Friday, November 30, 2018

Jayme Closs

On October 15 of this year, police in Barron, Wisconsin got a 911 call. Nothing was said directly to the dispatcher, but screams could be heard in the background. When police got to the home of Jayme Closs and her parents, her parents had been murdered, but Jayme was nowhere to be found. She remains missing. So what happened to her, and where is she? I will see what the Tarot has to offer through a horoscope spread.

In the first house, we find Death. Usually, Death does not represent an actual, physical death in tarot readings, but in a reading for a missing person, the card sometimes does point us in that direction. A more typical meaning for Death is a major change or transformation. The first house is the situation at hand, and at this moment, the person who murdered Jayme's parents is in control of the situation. The second house gives us the ten of wands. The second house is about money and possessions, and the ten of wands augers oppression and power that has been used unwisely. The unfolding picture is beginning to show us a drama that took place between Jayme's parents and another adult; this very likely had nothing to do with Jayme. We will come back to this, since it speaks to motive.

The third house, of communication, memory, and short journeys, shows the six of cups. This is a card of childhood memories and childhood friends; and it leads right into the next card in the fourth house of home environment and real estate property, the ten of pentacles, reversed. The ten of pentacles, when it falls upright, often foretells of inheritance and money received as a gift or bonus. Reversed, it points to a loss of inheritance, or to a financial risk that did not pan out. As it has turned up in a position that tells us about real estate property and houses, perhaps investigation of those things in relation to Jayme's parents is merited. This strengthens the point made by the ten of wands in the second house and suggests investigation of previous occupants of the home or anyone involved in joint financial endeavors with Jayme's parents.

In the fifth house, of creativity, entertainment, and children, we find the World. Somehow, the perpetrator has managed his goal. The message here is that he is still at large. The sixth house, of inconveniences, health or lack thereof, and mundane, day to day events, gives us the five of pentacles, reversed. We have someone who appears happy and balanced; no one would dream that this is the person who killed Jayme's parents. The seventh house, of partnerships, gives us the Devil. Here we have someone who insisted upon his own way and dominated Jayme's parents. Traditionally, the seventh house symbolizes marriage, but it also often refers to partnerships that are not necessarily marriage, so this could be a business partnership. The message throughout the reading, so far, has been one of a man whose losses made him feel justified in committing horrible crimes. This reiterates it. The eighth house, of joint finances, mysteries, and sometimes, death; turns up the four of wands, which is a card of celebration. Once again, we have a reference to a job completed....the goal was to kill Jayme's parents. We have the six of wands in the ninth house, of long distance travel. This tells us what we already know: the perpetrator and Jayme have successfully disappeared. Investigators should keep looking at surveillance videos; there WAS a vehicle involved, and the Closs's were not chosen randomly. Someone intended harm to them.

We find Temperance, reversed, in the tenth house of career, ambition, and social standing. The tenth house also represents the father, and Temperance is a card of good combinations when it is upside right. Reversed, it tells of the opposite: bad combinations. Since this is also the house of the father, I am inclined to think that work associates or possibly an employer of Jayme's father should be given closer scrutiny, along with any person financially connected to or involved with him. The next card, in the eleventh house, is the ten of swords. The eleventh house is the house of friendships and fun, and the ten of swords is a card of violence and ruin. This is the first indication in this reading, so far, that young Jayme might have met a violent end. I always sincerely hope I am wrong in such assessments. The last card, in the house of secrets, secret enemies, and defeat is the Page of Pentacles, reversed. This is unfavorable news; Jayme is considered a liability because she witnessed a crime. Once again, I hope I am wrong.

The only cards that give hints to location are the six of cups, pointing us west at first; then the six of wands, taking us south. Temperance gives us hints about water, a river or a shallow lake. The biggest message here is about the motive of the killer; revenge for a loss of property and money.

UPDATE: Jayme Closs has been found alive! Sadly, she witnessed a terrible crime and was the victim of kidnapping, but she managed to get away. Now a suspect has been arrested. As of this update, law enforcement has not determined the connection of the suspect to Jayme, or to Jayme's family.

Monday, October 1, 2018

What Effect Will FBI Investigation Have On Brett Kavanaugh?

In light of the new request for the FBI to investigate Brett Kavanaugh, made on Friday during hearings concerning some ghosts from his past that have come back to haunt him, I decided to do a reading to see what the FBI would find, and what effect it would have on his nomination to the Supreme Court. This is a horoscope spread, and it is a bit involved.

The first house, representing the original matter, gives us the ten of swords, reversed. This shows that Kavanaugh has some sort of a temporary advantage, but something about it isn't permanent. He has fought the accusations from his past, and will continue. The second house, which deals with not only the financial aspect of all the hearings and investigations, but of matters that are valued by those directly involved, has the Wheel of Fortune, reversed. It appears that Kavanaugh is reaping as he has sown, and it also shows that this is going to be an expensive battle for him, no matter how it turns out. Some dearly held opinions about Kavanaugh may also have to be revised, in the face of new information!

The third house, which governs letters, communication, and short journeys reveals the seven of wands. This card often comes up to tell us that something important is being closely guarded, or that something is hidden on private property. It is interesting to see it in the third house; it is a strong indication that Kavanaugh has not been forthcoming with all the information the FBI wants, and is still looking for ways to suppress witnesses and hide other information. I suppose that's par for the course, at this point. In the fourth house, of the home environment, we have the three of cups. This shows that Kavanaugh's family will yield answers and cooperate. That aspect of the investigation will go smoothly. The fifth house of creativity, amusement, and sex, on the other hand, will show the FBI something else! We have the eight of wands, reversed, in that house. This card shows disputes and arguments. Information yielded as a result of these disputes can also have a negative effect on Kavanaugh's home life. But yes, the FBI does get some conflicting information about Kavanaugh from different sources.

The sixth house, governing work relationships and health, gives us the nine of pentacles. Kavanaugh has always been a bit of a "yes man" at work, and the FBI will find this if they question his workmates. The nine of pentacles is about enjoying the products of one's work, but alone; not with others. Next, in the seventh house of agreements and cooperation with others, the FBI is likely to find that Kavanaugh has had some voided ambitions and has used his skills in unethical ways, as shown by the eight of pentacles, reversed. From this, I gather that when Kavanaugh works alone, he does not have too many problems, but when he must work with others, he lies and cheats in order to get his own way.

In the eighth house, of debt and joint finances, we see the Page of Swords. Often, pages represent young people, and this may well be a young person, or someone Kavanaugh knew as a young person. The suit of swords represents words, both written and spoken, and often messages. Whether the page is an actual person or not, we can expect new information about something for which Kavanaugh paid, here. This will take investigators by surprise, and its revelation will also take Kavanaugh by surprise.

The ninth house, which governs the "establishment", law, long journeys and protection, shows the nine of cups. The nine of cups is a card indicating lack of nothing, and it seems that Kavanaugh's friends in high places will try to subvert the FBI's investigation. Oddly, the tenth house, of career and career ambitions, gives us the Devil, reversed, which is an almost opposite message! One of the significations of the tenth house is relationship to superiors, and when the Devil falls reversed, it shows someone letting go of something that was once important. Perhaps Kavanaugh would prefer to pull his name out of the running for this position, rather than have new information come out. Next, in the eleventh house of friends, fraternities, and debates, we have the Page of Wands, reversed. This shows unpleasant news or unfavorable testimony, very likely from someone Kavanaugh has known since college.

The twelfth house, of secret enemies, self undoing, and conclusions, yields the ace of swords, reversed. This is too much power. Somehow, this power leads to an obstacle or a false start somewhere along the line. It is interesting that what began with the ten of swords reversed, indicating temporary power, ends with the ace of swords reversed. It seems that the recommendation of the FBI will probably be that Kavanaugh is not fit to be a Supreme Court justice. Perhaps I should do another reading, later in the week, to find out what the Senate will do with that information.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Is Brett Kavanaugh Responsible For threats To Christine Blasey Ford?

Amid all the upheaval about the Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, and allegations of sexual assault against Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, in 1982 when they were both in high school, I decided to see what the cards would tell me. I did a Celtic Cross reading, and the results were very interesting. As I shuffled the cards, the ten of wands fell out, and landed reversed. The ten of wands in reversal forecasts treachery and duplicity, which is rather ominous, considering the question.

The reading begins with the King of Wands, reversed, crossed by the four of cups, also read reversed, here. The reversed King of Wands is an unyielding, argumentative man, and I am going to assume that he represents Brett Kavanaugh. When the four of cups falls reversed, it betokens new and novel approaches to problems. This is beginning to appear as if Mr. Kavanaugh is looking ways other than simply telling the truth in order to manage the situation he is in, with the allegations. Beneath this, we have the six of cups, reversed. Often, this card in reversal tells about someone who clings desperately to outworn ideals and notions, but sometimes, it also tells of a "gift" from the past! And so he has one!

The four of pentacles shows up in the place of matters moving into the past. This is a love of political power, and, once again, clinging to that which is no longer useful. As a flipside to this interpretation, Mr. Kavanaugh's "usefulness" to Donald Trump may be on the decline.

As a hope on the part of Mr. Kavanaugh, we are getting the seven of cups. Mr. Kavanaugh has scattered his resources in too many directions, and the best thing for him to do would be to ground himself and recognize that he cannot change history and no longer controls the narrative, here. In the very near future, we have the five of pentacles, which shows that Mr. Kavanaugh is not only worried, but losing support, even among his own party. Sometimes, this card refers to a sexual conquest that did not work out. Hmmmm. I am inclined to conclude that he is culpable and that Dr. Ford is telling the truth.

In the place of fears, we see the eight of cups, which tells us that Mr. Kavanaugh is afraid that after he has come this far, he will have to abandon his course of action. Next, in the place of environment, we have the nine of swords, which means worry, doubt, delay, misery, and the like. That is what's eating Mr. Kavanaugh, right now. The Tower, reversed, appears in the place of hopes. While Mr. Kavanaugh feels oppressed, he is hoping to impose the same feelings on Dr. Ford. His personal threats to her probably involve legal repercussions, (he's a public figure, so he does not have that recourse) but if she was harmed in any way, he would not mind a bit. The last card is the High Priestess, reversed. This is surface knowledge and conceit. It is also very telling; some of the threats actually are coming from sources closer to Mr. Kavanaugh than suspected. He may not be able to recite the threats, word for word, but he is aware that this is being done on his behalf. This explains the "creative" approach shown by the reversed King of Wands crossed by the reversed four of cups. The treachery described by the reversed ten of wands also screams that his camp bears some responsibility. Luckily, U.S.Marshals are looking into this.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Mollie Tibbets

Mollie Tibbets, age 20, was last seen on July 18, jogging in Brooklyn, Iowa, where she lived. She was reportedly staying at the home of her boyfriend, feeding his dogs while he was out of town. Since then, there has been no trace of her. So where is she and what happened? We will see if the Tarot can shed any light. I did a horoscope spread, here, because while it can often give diffused or non-specific information, it can also give more information.

We have the Magician in the first house, of the case, itself. This tells us that law enforcement has someone who knows how to manage a case such as this already hard at work. It also shows a certain amount of deliberate action behind Mollie's disappearance.....someone made her disappear for a reason. In the second house, not only of money and financial prospects, but also of things that are important to us, we have the Wheel of Fortune. This shows that there was something to be gained, or something to be protected. I believe it illustrates the reason Mollie is missing, but we will continue, and return to this card later. The third house, of short journeys, communication, brothers and sisters, and of memory, gives us Justice, reversed. This almost screams legal complications; it is beginning to look as if Mollie saw something or became aware of something that could have compromised another person or persons.

The fourth house, of environment, shows the Queen of Pentacles. This is a woman who is intelligent, generous, and hard working. This is the first reference to Mollie, herself, so far. Her generosity was problematic, and somehow became part of the picture in her missing persons case. The fifth house yields the two of cups. The fifth house governs love affairs, pleasure, and amusement and the two of cups speaks of romantic and business partnerships. These two elements; fifth house and partnerships, are key, here. The person who can tell us where to find Mollie is someone she knows, and she trusted that person. The sixth house of everyday things and inconveniences gives us the Hierophant, the card of tradition and conformity. So far, the message is that the relationship between Mollie and the person who took her was somehow not suspect, and appeared to have the approval of societal conventions, and Mollie felt safe.

In the seventh house of partners, agreements, and the public, we are shown the ace of wands. The ace of wands is a new idea or undertaking, and the seventh house is all about agreements. Once again, the message is that Mollie agreed, thinking she was safe, even if the ace of wands provided a new experience in unfamiliar territory.....either literal or figurative. Then, in the eighth house, we see the High Priestess, which is about secrecy. The eight house is the house of joint finances and debt arising from joint finances, and sometimes of death. Seeing a card of mystery and secrecy here is a bit disconcerting. This card, and the Hierophant are also the cards that speak the most strongly of location, so far. Churches, and female saints could be clues. Another reference of the High Priestess is water; water that is deep enough to hide something.

We have the ace of cups in the ninth house, of long journeys, beliefs, and law. This is another water card, and I am beginning to wonder if water is part of the entire picture. A water card in a house that symbolizes the law could be telling us that water has been used to hide evidence from the law. A longer journey was considered, but I do not think it happened. The tenth house, of social status and career, shows the three of wands. The three of wands is another "partnership" card, but this card often refers to partnerships involving more than two people, and partnerships that center on commerce or cooperation in everyday efforts. This is a suggestion that more than one person knows where to find Mollie. It tells of accomplices, and possibly, of at least one accessory after the fact. It would also be a good idea to check the workplace or job sites of any of Mollie's friends who had immediate contact with her prior to the disappearance.

We have the Knight of Cups in the eleventh house, of friends and social connection. This is a young man with light brown hair and hazel or blueish eyes. He is a "romantic", and as he is upside right, I will assume that he is friend, not foe. Knights often have important information, and this knight is no exception. He represents a tip that helps to solve this case. The twelfth house, of endings, secrets, and self destruction, gives us the six of pentacles, reversed. This is the "you get what you pay for" card, only it is reversed. In reversal, this card often tells of unpaid debts, bad credit, and sometimes, embezzling and fraud. I hate to see it in this position, because it may mean that someone with bad intentions will try to collect reward money.

The only cards pointing to a possible death are water cards; however, there are several cards that indicate bad intentions: Justice reversed, the three of wands, and the six of pentacles, reversed. Two weeks, going on three weeks, is also a along time for anyone to be missing. The High Priestess in the eighth house concerns me; it shows that an effort has been made to hide Mollie, and to hide the reason she disappeared. I do think she will be found, and I see the person responsible for her disappearance attempting to flee....another inference of the three of wands. He....yes, "he" will try to be casual about it, though. I truly hope she can be found safe, and I will keep her in my thoughts.