Monday, December 19, 2011


Wassail.......from the old English, "be thou hail", is the tradition from which we get "caroling" door to door during the Winter Holidays. Prechristian Europeans had two different traditions in connection to Wassail; the first was to share some of the cider with the trees in orchards, to encourage a good harvest in the following seasons, and the second involved everyone in the household stirring the cider as it simmered, while "praying", if you will, to the Gods and Ancestors, meditating on wishes for the upcoming year. Then, of course, it would be time to go "wassail" the neighbors, sharing cider with them.

Here's a recipe for Wassail:
2 quarts of apple cider
2 cups of orange juice
1/2 cup of lemon juice
12 whole cloves
1 pinch ground ginger
1 pinch ground nutmeg
2 cinnamon sticks
*optional; 1 quart white wine
*not optional; wishes and prayers stirred in

Simmer all of the ingredients together in a large pot, while stirring, meditating on your wishes for the upcoming seasons. Drink up, sharing with everyone in sight. This year, my hopes stirred into the Wassail will be for all of the people for whom I have done readings on this blog. Blessed Be.

Wassail, shared with all of you. My heartfelt wishes and prayers are for happy resolution to everyone for whom I have shared readings on this blog. Solstice Greetings.

Request For An Update For Kyron Horman

Someone recently requested a new reading for Kyron Horman, who disappeared from his school in Portland Oregon in June of 2010. It is heartbreaking that he has still not been found. I cannot claim complete accuracy in interpretations of any type of divination, as I learn new things every day concerning this art, but I can tell everyone one thing: every single reading I have done for Kyron since he has been missing has indicated that there is still hope of finding him alive. I know that contradicts what a few others have stated, but my readings all show Kyron experiencing the ups and downs of everyday other words, still with us.

The reading I did deals with the questions of why Kyron is still missing at this late date and how can he come home. This is what I got: The four of cups is crossed by the seven of cups. Four and seven have been signicant numbers in readings for Kyron ever since this happened, and here they are again. Four is also a number representing family in Taoism, and in the same tradition, seven represents learning and sometimes schools. It seems pretty obvious that this takes us back to look at family and school one more time. Also, the four of cups speaks to lack of appreciation for what one has, and the seven tells of delusions and unrealistic ideas. I think that somehow, the truth is just not good enough for someone, and that some ideas that are truly not the case have been purported.

This is based by the Hanged Man, reversed. Upright, this card represents sacrifice for the greater good. Reversed, it means refusal to make sacrifices. Immediately in the past we have the seven of pentacles, which is harvesting your crops, or benefitting from your work efforts. Someone involved in this felt that his or her work efforts should not be shared, and became selfish. The eight of pentacles reversed comes up in the place of things that could happen, but have not. Reversed, this card tells of an apprenticeship cut short, or a career abruptly ended. This applies personally to someone involved. Something that WILL happen is the two of swords, reversed. I have seen that card in prior readings about Kyron, but upright. Upright, it means stalemate, quite clearly. Reversed, it tells of energy finally tipping the balence, one direction or the other. In this case, someone has been relying on the stalemate to keep matters secret, but this will end.

The Knight of Wands reversed comes up in the place of fears and physical limitations. This is jealous, impulsive, male energy, or an actual not-so-nice male presence. The card describing home environment, and sometimes the opinions of others is Temperance, reversed. This is a bad combination. the message here is that jealousy and impulse have lent a hand to a situation that has the wrong elements combined. Also, the knight reversed could represent a fear that this will not end, and that the situation is going nowhere, as knights upright often mean travel or movement. The next card, in the place of hopes, is the King of Wands. He is a family man, often married, and as an upright card, represents someone whose help is hoped for by someone involved in this. The final outcome is the nine of swords, reversed. This card speaks of worry and problems to be overcome, but reversed, the worries are temporary. Kyron still needs to be found.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Comments At Solarspectrum Tarot Are Still Moderated

My comments on this blog are moderated. Anyone who wishes to comment on any post here in Solarspectrum Tarot can do so privately, if desired. Just preface your comment with the word, "private" and I will not publish what you write. Also, if you include an email address where I can send a private answer, I will do so, and I will not publish your email address.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bianca Jones

What happened to Bianca Jones, the little girl who was reported missing this past Friday, when her dad reported that he had been carjacked, and his infant daughter kidnapped in the carjacked vehicle? I did a reading, and I hope and pray that this little girl is found today.

The situation is described by Tarot as the ten of wands crossed by the four of pentacles. The ten of wands usually tells of a string of problems, or hassles, to be more accurate, finally coming to an end. The four of pentacles is the witholding of resources, usually money but sometimes other things, such as information. So we have an end of a series of hassles crossed by a withholding of something dear and important. The background of the situation is the nine of pentacles. Here, I interpret this to be a woman who provided Bianca with a stable home. But in the recent past, we have the King of Wands. This, I interpret to be the dad, as he is the last person known to have had Bianca in his care. Wands and pentacles are different suits, so the message seems pretty clear.......the maternal influence provided more stability, and the more recent paternal influence was more daring, and possibly creative and fun, but not as stable. In the place of likely outcome, I see the truth finally told with a certain amount of relief following lots of worry (the nine of swords, reversed) and in the very near future, the High Priestess appears. I think this means.....and I do hope I am right.....that the information witheld at the beginning of this reading is finally given by the appropriate person.

In the place of fears, I have the Knight of Cups, reversed. This is a young man who does not speak the truth. In the place of environment, I have the Queen of Wands, reversed. This can be a jealous feminine influence, or an actual jealous, lying woman. I will not be surprised to hear of a female accomplice, or a female accomplice after the fact, now that this card has come up. In the place of hopes, we have the ten of swords, which means destruction. It can occasionally point to death, but as it comes up in a place of hopes or fears, I think it represents the speculations and fears of the media and the public. It could also, very easily, represent what the reversed Knight of Cups is afraid we will find. The last card is the two of pentacles, which is communication. Communication continues to be a problem, as it is intercepted and blocked, somehow. This person has a facade, as well as someone covering for him.

Somehow, the High Priestess seems to be the key card in this reading. She represents mysteries and the truth, the unknown truth, coming to light. Water....Churches.....Imagination......Subconcious.......Secrecy.....Dreams......

Update after thinking about this reading: nothing about this reading includes transportation or a vehicle, or even moving physically from one place to another. It is my opinion that this child did not disappear as the result of a carjacking. The ten of wands speaks to the end of problems, and the four of pentacles speaks to payment or resources witheld. This child is somewhere close to her father's home. I hope she is found today.