King of Swords, reversed. Court cards of the suit of swords often represent law enforcement, and I hate to see the King come up reversed. So far, it gives the appearance of ineffective communication among police departments, (it will take input from more than one police department to solve this case) and it points, possibly, to a member of law enforcement who does not want to solve the case.......hmmm.  Moving on the fourth house, describing the environment surrounding this investigation, we have the eight of wands, reversed. Upside right, this card tells of sudden happiness and enthusiasm, but when it falls reversed, it has a very different story to tell: jealousy and quarrels.

In the fifth house, of creative ideas and creative productivity, we find the nine of swords. This augers more delays, and it relates to the first card in this reading, the eight of swords. The message is that investigators really do not know which way to turn. The sixth house, of inconveniences, has a rather unusual message in the form of the Hierophant, reversed. When this card appears upright in a reading, it tells of tradition and conformity; its reversed meaning is nonconformity and "thinking outside of the box". What this means is that in order to solve this case,  law enforcement will have to interview someone(s) they do not want to consider a suspect, and will have to look at possibilities they do not want to deem likely scenarios. Going back to the five of cups in the second house, I am going to venture a guess that there are two such possible suspects or witnesses and two sources of evidence that have not been tapped.

The seventh house, of partnerships and partnered efforts, gives us the Knight of Swords. This is law enforcement, and this is straightforward law enforcement, working hard to solve the case. The message of one police department that is either not communicating or on the wrong track is reinforced, here. Nonetheless, this is an investigator who will work until Lindsey gets justice. The two of wands, reversed, shows up in the eighth house of legacies and joint efforts. This represents a deliberate effort to avoid identifying the correct suspect. Clues have not been checked out as quickly as they should have been, and the investigators who want to solve this case will need to be very careful to make sure that evidence is not mishandled. The ninth house, of long journeys, law, and protection, shows the Queen of Pentacles, reversed. I really do not like to see this, because it looks like a woman, or an organization dealing with earth, dirt, DNA, and bones is either deliberately or inadvertently protecting someone who should be questioned. This case has been slowed down by professionals who do not communicate with each other and who do not want to look at evidence.

The tenth house, of career and relationships with superiors, shows the seven of pentacles. Once again, this is delay. It does show us that with the right amount of dedication, it IS possible to get justice, though. The Page of Cups, reversed, appears in the eleventh house, of hopes and desires. This is simply bad news, and perhaps, a false lead or tip. We may even see someone charged with perjury or subornation of testimony before this is over. At the very end, in the twelfth house of endings, we have the Queen of Swords, upside right. This shows that after all the delays, law enforcement and the judicial system finally put the matter to rest and secure justice for Lindsey Baum, despite all the false starts.

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