Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Seasons Greetings

Solstice Greetings, everyone; and the best of blessings!

Gabrielle Swainson

Fifteen year old Gabrielle Swainson disappeared from her home in South Carolina on August 18 of this year. It happened during the early morning hours, while her mother was at work. Some time ago, someone asked me to do a reading for her, but I have been holding off, hoping that Gabrielle would be found. A man named Freddie Grant has been in custody for several months in connection to Gabrielle's disappearance. This reading starts with the Knight of Pentacles, reversed, crossed by the ten of cups. This seems like a rather clear message already: an adult, but not yet middle aged or old, male who is discontent over the fact that the familial harmony symbolized by the ten of cups has eluded him. Founding this, we have the two of pentacles, which tells us that attempts on this man's part to communicate were either not received well, or not received at all. The Page of Pentacles appears next, and this card also heralds a messenger, but messages conveyed by pentacles are not always spoken or written words; sometimes they are favors or gifts. In any event, these "messages" were not properly understood by their recipient. As a location, all of these pentacles would point north, but ever so slightly, as the Knight is reversed, and we get a value of two on the two of pentacles, and a value of eleven on the Page. It could either be eleven, or possibly one plus one.

AS the best possible outcome, we have the Knight of Pentacles. This card is often law enforcement in readings such as this, and he is already involved to some degree. He falls upright, so I believe that his inquiry concerning the Knight of Pentacles is warrented. The next card is the card that makes my heart sink.....the Tower, reversed. This speaks of overthrowing perceived "obstacles" that somehow stood in the way of the Knight of Pentacles acheiving his goals. Had Gabbiee only vanished a day or two ago, I might wonder if she had just ben held against her will somewhere, but sadly, I think she has been hostage in one place for too long.

In the place of fears, we have the four of wands, reversed. This would be a place with a garden or a trellis.......a manicured place to enjoy the outdoors.....but not too far outdoors, and close to houses. In the place of environment, we have the ten of pentacles, reversed, which speaks to poor risks, monetary losses, and perhaps robbery. The King of Wands appears in the place of hopes; this is a man who is trying to find Gabrielle. He is a bit more stable in lifestyle and career than the Knight of Swords, and a bit more inclined to answer to science, rather than instinct. The last card here is the two of wands, which is a card of endeavors that require more than one person. It can also represent scientific method, which in Gabrielle's case, would be forensic evidence. I am sorry to say that I do not think I see Gabrielle coming home on her own, (I sincerely hope that I am wrong) but I think forensic evidence plays a significant role in solving this case. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Private Message About Comments On This Blog

You know who you are. You are the person who wants to argue about American politics. Please, this blog is a place where I discuss DIVINATION, Tarot especially, about events that are followed by the media. You have contacted me in a couple of places on the internet now, and I answered you appropriately, and what I deem to be the right place. This is one of the very reasons I moderate my comments here.